View Javadoc
1   package org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate;
3   /*-
4    * ╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲
5    * Jawk
6    * ჻჻჻჻჻჻
7    * Copyright (C) 2006 - 2023 Sentry Software
8    * ჻჻჻჻჻჻
9    * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10   * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
11   * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
12   * License, or (at your option) any later version.
13   *
14   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
18   *
19   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
20   * License along with this program.  If not, see
21   * <>.
22   * ╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱
23   */
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import java.lang.reflect.Field;
32  import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
33  import java.util.ArrayList;
34  import java.util.HashMap;
35  import java.util.HashSet;
36  import java.util.Map;
37  import java.util.Set;
39  import org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.AwkLogger;
40  import org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.LinkedListStackImpl;
41  import org.sentrysoftware.jawk.util.MyStack;
42  import org.slf4j.Logger;
44  /**
45   * <p>AwkTuples class.</p>
46   *
47   * @author Danny Daglas
48   */
49  public class AwkTuples implements Serializable {
51  	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
53  	/** Our logger */
54  	private static final Logger LOG = AwkLogger.getLogger(AwkTuples.class);
56  	/** Version Manager */
57  	private VersionManager version_manager = new VersionManager();
59  	private static final class AddressImpl implements Address, Serializable {
61  		/**
62  		 *
63  		 */
64  		private static final long serialVersionUID = 109610985341478678L;
65  		private String lbl;
66  		private int idx = -1;
68  		private AddressImpl(String lbl) {
69  			this.lbl = lbl;
70  		}
72  		@Override
73  		public String label() {
74  			return lbl;
75  		}
77  		@Override
78  		public String toString() {
79  			return label();
80  		}
82  		@Override
83  		public void assignIndex(int idx) {
84  			this.idx = idx;
85  		}
87  		@Override
88  		public int index() {
89  			assert idx >= 0 : toString();
90  			return idx;
91  		}
92  	}
94  	private class PositionImpl implements PositionForInterpretation, PositionForCompilation {
95  		// index within the queue
97  		private int idx = 0;
98  		private Tuple tuple = queue.isEmpty() ? null : queue.get(idx); // current tuple
100 		@Override
101 		public int index() {
102 			return idx;
103 		}
105 		@Override
106 		public boolean isEOF() {
107 			return idx >= queue.size();
108 		}
110 		@Override
111 		public void next() {
112 			assert tuple != null;
113 			++idx;
114 			tuple = tuple.getNext();
115 			assert queue.size() == idx || queue.get(idx) == tuple;
116 		}
118 		@Override
119 		public void jump(Address address) {
120 			tuple = queue.get(idx = address.index());
121 		}
123 		@Override
124 		public String toString() {
125 			return "[" + idx + "]-->" + tuple.toString();
126 		}
128 		@Override
129 		public int opcode() {
130 			return tuple.getOpcode();
131 		}
133 		@Override
134 		public long intArg(int arg_idx) {
135 			Class<?> c = tuple.getTypes()[arg_idx];
136 			if (c == Long.class) {
137 				return tuple.getInts()[arg_idx];
138 			}
139 			throw new Error("Invalid arg type: " + c + ", arg_idx = " + arg_idx + ", tuple = " + tuple);
140 		}
142 		@Override
143 		public boolean boolArg(int arg_idx) {
144 			Class<?> c = tuple.getTypes()[arg_idx];
145 			if (c == Boolean.class) {
146 				return tuple.getBools()[arg_idx];
147 			}
148 			throw new Error("Invalid arg type: " + c + ", arg_idx = " + arg_idx + ", tuple = " + tuple);
149 		}
151 		@Override
152 		public Object arg(int arg_idx) {
153 			Class<?> c = tuple.getTypes()[arg_idx];
154 			if (c == Long.class) {
155 				return tuple.getInts()[arg_idx];
156 			}
157 			if (c == Double.class) {
158 				return tuple.getDoubles()[arg_idx];
159 			}
160 			if (c == String.class) {
161 				return tuple.getStrings()[arg_idx];
162 			}
163 			if (c == Address.class) {
164 				assert arg_idx == 0;
165 				return tuple.getAddress();
166 			}
167 			throw new Error("Invalid arg type: " + c + ", arg_idx = " + arg_idx + ", tuple = " + tuple);
168 		}
170 		@Override
171 		public Address addressArg() {
172 			assert tuple.getAddress() != null || tuple.getHasFuncAddr() != null : "tuple.address = " + tuple.getAddress() + ", tuple.has_func_addr = " + tuple.getHasFuncAddr();
173 			if (tuple.getAddress() == null) {
174 				tuple.setAddress(tuple.getHasFuncAddr().getFunctionAddress());
175 			}
176 			return tuple.getAddress();
177 		}
179 		@Override
180 		public Class<?> classArg() {
181 			//Tuple tuple = queue.get(idx);
182 			assert tuple.getCls() != null;
183 			return tuple.getCls();
184 		}
186 		@Override
187 		public int lineNumber() {
188 			assert tuple.getLineno() != -1 : "The line number should have been set by queue.add(), but was not.";
189 			return tuple.getLineno();
190 		}
192 		@Override
193 		public int current() {
194 			return idx;
195 		}
197 		@Override
198 		public void jump(int idx) {
199 			tuple = queue.get(this.idx = idx);
200 		}
201 	}
203 	// made public to access static members of AwkTuples via Java Reflection
204 	private static final class Tuple implements Serializable {
206 		/**
207 		 *
208 		 */
209 		private static final long serialVersionUID = 8105941219003992817L;
210 		private int opcode;
211 		private long[] ints = new long[4];
212 		private boolean[] bools = new boolean[4];
213 		private double[] doubles = new double[4];
214 		private String[] strings = new String[4];
215 		private Class<?>[] types = new Class[4];
216 		private Address address = null;
217 		private Class<?> cls = null;
218 		private transient HasFunctionAddress hasFuncAddr = null;
219 		// to avoid polluting the constructors,
