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AbstractExtension - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext
Base class of various extensions.
AbstractExtension() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.AbstractExtension
add() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
addGlobalVariableNameToOffsetMapping(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Accept a {variable_name -> offset} mapping such that global variables can be assigned while processing name=value and filename command-line arguments.
address(Address) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Address - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate
A pointer to a tuple within the list of tuples.
addressArg() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position
Obtain the address argument for this tuple.
addScriptSource(ScriptSource) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Add the specified ScriptSource
applyRS() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
applyRS(Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
applySubsep(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
arg(int) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position
Get a reference to a particular element within the tuple.
argcOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
argvOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
ArrayStackImpl<E> - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
A stack implemented with an ArrayList.
ArrayStackImpl() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ArrayStackImpl
Allocates an ArrayList with a capacity of 100.
assign(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
assignArray(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
assignAsInput() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
assignAsInputField() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
assignEnvironmentVariables(AssocArray) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Called by AVM/compiled modules to assign local environment variables to an associative array (in this case, to ENVIRON).
assignIndex(int) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address
Set the tuple index of this address.
assignInitialVariables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Assign all -v variables.
assignVariable(String, Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Set the contents of a user-defined AWK variable.
assignVariable(String, Object) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
Set the contents of a user-defined AWK variable.
AssocArray - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
An AWK associative array.
AssocArray(boolean) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
Constructor for AssocArray.
atan2() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
AVM - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend
The Jawk interpreter.
AVM() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Construct the interpreter.
AVM(AwkSettings, Map<String, JawkExtension>) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Construct the interpreter, accepting parameters which may have been set on the command-line arguments to the JVM.
Awk - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk
Entry point into the parsing, analysis, and execution of a Jawk script.
Awk() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.Awk
Create a new instance of Awk
AwkInterpreter - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend
Interpret a Jawk script within this JVM.
AwkLogger - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
Utility class to handle SLF4J logging and prevent any stupid behavior, like logging its own initialization, which we don't want in most cases.
AwkLogger() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkLogger
AwkParameters - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
Manages the command-line parameters accepted by Jawk.
AwkParameters() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkParameters
AwkParser - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend
Converts the AWK script into a syntax tree, which is useful the backend that either compiles or interprets the script.
AwkParser(boolean, boolean, Map<String, JawkExtension>) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend.AwkParser
Constructor for AwkParser.
AwkParser.LexerException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend
Exception indicating a syntax problem in the AWK script
AwkParser.ParserException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend
AwkRuntimeException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
A runtime exception thrown by Jawk.
AwkRuntimeException(int, String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AwkRuntimeException
Constructor for AwkRuntimeException.
AwkRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AwkRuntimeException
Constructor for AwkRuntimeException.
AwkSettings - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
A simple container for the parameters of a single AWK invocation.
AwkSettings() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
AwkSyntaxTree - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend
A Jawk abstract syntax tree node.
AwkTuples - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate
AwkTuples class.
AwkTuples() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples


block() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.BlockObject
Block until meaningful data is made available for the client application.
block(BlockObject) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.BlockManager
Executes all block segments simultaneously, waiting for one block release.
BlockManager - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
Manages multiple blocking code segments simultaneously such that unblocking one block condition releases the block of all other block code segments.
BlockManager() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.BlockManager
BlockObject - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
An item which blocks until something useful can be done with the object.
boolArg(int) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position
Get the boolean representation for a particular element within the tuple.


callFunction(HasFunctionAddress, String, int, int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
castDouble() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
castInt() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
castString() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
CharacterTokenizer - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
Similar to StringTokenizer, except that tokens are characters in the input string themselves.
CharacterTokenizer(String) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.CharacterTokenizer
Construct a CharacterTokenizer.
checkClass(Class<?>) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
classArg() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position
Obtain the class argument for this tuple.
clear() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
Clear the array
clear() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.MyStack
Eliminate all items from the stack.
clearNextBlockObject() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.BlockObject
Eliminate the rest of the BlockObject chain.
close() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
cmpEq() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
cmpGt() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
cmpLt() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
Comparator implementation used by the TreeMap when keys are to be maintained in sorted order.
compare2(Object, Object, int) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Compares two objects.
concat() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
conditionPair() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
ConditionPair - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
Tracks whether we are within a range defined by a pair of condition: startCondition endCondition
ConditionPair() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.ConditionPair
Constructor for ConditionPair.
consumeInput(Address) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
convfmtOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
CoreExtension - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext
Extensions which make developing in Jawk and interfacing other extensions with Jawk much easier.
CoreExtension() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.CoreExtension
Constructor for CoreExtension.
cos() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
createAddress(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
current() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.PositionForInterpretation


