- User Documentation
AWK in Java
Getting Started
Add Jawk in the list of dependencies in your Maven pom.xml:
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Invoke AWK scripts files on input files
* Executes the specified AWK script
* <p>
* @param scriptFile File containing the AWK script to execute
* @param inputFileList List of files that contain the input to be parsed by the AWK script
* @return the printed output of the script as a String
* @throws ExitException when the AWK script forces its exit with a specified code
* @throws IOException on I/O problems
private String runAwk(File scriptFile, List<String> inputFileList) throws IOException, ExitException {
AwkSettings settings = new AwkSettings();
// Set the input files
// Create the OutputStream, to collect the result as a String
ByteArrayOutputStream resultBytesStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
settings.setOutputStream(new PrintStream(resultBytesStream));
// Sets the AWK script to execute
settings.addScriptSource(new ScriptFileSource(scriptFile.getAbsolutePath()));
// Execute the awk script against the specified input
Awk awk = new Awk();
// Return the result as a string
return resultBytesStream.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Execute AWK script (as String) on String input
* Executes the specified script against the specified input
* <p>
* @param script AWK script to execute (as a String)
* @param input Text to process (as a String)
* @return result as a String
* @throws ExitException when the AWK script forces its exit with a specified code
* @throws IOException on I/O problems
private String runAwk(String script, String input) throws IOException, ExitException {
AwkSettings settings = new AwkSettings();
// Set the input files
settings.setInput(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
// We force \n as the Record Separator (RS) because even if running on Windows
// we're passing Java strings, where end of lines are simple \n
// Create the OutputStream, to collect the result as a String
ByteArrayOutputStream resultBytesStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
settings.setOutputStream(new UniformPrintStream(resultBytesStream));
// Sets the AWK script to execute
settings.addScriptSource(new ScriptSource("Body", new StringReader(script), false));
// Execute the awk script against the specified input
Awk awk = new Awk();
// Return the result as a string
return resultBytesStream.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Java Scripting API (JSR 223)
Jawk can be invoked via the JSR 223 scripting API (J2SE 6).
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