220 		// setLineNumber(int) populates this field
221 		// (called by an anonymous inner subclass of ArrayList,
222 		// assigned to queue - see above)
223 		private int lineno = -1;
224 		private Tuple next = null;
226 		private Tuple(int opcode) {
227 			this.opcode = opcode;
228 		}
230 		private Tuple(int opcode, long i1) {
231 			this(opcode);
232 			ints[0] = i1;
233 			types[0] = Long.class;
234 		}
236 		private Tuple(int opcode, long i1, long i2) {
237 			this(opcode, i1);
238 			ints[1] = i2;
239 			types[1] = Long.class;
240 		}
242 		private Tuple(int opcode, long i1, boolean b2) {
243 			this(opcode, i1);
244 			bools[1] = b2;
245 			types[1] = Boolean.class;
246 		}
248 		private Tuple(int opcode, long i1, boolean b2, boolean b3) {
249 			this(opcode, i1, b2);
250 			bools[2] = b3;
251 			types[2] = Boolean.class;
252 		}
254 		private Tuple(int opcode, double d1) {
255 			this(opcode);
256 			doubles[0] = d1;
257 			types[0] = Double.class;
258 		}
260 		private Tuple(int opcode, String s1) {
261 			this(opcode);
262 			strings[0] = s1;
263 			types[0] = String.class;
264 		}
266 		private Tuple(int opcode, boolean b1) {
267 			this(opcode);
268 			bools[0] = b1;
269 			types[0] = Boolean.class;
270 		}
272 		private Tuple(int opcode, String s1, long i2) {
273 			this(opcode, s1);
274 			ints[1] = i2;
275 			types[1] = Long.class;
276 		}
278 		private Tuple(int opcode, Address address) {
279 			this(opcode);
280 			this.address = address;
281 			types[0] = Address.class;
282 		}
284 		private Tuple(int opcode, String strarg, long intarg, boolean boolarg) {
285 			this(opcode, strarg, intarg);
286 			bools[2] = boolarg;
287 			types[2] = Boolean.class;
288 		}
290 		private Tuple(int opcode, HasFunctionAddress has_func_addr, String s2, long i3, long i4) {
291 			this(opcode);
292 			this.hasFuncAddr = has_func_addr;
293 			strings[1] = s2;
294 			types[1] = String.class;
295 			ints[2] = i3;
296 			types[2] = Long.class;
297 			ints[3] = i4;
298 			types[3] = Long.class;
299 		}
301 		private Tuple(int opcode, Class<?> cls) {
302 			this(opcode);
303 			this.cls = cls;
304 			types[0] = Class.class;
305 		}
307 		private Tuple(int opcode, String s1, String s2) {
308 			this(opcode, s1);
309 			strings[1] = s2;
310 			types[1] = String.class;
311 		}
313 		private boolean hasNext() {
314 			return (next != null);
315 		}
317 		private Tuple getNext() {
318 			return next;
319 		}
321 		private void setNext(Tuple next) {
322 = next;
323 		}
325 		private void setLineNumber(int lineno) {
326 			assert this.lineno == -1 : "The line number was already set to " + this.lineno + ". Later lineno = " + lineno + ".";
327 			this.lineno = lineno;
328 		}
330 		@Override
331 		public String toString() {
332 			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
333 			sb.append(toOpcodeString(opcode));
334 			int idx = 0;
335 			while ((idx < types.length) && (types[idx] != null)) {
336 				sb.append(", ");
337 				Class<?> type = types[idx];
338 				if (type == Long.class) {
339 					sb.append(ints[idx]);
340 				} else if (type == Boolean.class) {
341 					sb.append(bools[idx]);
342 				} else if (type == Double.class) {
343 					sb.append(doubles[idx]);
344 				} else if (type == String.class) {
345 					sb.append('"').append(strings[idx]).append('"');
346 				} else if (type == Address.class) {
347 					assert (idx == 0);
348 					sb.append(address);
349 				} else if (type == Class.class) {
350 					assert (idx == 0);
351 					sb.append(cls);
352 				} else if (type == HasFunctionAddress.class) {
353 					assert (idx == 0);
354 					sb.append(hasFuncAddr);
355 				} else {
356 					throw new Error("Unknown param type (" + idx + "): " + type);
357 				}
358 				++idx;
359 			}
360 			return sb.toString();
361 		}
363 		/**
364 		 * Update this tuple to populate the address argument value if necessary;
365 		 * and, check if address points to a proper element in the tuple queue.
366 		 * <p>
367 		 * The address will be updated only if there exists a HasFunctionAddress
368 		 * argument for this tuple.
369 		 *
370 		 * <p>
371 		 * This is executed after the tuples are constructed so that function address
372 		 * references can be resolved. Otherwise, forward declared functions will
373 		 * not be resolved in the Tuple list.
374 		 *
375 		 */
376 		public void touch(java.util.List<Tuple> queue) {
377 			assert lineno != -1 : "The line number should have been set by queue.add(), but was not.";
378 			if (hasFuncAddr != null) {
379 				address = hasFuncAddr.getFunctionAddress();
380 				types[0] = Address.class;
381 			}
382 			if (address != null) {
383 				if (address.index() == -1) {
384 					throw new Error("address " + address + " is unresolved");
385 				}
386 				if (address.index() >= queue.size()) {
387 					throw new Error("address " + address + " doesn't resolve to an actual list element");
388 				}
389 			}
390 		}
392 		private int getOpcode() {
393 			return opcode;
394 		}
396 		private long[] getInts() {
397 			return ints;
398 		}
400 		private boolean[] getBools() {
401 			return bools;
402 		}
404 		private double[] getDoubles() {
405 			return doubles;
406 		}
408 		private String[] getStrings() {
409 			return strings;
410 		}
412 		private Class<?>[] getTypes() {
413 			return types;
414 		}
416 		private void setAddress(Address address) {
417 			this.address = address;
418 		}
420 		private Address getAddress() {
421 			return address;
422 		}
424 		private int getLineno() {
425 			return lineno;
426 		}
428 		@SuppressWarnings("unused")
429 		private void setOpcode(int opcode) {
430 			this.opcode = opcode;
431 		}
433 		private Class<?> getCls() {
434 			return cls;
435 		}
437 		private HasFunctionAddress getHasFuncAddr() {
438 			return hasFuncAddr;
439 		}
440 	}
442 	// made public to be accessable via Java Reflection
443 	// (see toOpcodeString() method below)
445 	/**
446 	 * Pops an item off the operand stack.