DataPump - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
Relay data from an input stream to an output stream.
DataPump(InputStream, PrintStream) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.DataPump
Represents a data pump.
dec(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
dec(Object) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Return an object which is numerically equivalent to one minus a given object.
decArrayRef(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
decDollarRef() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
deleteArray(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
deleteArrayElement(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
dereference(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
dereferenceArray() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
DESCRIPTION_COMMAND_LINE_SCRIPT - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptSource
Constant DESCRIPTION_COMMAND_LINE_SCRIPT="<command-line-supplied-script>"
DestDirClassLoader - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
Load classes from a particular directory, disregarding the environmental class-path setting.
DestDirClassLoader(String) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.DestDirClassLoader
Constructor for DestDirClassLoader.
divEq(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
divEqArray(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
divEqInputField() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
divide() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
dump(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
dump(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend.AwkSyntaxTree
Dump a meaningful text representation of this abstract syntax tree node to the output (print) stream.
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
dump(String, InputStream, PrintStream) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.DataPump
Allocate the data pump and start the thread.
dup() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples


EndException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
Thrown when exit() is called within a Jawk script.
EndException() - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.EndException
Constructor for EndException.
EndException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.EndException
Constructor for EndException.
environOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
exec() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
EXIT_CODE_OK - Static variable in exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ExitException
Constant EXIT_CODE_OK=0
ExitException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.jawk
With this Exception, any part of the code may request a System.exit(code) call with a specific code.
ExitException() - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ExitException
Request exit with the EXIT_CODE_OK.
ExitException(int) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ExitException
Constructor for ExitException.
ExitException(int, String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ExitException
Constructor for ExitException.
ExitException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ExitException
Constructor for ExitException.
ExitException(int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ExitException
Constructor for ExitException.
ExitException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ExitException
Constructor for ExitException.
exitWithCode() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
exitWithoutCode() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
exp() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
extension(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
extensionKeywords() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.CoreExtension
All the extended keywords supported by this extension.
extensionKeywords() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.JawkExtension
All the extended keywords supported by this extension.
extensionKeywords() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.StdinExtension
All the extended keywords supported by this extension.


filenameOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
fnrOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
fromFilenameList() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.PartitioningReader
fsOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
function(String, int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples


get(Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
getARGC() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
getARGC() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
getARGV() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
getARGV() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
getAssocArrayParameterPositions(String, int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.AbstractExtension
Define the parameters which are expected to be associative arrays.
getAssocArrayParameterPositions(String, int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.CoreExtension
Define the parameters which are expected to be associative arrays.
getAssocArrayParameterPositions(String, int) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.JawkExtension
Define the parameters which are expected to be associative arrays.
getBlockObjects() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.BlockObject
Obtain all chained BlockObjects as a List, including this one.
getCode() - Method in exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ExitException
Returns the code to be passed to the System.exit(code) call.
getCONVFMT() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
getCONVFMT() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
getDefaultORS() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Getter for the field defaultORS.
getDefaultRS() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Getter for the field defaultRS.
getDescription() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptSource
Getter for the field description.
getDestinationDirectory() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Compiled destination directory (if provided); "." by default.
getExtensionName() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.CoreExtension
getExtensionName() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.JawkExtension
getExtensionName() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.StdinExtension
getFieldSeparator() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Initial Field Separator (FS) value.
getFilePath() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptFileSource
Getter for the field filePath.
getFirstAndRemove() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.KeyList
getFirstAndRemove() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.KeyListImpl
getFirstAndRemoveFromList() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
getFS() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
getFS() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
getFunctionAddress() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.HasFunctionAddress
Get an address to the tuple where this function is defined.
getFunctionNameSet() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
getGlobalVariableAarrayMap() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
getGlobalVariableOffsetMap() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
getInput() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Where input is read from.
getInputField() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
getInputLine() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Getter for the field inputLine.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptFileSource
Returns the InputStream serving the contents of this source.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptSource
Returns the InputStream serving the contents of this source.
getlineInput() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
getLocale() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Getter for the field locale.
getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkLogger
getMapVersion() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
getNameValueOrFileNames() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Contains name=value or filename entries.
getNotifierTag() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.BlockObject
Construct a meaningful notifier tag for this BlockObject.
getOFS() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
getOFS() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
getORS() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
getORS() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
getOutputFilename() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Output filename; null by default, which means the appropriate default file-name will get used.
getOutputFilename(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Getter for the field outputFilename.
getOutputFiles() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Getter for the field outputFiles.
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Output stream; System.out by default, which means we will print to stdout by default
getPartitioningReader() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Getter for the field partitioningReader.
getReader() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptFileSource
Obtain the InputStream containing the intermediate file.
getReader() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptSource
Obtain the InputStream containing the intermediate file.
getRS() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
getRS() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
getScriptSources() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Getter for the field scriptSources.
getSUBSEP() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
getSUBSEP() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
getVariables() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Contains variable assignments which are applied prior to executing the script (-v assignments).
gotoAddress(Address) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples


HasFunctionAddress - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate
A placeholder for an object which has a reference to a function address, but which may not be realized yet.
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.CharacterTokenizer
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.RegexTokenizer
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.SingleCharacterTokenizer


ifFalse(Address) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
ifTrue(Address) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
IllegalAwkArgumentException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
Differentiate from IllegalArgumentException to assist in programmatic distinction between Jawk and other argument exception issues.
IllegalAwkArgumentException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.IllegalAwkArgumentException
Constructor for IllegalAwkArgumentException.
inc(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
inc(Object) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Return an object which is numerically equivalent to one plus a given object.
incArrayRef(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
incDollarRef() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
incFNR() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Increases the FNR variable by 1.
incFNR() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
Increases the FNR variable by 1.
incNR() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Increases the NR variable by 1.
incNR() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
Increases the NR variable by 1.
index() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address
index() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
index() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.PositionForCompilation
init(VariableManager, JRT, AwkSettings) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.AbstractExtension
Called after the creation and before normal processing of the extension, pass in the Jawk Runtime Manager and the Variable Manager once.
init(VariableManager, JRT, AwkSettings) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.JawkExtension
Called after the creation and before normal processing of the extension, pass in the Jawk Runtime Manager and the Variable Manager once.
init(VariableManager, JRT, AwkSettings) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.StdinExtension
Called after the creation and before normal processing of the extension, pass in the Jawk Runtime Manager and the Variable Manager once.
intArg(int) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position
Get the integer representation for a particular element within the tuple.
interpret(AwkTuples) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Traverse the tuples, interpreting tuple opcodes and arguments and acting on them accordingly.
interpret(AwkTuples) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AwkInterpreter
Traverse the tuples, interpreting tuple opcodes and arguments and acting on them accordingly.
intFunc() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
invoke(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.CoreExtension
Invoke extension as a method.
invoke(String, Object[]) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.JawkExtension
Invoke extension as a method.
invoke(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.StdinExtension
Invoke extension as a method.
invoke(AwkSettings) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.Awk
isAdditionalFunctions() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to enable additional functions (_sleep/_dump); false by default.
isAdditionalTypeFunctions() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to enable additional type functions (_INTEGER/_DOUBLE/_STRING); false by default.
isCatchIllegalFormatExceptions() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to trap IllegalFormatExceptions for [s]printf; true by default.
isDumpIntermediateCode() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to dump the intermediate code; false by default.
isDumpSyntaxTree() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to dump the syntax tree; false by default.
isEmptyList(Address) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
isEOF() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position
isIn() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
isIn(Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
isIntermediate() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptSource
Indicates whether the underlying source is an intermediate file.
isUserExtensions() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether user extensions are enabled; false by default.
isUseSortedArrayKeys() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to maintain array keys in sorted order; false by default.
isWriteIntermediateFile() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Write to intermediate file; false by default.


