XFlat Utility

The XFlat Utility enables to parse XML files with argument properties into a list of values list.

How to run the XFlat Utility inside Java

Add XFlat in the list of dependencies in your Maven pom.xml:

	<!-- [...] -->

Use it as follows:

import java.util.List;

import org.sentrysoftware.xflat.exceptions.XFlatException;

public class Main {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws XFlatException {
		 * <?xml version="1.0"?>
					<Disk name="Disk1" size="1000">
							<Volume name="Vol1">
					<Disk name="Disk2" size="2000">
					<Disk name="Disk3" size="2900">
							<Volume name="Vol3.0">
							<Volume name="Vol3.1">
							<Volume name="Vol3.2">
				<OS name="Linux"/>
		final String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><Document><Owner>User</Owner><Disks><Disk name=\"Disk1\" size=\"1000\"><Free>500</Free><Volumes><Volume name=\"Vol1\"><Subscribe>600</Subscribe></Volume></Volumes></Disk><Disk name=\"Disk2\" size=\"2000\"><Free>750</Free></Disk><Disk name=\"Disk3\" size=\"2900\"><Free>1500</Free><Volumes><Volume name=\"Vol3.0\"><Subscribe>3000</Subscribe></Volume><Volume name=\"Vol3.1\"><Subscribe>3100</Subscribe></Volume><Volume name=\"Vol3.2\"><Subscribe>3200</Subscribe></Volume></Volumes></Disk></Disks><OS name=\"Linux\"/></Document>";
		final String rootTag = "Document";
		final String properties = "Disks/Disk>size; Disks/Disk/Free";

		// Parsing the XML file into a list of values list
		final List<List<String>> flatXml = XFlat.parseXml(xml, properties, rootTag);

		// Print each line
No results.