447 	 * <p>
448 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
449 	 * Stack after: ...
450 	 *
451 	 */
452 	public static final int _POP_ = 257;	// x -> 0
453 	/**
454 	 * Pushes an item onto the operand stack.
455 	 * <p>
456 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
457 	 * Stack after: x ...
458 	 *
459 	 */
460 	public static final int _PUSH_ = 258;	// 0 -> x
461 	/**
462 	 * Pops and evaluates the top-of-stack; if
463 	 * false, it jumps to a specified address.
464 	 * <p>
465 	 * Argument: address
466 	 *
467 	 * <p>
468 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
469 	 * Stack after: ...
470 	 *
471 	 */
472 	public static final int _IFFALSE_ = 259;	// x -> 0
473 	/**
474 	 * Converts the top-of-stack to a number.
475 	 * <p>
476 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
477 	 * Stack after: x (as a number)
478 	 *
479 	 */
480 	public static final int _TO_NUMBER_ = 260;	// x1 -> x2
481 	/**
482 	 * Pops and evaluates the top-of-stack; if
483 	 * true, it jumps to a specified address.
484 	 * <p>
485 	 * Argument: address
486 	 *
487 	 * <p>
488 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
489 	 * Stack after: ...
490 	 *
491 	 */
492 	public static final int _IFTRUE_ = 261;	// x -> 0
493 	/**
494 	 * Jumps to a specified address. The operand stack contents
495 	 * are unaffected.
496 	 */
497 	public static final int _GOTO_ = 262;	// 0 -> 0
498 	/**
499 	 * A no-operation. The operand stack contents are
500 	 * unaffected.
501 	 */
502 	public static final int _NOP_ = 263;	// 0 -> 0
503 	/**
504 	 * Prints N number of items that are on the operand stack.
505 	 * The number of items are passed in as a tuple argument.
506 	 * <p>
507 	 * Argument: # of items (N)
508 	 *
509 	 * <p>
510 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 x3 .. xN ...<br/>
511 	 * Stack after: ...
512 	 *
513 	 */
514 	public static final int _PRINT_ = 264;	// x1, x2, ... xn -> 0
515 	/**
516 	 * Prints N number of items that are on the operand stack to
517 	 * a specified file. The file is passed in on the stack.
518 	 * The number of items are passed in as a tuple argument,
519 	 * as well as whether to overwrite the file or not (append mode).
520 	 * <p>
521 	 * Argument 1: # of items (N)<br/>
522 	 * Argument 2: true = append, false = overwrite
523 	 *
524 	 * <p>
525 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 x3 .. xN filename ...<br/>
526 	 * Stack after: ...
527 	 *
528 	 */
529 	public static final int _PRINT_TO_FILE_ = 265;	// x1, x2, ... xn -> 0
530 	/**
531 	 * Prints N number of items that are on the operand stack to
532 	 * a process executing a specified command (via a pipe).
533 	 * The command string is passed in on the stack.
534 	 * The number of items are passed in as a tuple argument.
535 	 * <p>
536 	 * Argument: # of items (N)
537 	 *
538 	 * <p>
539 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 x3 .. xN command-string ...<br/>
540 	 * Stack after: ...
541 	 *
542 	 */
543 	public static final int _PRINT_TO_PIPE_ = 266;	// x1, x2, ... xn -> 0
544 	/**
545 	 * Performs a formatted print of N items that are on the operand stack.
546 	 * The number of items are passed in as a tuple argument.
547 	 * <p>
548 	 * Argument: # of items (N)
549 	 *
550 	 * <p>
551 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 x3 .. xN ...<br/>
552 	 * Stack after: ...
553 	 *
554 	 */
555 	public static final int _PRINTF_ = 267;	// x1, x2, ... xn -> 0
556 	/**
557 	 * Performs a formatted print of N items that are on the operand stack to
558 	 * a specified file. The file is passed in on the stack.
559 	 * The number of items are passed in as a tuple argument,
560 	 * as well as whether to overwrite the file or not (append mode).
561 	 * <p>
562 	 * Argument 1: # of items (N)<br/>
563 	 * Argument 2: true = append, false = overwrite
564 	 *
565 	 * <p>
566 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 x3 .. xN filename ...<br/>
567 	 * Stack after: ...
568 	 *
569 	 */
570 	public static final int _PRINTF_TO_FILE_ = 268;	// x1, x2, ... xn -> 0
571 	/**
572 	 * Performs a formatted print of N items that are on the operand stack to
573 	 * a process executing a specified command (via a pipe).
574 	 * The command string is passed in on the stack.
575 	 * The number of items are passed in as a tuple argument.
576 	 * <p>
577 	 * Argument: # of items (N)
578 	 *
579 	 * <p>
580 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 x3 .. xN command-string ...<br/>
581 	 * Stack after: ...
582 	 *
583 	 */
584 	public static final int _PRINTF_TO_PIPE_ = 269;	// x1, x2, ... xn -> 0
585 	/** Constant <code>_SPRINTF_=270</code> */
586 	public static final int _SPRINTF_ = 270;	// x1, x2, ... xn -> 0
587 	/**
588 	 * Depending on the argument, pop and evaluate the string length of the top-of-stack
589 	 * or evaluate the string length of $0; in either case, push the result onto
590 	 * the stack.
591 	 * <p>
592 	 * The input field length evaluation mode is provided to support backward
593 	 * compatibility with the deprecated usage of length (i.e., no arguments).
594 	 *
595 	 * <p>
596 	 * Argument: 0 to use $0, use top-of-stack otherwise
597 	 *
598 	 * <p>
599 	 * If argument is 0:
600 	 * <blockquote>
601 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
602 	 * Stack after: length-of-$0 ...
603 	 * </blockquote>
604 	 * else
605 	 * <blockquote>
606 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
607 	 * Stack after: length-of-x ...