JawkExtension - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext
A Jawk Extension.
JRT - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
The Jawk runtime coordinator.
JRT(VariableManager) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Create a JRT with a VariableManager
jrtClose(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Attempt to close an open stream, whether it is an input file, output file, input process, or output process.
jrtCloseAll() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
jrtConsumeCommandInput(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
jrtConsumeCommandInputForGetline(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Retrieve the next line of output from a command, executing the command if necessary and store it to $0.
jrtConsumeFileInput(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
jrtConsumeFileInputForGetline(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
jrtConsumeInput(InputStream, boolean, Locale) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Attempt to consume one line of input, either from stdin or from filenames passed in to ARGC/ARGV via the command-line.
jrtGetInputField(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
jrtGetInputField(Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Retrieve the contents of a particular input field.
jrtGetInputString() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Retrieve $0.
jrtGetPrintStream(String, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Retrieve the PrintStream which writes to a particular file, creating the PrintStream if necessary.
jrtParseFields() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Splits $0 into $1, $2, etc.
jrtSetInputField(Object, int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Stores value_obj into an input field.
jrtSpawnForOutput(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Retrieve the PrintStream which shuttles data to stdin for a process, executing the process if necessary.
jrtSystem(String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Executes the command specified by cmd and waits for termination, returning an Integer object containing the return code.
jump(int) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.PositionForInterpretation
Reposition to the tuple located at a particular index into the tuple list (queue)..
jump(Address) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.PositionForInterpretation
Reposition to the tuple located at a particular address.


keylist() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
KeyList - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
A list of keys into an associative array.
KeyListImpl - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
Implement the KeyList interface with an ArrayList.
KeyListImpl(Set<Object>) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.KeyListImpl
Convert the set to a KeyList.
keySet() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray


label() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address
The label of the address.
length(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
lineNumber() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position
Get the source line number for this position.
LinkedListStackImpl<E> - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
A simple delegate to a LinkedList.
LinkedListStackImpl() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.LinkedListStackImpl
log() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.Main
The entry point to Jawk for the VM.
Main - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk
Entry point into the parsing, analysis, and execution/compilation of a Jawk script.
Main(String[], InputStream, PrintStream, PrintStream) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.Main
Class constructor to support the JSR 223 scripting interface already provided by Java SE 6.
mapString() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
Provide a string representation of the delegated map object.
match() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
matches() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
minusEq(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
minusEqArray(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
minusEqInputField() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
mod() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
modEq(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
modEqArray(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
modEqInputField() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
MT_HASH - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
The parameter to useMapType to convert this associative array to a HashMap.
MT_LINKED - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
The parameter to useMapType to convert this associative array to a LinkedHashMap.
MT_TREE - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
The parameter to useMapType to convert this associative array to a TreeMap.
multEq(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
multEqArray(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
multEqInputField() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
multiply() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
MyStack<E> - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
A stack-like interface.


negate() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
newRandom(int) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
next() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position
Advances the position to the next tuple, as ordered within the tuple list (queue).
nextElement() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.CharacterTokenizer
nextElement() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.RegexTokenizer
nextElement() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.SingleCharacterTokenizer
nfOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
nop() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
not() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
NotImplementedError - Error in org.sentrysoftware.jawk
A placeholder for blocks of code which are not implemented.
NotImplementedError() - Constructor for error org.sentrysoftware.jawk.NotImplementedError
Construct the error without a message string.
NotImplementedError(String) - Constructor for error org.sentrysoftware.jawk.NotImplementedError
Construct the error with a message string.
nrOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
NULL_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
The value of an address which is not yet assigned a tuple index.


ofmtOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
ofsOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
opcode() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position
org.sentrysoftware.jawk - package org.sentrysoftware.jawk
org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend - package org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend
org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext - package org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext
org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend - package org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend
org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate - package org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate
org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt - package org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util - package org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
orsOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples


parse(List<ScriptSource>) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend.AwkParser
Parse the script streamed by script_reader.
parseCommandLineArguments(String[]) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkParameters
Parses AWK command line parameters, for example from the VM entry point main().
PartitioningReader - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
A reader which consumes one record at a time from an underlying input reader.
PartitioningReader(Reader, String) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.PartitioningReader
Construct the partitioning reader.
PartitioningReader(Reader, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.PartitioningReader
Construct the partitioning reader.
peek() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ArrayStackImpl
Inspect the top-most element without affecting the stack.
peek() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.MyStack
Inspect the top-most element without affecting the stack.
plusEq(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
plusEqArray(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
plusEqInputField() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
pop() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
pop() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ArrayStackImpl
Pop an item off the stack and return that item to the callee.
pop() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.LinkedListStackImpl
Pop an item off the stack and return that item to the callee.
pop() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.MyStack
Pop an item off the stack and return that item to the callee.
popSourceLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
populateGlobalVariableNameToOffsetMappings(AwkTuples) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend.AwkParser
Adds {var_name -> offset} mappings to the tuples so that global variables can be set by the interpreter while processing filename and name=value entries from the command-line.
populateTuples(AwkTuples) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend.AwkSyntaxTree
Appends tuples to the AwkTuples list for this abstract syntax tree node.
Position - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate
Marks a position within the tuple list (queue).
PositionForCompilation - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate
An interface to a tuple position for compilation.
PositionForInterpretation - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate
An interface to a tuple position for interpretation.
postDec(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
postInc(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
postProcess() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Executed after all tuples are entered in the queue.
pow() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
powEq(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
powEqArray(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
powEqInputField() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
prepareReplacement(String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Transform the sub/gsub replacement string from Awk syntax (with '&') to Java (with '$') so it can be used in Matcher.appendReplacement()
print(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
printf(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
printfNoCatch(PrintStream, Locale, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
printfNoCatch(Locale, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
printfToFile(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
printfToPipe(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
printToFile(int, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
printToPipe(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
push(E) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ArrayStackImpl
Push an item onto the stack.
push(E) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.LinkedListStackImpl
Push an item onto the stack.
push(E) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.MyStack
Push an item onto the stack.
push(Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
pushSourceLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Push the current line number onto the line number stack.
put(long, Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
Added to support insertion of primitive key types.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
Added to support insertion of primitive key types.


rand() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.PartitioningReader
readRecord() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.PartitioningReader
Consume one record from the reader.
regexp(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
RegexTokenizer - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
Similar to StringTokenizer, except that tokens are delimited by a regular expression.
RegexTokenizer(String, String) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.RegexTokenizer
Construct a RegexTokenizer.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
Delete the specified entry
replaceAll(String, String, String, StringBuffer) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Replace all occurrences of the regular expression with specified string
replaceFirst(String, String, String, StringBuffer) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
resetFNR() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Resets the FNR variable to 0.
resetFNR() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
Resets the FNR variable to 0.
returnFromFunction() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
rlengthOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
rsOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
rstartOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
run() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.DataPump
VM entry point for the thread.


ScriptFileSource - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
Represents one AWK-script file content source.
ScriptFileSource(String) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptFileSource
Constructor for ScriptFileSource.
ScriptSource - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util
Represents one AWK-script content source.
ScriptSource(String, Reader, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptSource
Constructor for ScriptSource.
scriptThis() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
semanticAnalysis() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.frontend.AwkSyntaxTree
Apply semantic checks to this node.
setAdditionalFunctions(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to enable additional functions (_sleep/_dump); false by default.
setAdditionalTypeFunctions(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to enable additional type functions (_INTEGER/_DOUBLE/_STRING); false by default.
setCatchIllegalFormatExceptions(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to trap IllegalFormatExceptions for [s]printf; true by default.
setDefaultORS(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Sets the default ORS, when not set by the AWK script
setDefaultRS(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Sets the default RS, when not set by the AWK script
setDestinationDirectory(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Compiled destination directory (if provided).
setDumpIntermediateCode(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to dump the intermediate code; false by default.
setDumpSyntaxTree(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to dump the syntax tree; false by default.
setExitAddress(Address) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
setFieldSeparator(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Initial Field Separator (FS) value.
setFILENAME(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Set the contents of the FILENAME variable.
setFILENAME(String) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
Set the contents of the FILENAME variable.
setFunctionNameSet(Set<String>) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Accept a set of function names from the parser.
setInput(InputStream) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Where input is read from.
setInputLine(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Setter for the field inputLine.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Sets the Locale for outputting numbers
setNameValueOrFileNames(List<String>) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Contains name=value or filename entries.
setNextBlockObject(BlockObject) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.BlockObject
Chain this BlockObject to another BlockObject.
setNF(Integer) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Set the contents of the NF variable.
setNF(Integer) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.VariableManager
Set the contents of the NF variable.
setNumGlobals(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
setOutputFilename(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Output filename; null by default, which means the appropriate default file-name will get used.
setOutputStream(PrintStream) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Sets the OutputStream to print to (instead of System.out by default)
setRecordSeparator(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.PartitioningReader
Assign a new record separator for this partitioning reader.
setReturnResult() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
setScriptSources(List<ScriptSource>) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Script sources meta info.
setUserExtensions(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether user extensions are enabled; false by default.
setUseSortedArrayKeys(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Whether to maintain array keys in sorted order; false by default.
setVariables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Contains variable assignments which are applied prior to executing the script (-v assignments).
setWithinEndBlocks(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
setWriteIntermediateFile(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Write to intermediate file; false by default.
sin() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
SingleCharacterTokenizer - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
Similar to StringTokenizer, except that tokens are delimited by a single character.
SingleCharacterTokenizer(String, int) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.SingleCharacterTokenizer
Construct a RegexTokenizer.
size() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.KeyList
Retrieve the number of elements in the KeyList.
size() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.KeyListImpl
Retrieve the number of elements in the KeyList.
size() - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.MyStack
sleep(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
split(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
split(Object, Object, Object, String, Locale) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Splits the string into parts separated the regular expression fs.
split(Object, Object, String, Locale) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Splits the string into parts separated by one or more spaces; blank first and last fields are eliminated.
sprintf(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
sprintfNoCatch(Locale, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
sqrt() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
srand(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
StdinExtension - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext
Enable stdin processing in Jawk, to be used in conjunction with the -ni parameter.
StdinExtension() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.ext.StdinExtension
subForArrayReference(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
subForDollar0(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
subForDollarReference(boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
subForVariable(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
subsepOffset(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
substr(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
substr(Object, Object, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
substr(Object, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
subtract() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
swap() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
system() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples


timeSeed() - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
toAwkString(Object, String, Locale) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Convert Strings, Integers, and Doubles to Strings based on the CONVFMT variable contents.
toAwkStringForOutput(Object, String, Locale) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Convert a String, Integer, or Double to String based on the OFMT variable contents.
toBoolean(Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Converts an Integer, Double, String, Pattern, or ConditionPair to a boolean.
toDescriptionString() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
toDouble(Object) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Convert a String, Integer, or Double to Double.
toExtensionDescription() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkSettings
Provides a description of extensions that are enabled/disabled.
toLong(Object) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.JRT
Convert a String, Long, or Double to Long.
tolower() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
toNumber() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
toOpcodeString(int) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
top() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
toString() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.UninitializedObject
toString() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
Do nothing.
toString() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.BlockObject
Ensure non-evaluation of a BlockObject by throwing an AWK Runtime exception, in case it leaks into AWK evaluation space.
toString() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.ScriptSource
toupper() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples


unaryPlus() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
unary plus.
UninitializedObject - Class in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate
UninitializedObject class.
UninitializedObject() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.UninitializedObject
Constructor for UninitializedObject.
update(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.ConditionPair
Update the status of the condition pair according to whether the begin and end conditions match or not
useAsCommandInput() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
useAsFileInput() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
useMapType(int) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt.AssocArray
Convert the map which backs this associative array into one of HashMap, LinkedHashMap, or TreeMap.


VariableManager - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.jawk.jrt
The AWK Variable Manager.


waitForIO() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.backend.AVM
Close all streams in the runtime


