Class Main


public class Main extends Object
Entry point into the parsing, analysis, and execution/compilation of a Jawk script. This entry point is used when Jawk is executed as a stand-alone application. If you want to use Jawk as a library, please use .
Danny Daglas
  • Constructor Details

    • Main

      public Main(String[] args, InputStream is, PrintStream os, PrintStream es) throws Exception
      Class constructor to support the JSR 223 scripting interface already provided by Java SE 6.
      args - String arguments from the command-line.
      is - The input stream to use as stdin.
      os - The output stream to use as stdout.
      es - The output stream to use as stderr.
      Exception - enables exceptions to propagate to the callee.
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      The entry point to Jawk for the VM.

      The main method is a simple call to the invoke method. The current implementation is basically as follows:

      args - Command line arguments to the VM.