608 	 * </blockquote>
609 	 *
610 	 */
611 	public static final int _LENGTH_ = 271;	// 0 -> x or x1 -> x2
612 	/**
613 	 * Pop and concatenate two strings from the top-of-stack; push the result onto
614 	 * the stack.
615 	 * <p>
616 	 * Stack before: x y ...<br/>
617 	 * Stack after: x-concatenated-with-y ...
618 	 *
619 	 */
620 	public static final int _CONCAT_ = 272;	// x2, x1 -> x1x2
621 	/**
622 	 * Assigns the top-of-stack to a variable. The contents of the stack
623 	 * are unaffected.
624 	 * <p>
625 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
626 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
627 	 *
628 	 * <p>
629 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
630 	 * Stack after: x ...
631 	 *
632 	 */
633 	public static final int _ASSIGN_ = 273;	// x -> 0
634 	/**
635 	 * Assigns an item to an array element. The item remains on the stack.
636 	 * <p>
637 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular associative array into the variable manager<br/>
638 	 * Argument 2: whether the associative array is global or local
639 	 *
640 	 * <p>
641 	 * Stack before: index-into-array item ...<br/>
642 	 * Stack after: item ...
643 	 *
644 	 */
645 	public static final int _ASSIGN_ARRAY_ = 274;	// x2, x1 -> 0
646 	/**
647 	 * Assigns the top-of-stack to $0. The contents of the stack are unaffected.
648 	 * Upon assignment, individual field variables are recalculated.
649 	 * <p>
650 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
651 	 * Stack after: x ...
652 	 *
653 	 */
654 	public static final int _ASSIGN_AS_INPUT_ = 275;	// x -> 0
655 	/**
656 	 * Assigns an item as a particular input field; the field number can be 0.
657 	 * Upon assignment, associating input fields are affected. For example, if
658 	 * the following assignment were made:
659 	 * <blockquote>
660 	 * <pre>
661 	 * $3 = "hi"
662 	 * </pre>
663 	 * </blockquote>
664 	 * $0 would be recalculated. Likewise, if the following assignment were made:
665 	 * <blockquote>
666 	 * <pre>
667 	 * $0 = "hello there"
668 	 * </pre>
669 	 * </blockquote>
670 	 * $1, $2, ... would be recalculated.
671 	 * <p>
672 	 * Stack before: field-num x ...<br/>
673 	 * Stack after: x ...
674 	 *
675 	 */
676 	public static final int _ASSIGN_AS_INPUT_FIELD_ = 276;	// x, y -> x
677 	/**
678 	 * Obtains an item from the variable manager and push it onto the stack.
679 	 * <p>
680 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
681 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
682 	 *
683 	 * <p>
684 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
685 	 * Stack after: x ...
686 	 *
687 	 */
688 	public static final int _DEREFERENCE_ = 277;	// 0 -> x
689 	/**
690 	 * Increase the contents of the variable by an adjustment value;
691 	 * assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
692 	 * <p>
693 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
694 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
695 	 *
696 	 * <p>
697 	 * Stack before: n ...<br/>
698 	 * Stack after: x+n ...
699 	 *
700 	 */
701 	public static final int _PLUS_EQ_ = 278;	// x -> x
702 	/**
703 	 * Decreases the contents of the variable by an adjustment value;
704 	 * assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
705 	 * <p>
706 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
707 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
708 	 *
709 	 * <p>
710 	 * Stack before: n ...<br/>
711 	 * Stack after: x-n ...
712 	 *
713 	 */
714 	public static final int _MINUS_EQ_ = 279;	// x -> x
715 	/**
716 	 * Multiplies the contents of the variable by an adjustment value;
717 	 * assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
718 	 * <p>
719 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
720 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
721 	 *
722 	 * <p>
723 	 * Stack before: n ...<br/>
724 	 * Stack after: x*n ...
725 	 *
726 	 */
727 	public static final int _MULT_EQ_ = 280;	// x -> x
728 	/**
729 	 * Divides the contents of the variable by an adjustment value;
730 	 * assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
731 	 * <p>
732 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
733 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
734 	 *
735 	 * <p>
736 	 * Stack before: n ...<br/>
737 	 * Stack after: x/n ...
738 	 *
739 	 */
740 	public static final int _DIV_EQ_ = 281;	// x -> x
741 	/**
742 	 * Takes the modules of the contents of the variable by an adjustment value;
743 	 * assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
744 	 * <p>
745 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
746 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
747 	 *
748 	 * <p>
749 	 * Stack before: n ...<br/>
750 	 * Stack after: x%n ...
751 	 *
752 	 */
753 	public static final int _MOD_EQ_ = 282;	// x -> x
754 	/**
755 	 * Raises the contents of the variable to the power of the adjustment value;
756 	 * assigns the result to the variable and pushes the result onto the stack.
757 	 * <p>
758 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
759 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
760 	 *
761 	 * <p>
762 	 * Stack before: n ...<br/>
763 	 * Stack after: x^n ...
764 	 *
765 	 */
766 	public static final int _POW_EQ_ = 283;	// x -> x
767 	/**
768 	 * Increase the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value;
769 	 * assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
770 	 * <p>
771 	 * Argument 1: offset of the associative array into the variable manager<br/>
772 	 * Argument 2: whether the associative array is global or local
773 	 *
774 	 * <p>
775 	 * Stack before: array-idx n ...<br/>
776 	 * Stack after: x+n ...
777 	 *
778 	 */
779 	public static final int _PLUS_EQ_ARRAY_ = 284;	// x -> x
780 	/**
781 	 * Decreases the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value;
782 	 * assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
783 	 * <p>
784 	 * Argument 1: offset of the associative array into the variable manager<br/>
785 	 * Argument 2: whether the associative array is global or local
786 	 *
787 	 * <p>
788 	 * Stack before: array-idx n ...<br/>
789 	 * Stack after: x-n ...