_ADD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Numerically adds the top two elements of the stack with the result pushed onto the stack.
_APPLY_RS_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Apply the RS variable by notifying the partitioning reader that there is a new regular expression to use when partitioning input records.
_APPLY_SUBSEP_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Convert a list of array indices to a concatenated string with SUBSEP.
_ARGC_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the ARGC variable offset.
_ARGV_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the ARGV variable offset.
_ASSIGN_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assigns the top-of-stack to a variable.
_ASSIGN_ARRAY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assigns an item to an array element.
_ASSIGN_AS_INPUT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assigns the top-of-stack to $0.
_ASSIGN_AS_INPUT_FIELD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assigns an item as a particular input field; the field number can be 0.
_ATAN2_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that pops the first two items off the stack, calls the java.lang.Math.atan2 method with these as arguments, and places the result onto the stack.
_CALL_FUNCTION_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Call a user function.
_CAST_DOUBLE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Cast to double
_CAST_INT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Cast to integer
_CAST_STRING_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Cast to string
_CHECK_CLASS_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Checks whether the top-of-stack is of a particular class type; if not, an AwkRuntimeException is thrown.
_CLOSE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Close the specified file.
_CMP_EQ_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Compares the top two stack elements; pushes 1 onto the stack if equal, 0 if not equal.
_CMP_GT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Compares the top two stack elements; pushes 1 onto the stack if x1 > x2, 0 if not equal.
_CMP_LT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Compares the top two stack elements; pushes 1 onto the stack if x1 < x2, 0 if not equal.
_CONCAT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Pop and concatenate two strings from the top-of-stack; push the result onto the stack.
_CONDITION_PAIR_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Returns a pair of regex patterns.
_CONSUME_INPUT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Consume next line of input; assigning $0 and recalculating $1, $2, etc.
_CONVFMT_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the CONVFMT variable offset.
_COS_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, calls the java.lang.Math.cos method with the top-of-stack as the argument, and places the result onto the stack.
_DEC_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Decreases the variable reference by one; pushes the result onto the stack.
_DEC_ARRAY_REF_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Decreases the array element reference by one; pushes the result onto the stack.
_DEC_DOLLAR_REF_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Decreases the input field variable by one; pushes the result onto the stack.
_DELETE_ARRAY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Delete the specified array.
_DELETE_ARRAY_ELEMENT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Deletes an entry in an array.
_DEREF_ARRAY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Constant _DEREF_ARRAY_=338
_DEREFERENCE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Obtains an item from the variable manager and push it onto the stack.
_DIV_EQ_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Divides the contents of the variable by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
_DIV_EQ_ARRAY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Divides the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
_DIV_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Divides the contents of an input field by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
_DIVIDE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Numerically divides the top two elements of the stack with the result pushed onto the stack.
_DUMP_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Constant _DUMP_=337
_DUP_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Duplicates the top-of-stack on the stack.
_ENVIRON_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the ENVIRON variable offset.
_EXEC_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Execute the specified AWK code
_EXIT_WITH_CODE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Terminates execution and returns specified exit code.
_EXIT_WITHOUT_CODE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Terminates execution without specifying an exit code.
_EXP_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, calls the java.lang.Math.exp method with the top-of-stack as the argument, and places the result onto the stack.
_EXTENSION_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Call a function from an extension
_FILENAME_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the FILENAME variable offset.
_FNR_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the FNR variable offset.
_FS_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the FS variable offset.
_FUNCTION_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Define a user function.
_GET_FIRST_AND_REMOVE_FROM_KEYLIST_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Removes an item from the KeyList (set) and pushes it onto the operand stack.
_GET_INPUT_FIELD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Push an input field onto the stack.
_GETLINE_INPUT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Obtains input from stdin/filename-args and pushes input line and status code onto the stack.
_GOTO_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Jumps to a specified address.
_IFFALSE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Pops and evaluates the top-of-stack; if false, it jumps to a specified address.
_IFTRUE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Pops and evaluates the top-of-stack; if true, it jumps to a specified address.
_INC_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Increases the variable reference by one; pushes the result onto the stack.
_INC_ARRAY_REF_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Increases the array element reference by one; pushes the result onto the stack.
_INC_DOLLAR_REF_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Increases the input field variable by one; pushes the result onto the stack.
_INDEX_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that locates a substring within a source string and pushes the location onto the stack.
_INTFUNC_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, removes its fractional part, if any, and places the result onto the stack.
_IS_EMPTY_KEYLIST_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Tests whether the KeyList (set) is empty; jumps to the argument address if empty, steps to the next instruction if not.
_IS_IN_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Returns whether the specified key is in the array.
_KEYLIST_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Retrieves and pushes a Set of keys from an associative array onto the stack.
_LENGTH_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Depending on the argument, pop and evaluate the string length of the top-of-stack or evaluate the string length of $0; in either case, push the result onto the stack.
_LOG_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, calls the java.lang.Math.log method with the top-of-stack as the argument, and places the result onto the stack.
_MATCH_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that searches a string as input to a regular expression, the location of the match is pushed onto the stack.
_MATCHES_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Applies a regular expression to the top stack element; pushes 1 if it matches, 0 if it does not match.
_MINUS_EQ_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Decreases the contents of the variable by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
_MINUS_EQ_ARRAY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Decreases the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
_MINUS_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Decreases the contents of an input field by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
