Interface JawkExtension

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractExtension, CoreExtension, StdinExtension

public interface JawkExtension
A Jawk Extension.

Instances of this interface are eligible for insertion into Jawk as an extension to the language. Extensions appear within a Jawk script as function calls.

Extensions introduce native Java modules into the Jawk language. This enables special services into Jawk, such as Sockets, GUIs, databases, etc. natively into Jawk.

Extension functions can be used anywhere an AWK function, builtin or user-defined, can be used. One immediate consideration is the default Jawk input mechanism, where if action rules exist (other than BEGIN/END), Jawk requires input from stdin before processing these rules. It may be desirable to trigger action rules on an extension rather than stdin user input. To prohibit Jawk default behavior, a new command-line argument, "-ni" for "no input", disables Jawk default behavior of consuming input from stdin for action rules.

Note: By disabling Jawk's default behavior of consuming input from stdin, it can cause your script to loop through all of the action rule conditions repeatedly, consuming CPU without bounds. To guard against this, the extension should provide some sort of poll or block call to avoid out-of-control CPU resource consumption.

Extensions introduce keywords into the Jawk parser. Keywords are of type _EXTENSION_ tokens. As a result, extension keywords cannot collide with other Jawk keywords, variables, or function names. The extension mechanism also guards against keyword collision with other extensions. The Jawk lexer expects extension keywords to match as _ID_'s.

Danny Daglas
  • Method Details

    • init

      void init(VariableManager vm, JRT jrt, AwkSettings settings)
      Called after the creation and before normal processing of the extension, pass in the Jawk Runtime Manager and the Variable Manager once.

      It is guaranteed init() is called before invoke() is called.

      vm - Reference to the Variable Manager
      jrt - Reference to the Runtime
      settings - Reference to the settings
    • getExtensionName

      String getExtensionName()


      name of the extension package.
    • extensionKeywords

      String[] extensionKeywords()
      All the extended keywords supported by this extension.

      Note: Jawk will throw a runtime exception if the keyword collides with any other keyword in the system, extension or otherwise.

      the list of keywords the extension provides support for
    • getAssocArrayParameterPositions

      int[] getAssocArrayParameterPositions(String extensionKeyword, int numArgs)
      Define the parameters which are expected to be associative arrays. This is used by the semantic analyzer to enforce type checking and correct Jawk variable allocation (which is done at the beginning of script execution).
      extensionKeyword - The extension keyword to check.
      numArgs - How many actual parameters are used in the call.
      An array of parameter indexes containing associative arrays. Note: non-inclusion of a parameter index into this array makes no implication as to whether the parameter is a scalar or an associative array. It means that its type is not guaranteed to be an associative array.
    • invoke

      Object invoke(String keyword, Object[] args)
      Invoke extension as a method.
      keyword - The extension keyword.
      args - Arguments to the extension.
      The return value (result) of the extension.