790 	 *
791 	 */
792 	public static final int _MINUS_EQ_ARRAY_ = 285;	// x -> x
793 	/**
794 	 * Multiplies the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value;
795 	 * assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
796 	 * <p>
797 	 * Argument 1: offset of the associative array into the variable manager<br/>
798 	 * Argument 2: whether the associative array is global or local
799 	 *
800 	 * <p>
801 	 * Stack before: array-idx n ...<br/>
802 	 * Stack after: x*n ...
803 	 *
804 	 */
805 	public static final int _MULT_EQ_ARRAY_ = 286;	// x -> x
806 	/**
807 	 * Divides the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value;
808 	 * assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
809 	 * <p>
810 	 * Argument 1: offset of the associative array into the variable manager<br/>
811 	 * Argument 2: whether the associative array is global or local
812 	 *
813 	 * <p>
814 	 * Stack before: array-idx n ...<br/>
815 	 * Stack after: x/n ...
816 	 *
817 	 */
818 	public static final int _DIV_EQ_ARRAY_ = 287;	// x -> x
819 	/**
820 	 * Takes the modulus of the contents of an indexed array by an adjustment value;
821 	 * assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
822 	 * <p>
823 	 * Argument 1: offset of the associative array into the variable manager<br/>
824 	 * Argument 2: whether the associative array is global or local
825 	 *
826 	 * <p>
827 	 * Stack before: array-idx n ...<br/>
828 	 * Stack after: x%n ...
829 	 *
830 	 */
831 	public static final int _MOD_EQ_ARRAY_ = 288;	// x -> x
832 	/**
833 	 * Raises the contents of an indexed array to the power of an adjustment value;
834 	 * assigns the result to the array and pushes the result onto the stack.
835 	 * <p>
836 	 * Argument 1: offset of the associative array into the variable manager<br/>
837 	 * Argument 2: whether the associative array is global or local
838 	 *
839 	 * <p>
840 	 * Stack before: array-idx n ...<br/>
841 	 * Stack after: x^n ...
842 	 *
843 	 */
844 	public static final int _POW_EQ_ARRAY_ = 289;	// x -> x
845 	/**
846 	 * Increases the contents of an input field by an adjustment value;
847 	 * assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
848 	 * <p>
849 	 * Stack before: input-field_number n ...<br/>
850 	 * Stack after: x+n ...
851 	 *
852 	 */
853 	public static final int _PLUS_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ = 290;	// x1,x2 -> x
854 	/**
855 	 * Decreases the contents of an input field by an adjustment value;
856 	 * assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
857 	 * <p>
858 	 * Stack before: input-field_number n ...<br/>
859 	 * Stack after: x-n ...
860 	 *
861 	 */
862 	public static final int _MINUS_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ = 291;	// x1,x2 -> x
863 	/**
864 	 * Multiplies the contents of an input field by an adjustment value;
865 	 * assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
866 	 * <p>
867 	 * Stack before: input-field_number n ...<br/>
868 	 * Stack after: x*n ...
869 	 *
870 	 */
871 	public static final int _MULT_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ = 292;	// x1,x2 -> x
872 	/**
873 	 * Divides the contents of an input field by an adjustment value;
874 	 * assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
875 	 * <p>
876 	 * Stack before: input-field_number n ...<br/>
877 	 * Stack after: x/n ...
878 	 *
879 	 */
880 	public static final int _DIV_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ = 293;	// x1,x2 -> x
881 	/**
882 	 * Takes the modulus of the contents of an input field by an adjustment value;
883 	 * assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
884 	 * <p>
885 	 * Stack before: input-field_number n ...<br/>
886 	 * Stack after: x%n ...
887 	 *
888 	 */
889 	public static final int _MOD_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ = 294;	// x1,x2 -> x
890 	/**
891 	 * Raises the contents of an input field to the power of an adjustment value;
892 	 * assigns the result to the input field and pushes the result onto the stack.
893 	 * <p>
894 	 * Stack before: input-field_number n ...<br/>
895 	 * Stack after: x^n ...
896 	 *
897 	 */
898 	public static final int _POW_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_ = 295;	// x1,x2 -> x
900 	/**
901 	 * Seeds the random number generator. If there are no arguments, the current
902 	 * time (as a long value) is used as the seed. Otherwise, the top-of-stack is
903 	 * popped and used as the seed value.
904 	 * <p>
905 	 * Argument: # of arguments
906 	 *
907 	 * <p>
908 	 * If # of arguments is 0:
909 	 * <blockquote>
910 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
911 	 * Stack after: old-seed ...
912 	 * </blockquote>
913 	 * else
914 	 * <blockquote>
915 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
916 	 * Stack after: old-seed ...
917 	 * </blockquote>
918 	 *
919 	 */
920 	public static final int _SRAND_ = 296;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
921 	/**
922 	 * Obtains the next random number from the random number generator
923 	 * and push it onto the stack.
924 	 * <p>
925 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
926 	 * Stack after: random-number ...
927 	 *
928 	 */
929 	public static final int _RAND_ = 297;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
930 	/**
931 	 * Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, removes its fractional part,
932 	 * if any, and places the result onto the stack.
933 	 * <p>
934 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
935 	 * Stack after: (int)x ...
936 	 *
937 	 */
938 	public static final int _INTFUNC_ = 298;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
939 	/**
940 	 * Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, takes its square root,
941 	 * and places the result onto the stack.
942 	 * <p>
943 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
944 	 * Stack after: sqrt(x) ...
945 	 *
946 	 */
947 	public static final int _SQRT_ = 299;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
948 	/**
949 	 * Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, calls the java.lang.Math.log method
950 	 * with the top-of-stack as the argument, and places the result onto the stack.
951 	 * <p>
952 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
953 	 * Stack after: log(x) ...
954 	 *
955 	 */
956 	public static final int _LOG_ = 300;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
957 	/**
958 	 * Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, calls the java.lang.Math.exp method
959 	 * with the top-of-stack as the argument, and places the result onto the stack.
960 	 * <p>
961 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
962 	 * Stack after: exp(x) ...
963 	 *
964 	 */
965 	public static final int _EXP_ = 301;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
966 	/**
967 	 * Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, calls the java.lang.Math.sin method
968 	 * with the top-of-stack as the argument, and places the result onto the stack.