_MOD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Numerically takes the modulus of the top two elements of the stack with the result pushed onto the stack.
_MOD_EQ_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Takes the modules of the contents of the variable by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
_MOD_EQ_ARRAY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Takes the modulus of the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
_MOD_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Takes the modulus of the contents of an input field by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
_MULT_EQ_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Multiplies the contents of the variable by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
_MULT_EQ_ARRAY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Multiplies the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
_MULT_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Multiplies the contents of an input field by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
_MULTIPLY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Numerically multiplies the top two elements of the stack with the result pushed onto the stack.
_NEGATE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Evaluates the numerical NEGATION of the top stack element; pushes the result onto the stack.
_NF_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the NF variable offset.
_NOP_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
A no-operation.
_NOT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Evaluates the logical NOT of the top stack element; pushes the result onto the stack.
_NR_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the NR variable offset.
_OFMT_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the OFMT variable offset.
_OFS_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the OFS variable offset.
_ORS_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the ORS variable offset.
_PLUS_EQ_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Increase the contents of the variable by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
_PLUS_EQ_ARRAY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Increase the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
_PLUS_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Increases the contents of an input field by an adjustment value; assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
_POP_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Pops an item off the operand stack.
_POSTDEC_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Decreases the variable reference by one; pushes the original value onto the stack.
_POSTINC_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Increases the variable reference by one; pushes the original value onto the stack.
_POW_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Numerically raises the top element to the power of the next element with the result pushed onto the stack.
_POW_EQ_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Raises the contents of the variable to the power of the adjustment value; assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
_POW_EQ_ARRAY_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Raises the contents of an indexed array to the power of an adjustment value; assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
_POW_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Raises the contents of an input field to the power of an adjustment value; assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
_PRINT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Prints N number of items that are on the operand stack.
_PRINT_TO_FILE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Prints N number of items that are on the operand stack to a specified file.
_PRINT_TO_PIPE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Prints N number of items that are on the operand stack to a process executing a specified command (via a pipe).
_PRINTF_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Performs a formatted print of N items that are on the operand stack.
_PRINTF_TO_FILE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Performs a formatted print of N items that are on the operand stack to a specified file.
_PRINTF_TO_PIPE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Performs a formatted print of N items that are on the operand stack to a process executing a specified command (via a pipe).
_PUSH_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Pushes an item onto the operand stack.
_RAND_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Obtains the next random number from the random number generator and push it onto the stack.
_REGEXP_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Returns a regex pattern.
_RETURN_FROM_FUNCTION_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Get the return value of the user function that was called
_RLENGTH_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the RLENGTH variable offset.
_RS_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the RS variable offset.
_RSTART_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the RSTART variable offset.
_SET_EXIT_ADDRESS_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
_SET_NUM_GLOBALS_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Internal: sets the number of global variables
_SET_RETURN_RESULT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Sets the return value of a user function.
_SET_WITHIN_END_BLOCKS_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
_SIN_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, calls the java.lang.Math.sin method with the top-of-stack as the argument, and places the result onto the stack.
_SLEEP_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Extension: Pauses the execution thread by N number of seconds.
_SPLIT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function to split a string by a regexp and put the components into an array.
_SPRINTF_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Constant _SPRINTF_=270
_SQRT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, takes its square root, and places the result onto the stack.
_SRAND_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Seeds the random number generator.
_SUB_FOR_ARRAY_REFERENCE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that substitutes an occurrence (or all occurrences) of a string in a particular array cell and replaces it with another.
_SUB_FOR_DOLLAR_0_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that substitutes an occurrence (or all occurrences) of a string in $0 and replaces it with another.
_SUB_FOR_DOLLAR_REFERENCE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that substitutes an occurrence (or all occurrences) of a string in a field reference and replaces it with another.
_SUB_FOR_VARIABLE_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that substitutes an occurrence (or all occurrences) of a string in a particular variable and replaces it with another.
_SUBSEP_OFFSET_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Assign the SUBSEP variable offset.
_SUBSTR_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that pushes a substring of the top-of-stack onto the stack.
_SUBTRACT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Numerically subtracts the top two elements of the stack with the result pushed onto the stack.
_SWAP_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Swaps the top two elements of the stack.
_SYSTEM_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that executes the top-of-stack as a system command and pushes the return code onto the stack.
_THIS_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
_TO_NUMBER_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Converts the top-of-stack to a number.
_TOLOWER_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that converts all the letters in the top-of-stack to lower case and pushes the result onto the stack.
_TOUPPER_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Built-in function that converts all the letters in the top-of-stack to upper case and pushes the result onto the stack.
_UNARY_PLUS_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Converts the top stack element to a number; pushes the result onto the stack.
_USE_AS_COMMAND_INPUT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Obtains input from a command (process) and pushes input line and status code onto the stack.
_USE_AS_FILE_INPUT_ - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples
Obtains input from a file and pushes input line and status code onto the stack.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W _ 
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