969 	 * <p>
970 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
971 	 * Stack after: sin(x) ...
972 	 *
973 	 */
974 	public static final int _SIN_ = 302;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
975 	/**
976 	 * Built-in function that pops the top-of-stack, calls the java.lang.Math.cos method
977 	 * with the top-of-stack as the argument, and places the result onto the stack.
978 	 * <p>
979 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
980 	 * Stack after: cos(x) ...
981 	 *
982 	 */
983 	public static final int _COS_ = 303;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
984 	/**
985 	 * Built-in function that pops the first two items off the stack,
986 	 * calls the java.lang.Math.atan2 method
987 	 * with these as arguments, and places the result onto the stack.
988 	 * <p>
989 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
990 	 * Stack after: atan2(x1,x2) ...
991 	 *
992 	 */
993 	public static final int _ATAN2_ = 304;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
994 	/**
995 	 * Built-in function that searches a string as input to a regular expression,
996 	 * the location of the match is pushed onto the stack.
997 	 * The RSTART and RLENGTH variables are set as a side effect.
998 	 * If a match is found, RSTART and function return value are set
999 	 * to the location of the match and RLENGTH is set to the length
1000 	 * of the substring matched against the regular expression.
1001 	 * If no match is found, RSTART (and return value) is set to
1002 	 * 0 and RLENGTH is set to -1.
1003 	 * <p>
1004 	 * Stack before: string regexp ...<br/>
1005 	 * Stack after: RSTART ...
1006 	 *
1007 	 */
1008 	public static final int _MATCH_ = 305;	// x1, x2 -> x
1009 	/**
1010 	 * Built-in function that locates a substring within a source string
1011 	 * and pushes the location onto the stack. If the substring is
1012 	 * not found, 0 is pushed onto the stack.
1013 	 * <p>
1014 	 * Stack before: string substring ...<br/>
1015 	 * Stack after: location-index ...
1016 	 *
1017 	 */
1018 	public static final int _INDEX_ = 306;	// x1, x2 -> x
1019 	/**
1020 	 * Built-in function that substitutes an occurrence (or all occurrences)
1021 	 * of a string in $0 and replaces it with another.
1022 	 * <p>
1023 	 * Argument: true if global sub, false otherwise.
1024 	 *
1025 	 * <p>
1026 	 * Stack before: regexp replacement-string ...<br/>
1027 	 * Stack after: ...
1028 	 *
1029 	 */
1030 	public static final int _SUB_FOR_DOLLAR_0_ = 307;	// x -> 0
1031 	/**
1032 	 * Built-in function that substitutes an occurrence (or all occurrences)
1033 	 * of a string in a field reference and replaces it with another.
1034 	 * <p>
1035 	 * Argument: true if global sub, false otherwise.
1036 	 *
1037 	 * <p>
1038 	 * Stack before: field-num regexp replacement-string ...<br/>
1039 	 * Stack after: ...
1040 	 *
1041 	 */
1042 	public static final int _SUB_FOR_DOLLAR_REFERENCE_ = 308;	// x -> 0
1043 	/**
1044 	 * Built-in function that substitutes an occurrence (or all occurrences)
1045 	 * of a string in a particular variable and replaces it with another.
1046 	 * <p>
1047 	 * Argument 1: variable offset in variable manager<br/>
1048 	 * Argument 2: is global variable<br/>
1049 	 * Argument 3: is global sub
1050 	 *
1051 	 * <p>
1052 	 * Stack before: regexp replacement-string orig-string ...<br/>
1053 	 * Stack after: ...
1054 	 *
1055 	 */
1056 	public static final int _SUB_FOR_VARIABLE_ = 309;	// x -> 0
1057 	/**
1058 	 * Built-in function that substitutes an occurrence (or all occurrences)
1059 	 * of a string in a particular array cell and replaces it with another.
1060 	 * <p>
1061 	 * Argument 1: array map offset in variable manager<br/>
1062 	 * Argument 2: is global array map<br/>
1063 	 * Argument 3: is global sub
1064 	 *
1065 	 * <p>
1066 	 * Stack before: array-index regexp replacement-string orig-string ...<br/>
1067 	 * Stack after: ...
1068 	 *
1069 	 */
1070 	public static final int _SUB_FOR_ARRAY_REFERENCE_ = 310;	// x -> 0
1071 	/**
1072 	 * Built-in function to split a string by a regexp and put the
1073 	 * components into an array.
1074 	 * <p>
1075 	 * Argument: # of arguments (parameters on stack)
1076 	 *
1077 	 * <p>
1078 	 * If # of arguments is 2:
1079 	 * <blockquote>
1080 	 * Stack before: string array ...<br/>
1081 	 * Stack after: n ...
1082 	 * </blockquote>
1083 	 * else
1084 	 * <blockquote>
1085 	 * Stack before: string array regexp ...<br/>
1086 	 * Stack after: n ...
1087 	 * </blockquote>
1088 	 *
1089 	 */
1090 	public static final int _SPLIT_ = 311;	// x1 -> x2
1091 	/**
1092 	 * Built-in function that pushes a substring of the top-of-stack
1093 	 * onto the stack.
1094 	 * The tuple argument indicates whether to limit the substring
1095 	 * to a particular end position, or to take the substring
1096 	 * up to the end-of-string.
1097 	 * <p>
1098 	 * Argument: # of arguments
1099 	 *
1100 	 * <p>
1101 	 * If # of arguments is 2:
1102 	 * <blockquote>
1103 	 * Stack before: string start-pos ...<br/>
1104 	 * Stack after: substring ...
1105 	 * </blockquote>
1106 	 * else
1107 	 * <blockquote>
1108 	 * Stack before: string start-pos end-pos ...<br/>
1109 	 * Stack after: substring ...
1110 	 * </blockquote>
1111 	 *
1112 	 */
1113 	public static final int _SUBSTR_ = 312;	// x1 -> x2
1114 	/**
1115 	 * Built-in function that converts all the letters in the top-of-stack
1116 	 * to lower case and pushes the result onto the stack.
1117 	 * <p>
1118 	 * Stack before: STRING-ARGUMENT ...<br/>
1119 	 * Stack after: string-argument ...
1120 	 *
1121 	 */
1122 	public static final int _TOLOWER_ = 313;	// x1 -> x2
1123 	/**
1124 	 * Built-in function that converts all the letters in the top-of-stack
1125 	 * to upper case and pushes the result onto the stack.
1126 	 * <p>
1127 	 * Stack before: string-argument ...<br/>
1128 	 * Stack after: STRING-ARGUMENT ...
1129 	 *
1130 	 */
1131 	public static final int _TOUPPER_ = 314;	// x1 -> x2
1132 	/**
1133 	 * Built-in function that executes the top-of-stack as a system command
1134 	 * and pushes the return code onto the stack.
1135 	 * <p>
1136 	 * Stack before: cmd ...<br/>
1137 	 * Stack after: return-code ...
1138 	 *
1139 	 */
1140 	public static final int _SYSTEM_ = 315;	// x1 -> x2
1142 	/**
1143 	 * Swaps the top two elements of the stack.
1144 	 * <p>
1145 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1146 	 * Stack after: x2 x1 ...
1147 	 *
1148 	 */
1149 	public static final int _SWAP_ = 316;	// x2, x1 -> x1, x2
1151 	/**
1152 	 * Numerically adds the top two elements of the stack with the result
1153 	 * pushed onto the stack.
1154 	 * <p>
1155 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1156 	 * Stack after: x1+x2 ...
1157 	 *
1158 	 */
1159 	public static final int _ADD_ = 317;	// x2, x1 -> x1+x2
1160 	/**
1161 	 * Numerically subtracts the top two elements of the stack with the result
1162 	 * pushed onto the stack.
1163 	 * <p>
1164 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1165 	 * Stack after: x1-x2 ...
1166 	 *
1167 	 */
1168 	public static final int _SUBTRACT_ = 318;	// x2, x1 -> x1-x2
1169 	/**
1170 	 * Numerically multiplies the top two elements of the stack with the result
1171 	 * pushed onto the stack.
1172 	 * <p>
1173 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1174 	 * Stack after: x1*x2 ...
1175 	 *
1176 	 */
1177 	public static final int _MULTIPLY_ = 319;	// x2, x1 -> x1*x2
1178 	/**
1179 	 * Numerically divides the top two elements of the stack with the result
1180 	 * pushed onto the stack.
1181 	 * <p>
1182 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1183 	 * Stack after: x1/x2 ...
1184 	 *
1185 	 */
1186 	public static final int _DIVIDE_ = 320;	// x2, x1 -> x1/x2
1187 	/**
1188 	 * Numerically takes the modulus of the top two elements of the stack with the result
1189 	 * pushed onto the stack.
1190 	 * <p>
1191 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1192 	 * Stack after: x1%x2 ...
1193 	 *
1194 	 */
1195 	public static final int _MOD_ = 321;	// x2, x1 -> x1/x2
1196 	/**
1197 	 * Numerically raises the top element to the power of the next element with the result
1198 	 * pushed onto the stack.
1199 	 * <p>
1200 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1201 	 * Stack after: x1^x2 ...
1202 	 *
1203 	 */
1204 	public static final int _POW_ = 322;	// x2, x1 -> x1/x2
1206 	/**
1207 	 * Increases the variable reference by one; pushes the result
1208 	 * onto the stack.
1209 	 * <p>
1210 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
1211 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
1212 	 *
1213 	 * <p>
1214 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
1215 	 * Stack after: x+1 ...
1216 	 *
1217 	 */
1218 	public static final int _INC_ = 323;	// 0 -> x
1219 	/**
1220 	 * Decreases the variable reference by one; pushes the result
1221 	 * onto the stack.
1222 	 * <p>
1223 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
1224 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
1225 	 *
1226 	 * <p>
1227 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
1228 	 * Stack after: x-1 ...
1229 	 *
1230 	 */
1231 	public static final int _DEC_ = 324;	// 0 -> x
1232 	/**
1233 	 * Increases the array element reference by one; pushes the result
1234 	 * onto the stack.
1235 	 * <p>
1236 	 * Argument 1: offset of the associative array into the variable manager<br/>
1237 	 * Argument 2: whether the associative array is global or local
1238 	 *
1239 	 * <p>
1240 	 * Stack before: array-idx ...<br/>
1241 	 * Stack after: x+1 ...
1242 	 *
1243 	 */
1244 	public static final int _INC_ARRAY_REF_ = 325;	// x -> x
1245 	/**
1246 	 * Decreases the array element reference by one; pushes the result
1247 	 * onto the stack.
1248 	 * <p>
1249 	 * Argument 1: offset of the associative array into the variable manager<br/>
1250 	 * Argument 2: whether the associative array is global or local
1251 	 *
1252 	 * <p>
1253 	 * Stack before: array-idx ...<br/>
1254 	 * Stack after: x-1 ...
1255 	 *
1256 	 */
1257 	public static final int _DEC_ARRAY_REF_ = 326;	// x -> x
1258 	/**
1259 	 * Increases the input field variable by one; pushes the result
1260 	 * onto the stack.
1261 	 * <p>
1262 	 * Stack before: field-idx ...<br/>
1263 	 * Stack after: x+1
1264 	 *
1265 	 */
1266 	public static final int _INC_DOLLAR_REF_ = 327;	// x -> x
1267 	/**
1268 	 * Decreases the input field variable by one; pushes the result
1269 	 * onto the stack.
1270 	 * <p>
1271 	 * Stack before: field-idx ...<br/>
1272 	 * Stack after: x-1
1273 	 *
1274 	 */
1275 	public static final int _DEC_DOLLAR_REF_ = 328;	// x -> x
1277 	/**
1278 	 * Duplicates the top-of-stack on the stack.
1279 	 * <p>
1280 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
1281 	 * Stack after: x x ...
1282 	 *
1283 	 */
1284 	public static final int _DUP_ = 329;	// x -> x, x
1285 	/**
1286 	 * Evaluates the logical NOT of the top stack element;
1287 	 * pushes the result onto the stack.
1288 	 * <p>
1289 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
1290 	 * Stack after: !x ...
1291 	 *
1292 	 */
1293 	public static final int _NOT_ = 330;	// x -> !x
1294 	/**
1295 	 * Evaluates the numerical NEGATION of the top stack element;
1296 	 * pushes the result onto the stack.
1297 	 * <p>
1298 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
1299 	 * Stack after: -x ...
1300 	 *
1301 	 */
1302 	public static final int _NEGATE_ = 331;	// x -> -x
1304 	/**
1305 	 * Compares the top two stack elements; pushes 1 onto the stack if equal, 0 if not equal.
1306 	 * <p>
1307 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1308 	 * Stack after: x1==x2
1309 	 *
1310 	 */
1311 	public static final int _CMP_EQ_ = 332;	// x2, x1 -> x1 == x2
1312 	/**
1313 	 * Compares the top two stack elements; pushes 1 onto the stack if x1 &lt; x2, 0 if not equal.
1314 	 * <p>
1315 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1316 	 * Stack after: x1&lt;x2
1317 	 *
1318 	 */
1319 	public static final int _CMP_LT_ = 333;	// x2, x1 -> x1 < x2
1320 	/**
1321 	 * Compares the top two stack elements; pushes 1 onto the stack if x1 &gt; x2, 0 if not equal.
1322 	 * <p>
1323 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1324 	 * Stack after: x1&gt;x2
1325 	 *
1326 	 */
1327 	public static final int _CMP_GT_ = 334;	// x2, x1 -> x1 < x2
1328 	/**
1329 	 * Applies a regular expression to the top stack element; pushes 1 if it matches,
1330 	 * 0 if it does not match.
1331 	 * <p>
1332 	 * Stack before: x1 x2 ...<br/>
1333 	 * Stack after: (x1 ~ /x2/) ...
1334 	 *
1335 	 */
1336 	public static final int _MATCHES_ = 335;	// x2, x1 -> x1 ~ x2
1338 	/**
1339 	 * <strong>Extension:</strong> Pauses the execution thread by N number of seconds.
1340 	 * <p>
1341 	 * Stack before: N ...<br/>
1342 	 * Stack after: ...
1343 	 *
1344 	 */
1345 	public static final int _SLEEP_ = 336;	// x -> 0
1346 	/** Constant <code>_DUMP_=337</code> */
1347 	public static final int _DUMP_ = 337;	// x -> 0
1349 	/** Constant <code>_DEREF_ARRAY_=338</code> */
1350 	public static final int _DEREF_ARRAY_ = 338;	// x -> x
1352 	// for (x in y) {keyset} support
1353 	/**
1354 	 * Retrieves and pushes a Set of keys from an associative array onto the stack.
1355 	 * The Set is tagged with a KeyList interface.
1356 	 * <p>
1357 	 * Stack before: associative-array ...<br/>
1358 	 * Stack after: key-list-set ...
1359 	 *
1360 	 */
1361 	public static final int _KEYLIST_ = 339;	// 0 -> {keylist}
1362 	/**
1363 	 * Tests whether the KeyList (set) is empty; jumps to the argument
1364 	 * address if empty, steps to the next instruction if not.
1365 	 * <p>
1366 	 * Argument: jump-address-if-empty
1367 	 *
1368 	 * <p>
1369 	 * Stack before: key-list ...<br/>
1370 	 * Stack after: ...
1371 	 *
1372 	 */
1373 	public static final int _IS_EMPTY_KEYLIST_ = 340;	// {keylist} -> 0
1374 	/**
1375 	 * Removes an item from the KeyList (set) and pushes it onto the operand stack.
1376 	 * <p>
1377 	 * Stack before: key-list ...<br/>
1378 	 * Stack after: 1st-item ...
1379 	 *
1380 	 */
1381 	public static final int _GET_FIRST_AND_REMOVE_FROM_KEYLIST_ = 341;	// {keylist} -> x
1383 	// assertions
1384 	/**
1385 	 * Checks whether the top-of-stack is of a particular class type;
1386 	 * if not, an AwkRuntimeException is thrown.
1387 	 * The stack remains unchanged upon a successful check.
1388 	 * <p>
1389 	 * Argument: class-type (i.e., KeyList.class)
1390 	 *
1391 	 * <p>
1392 	 * Stack before: obj ...<br/>
1393 	 * Stack after: obj ...
1394 	 *
1395 	 */
1396 	public static final int _CHECK_CLASS_ = 342;	// {class} -> 0
1398 	// input
1399 	//* Obtain an input string from stdin; push the result onto the stack.
1400 	/**
1401 	 * Push an input field onto the stack.
1402 	 * <p>
1403 	 * Stack before: field-id ...<br/>
1404 	 * Stack after: x ...
1405 	 *
1406 	 */
1407 	public static final int _GET_INPUT_FIELD_ = 343;	// 0 -> x
1408 	/**
1409 	 * Consume next line of input; assigning $0 and recalculating $1, $2, etc.
1410 	 * The input can come from the following sources:
1411 	 * <ul>
1412 	 * <li>stdin
1413 	 * <li>filename arguments
1414 	 * </ul>
1415 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1416 	 */
1417 	public static final int _CONSUME_INPUT_ = 344;	// 0 -> 0
1418 	/**
1419 	 * Obtains input from stdin/filename-args and pushes
1420 	 * input line and status code onto the stack.
1421 	 * The input is partitioned into records based on the RS variable
1422 	 * assignment as a regular expression.
1423 	 * <p>
1424 	 * If there is input available, the input string and a return code
1425 	 * of 1 is pushed. If EOF is reached, a blank (null) string ("")
1426 	 * is pushed along with a 0 return code. Upon an IO error,
1427 	 * a blank string and a -1 is pushed onto the operand stack.
1428 	 *
1429 	 * <p>
1430 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
1431 	 * Stack after: input-string return-code ...
1432 	 *
1433 	 */
1434 	public static final int _GETLINE_INPUT_ = 345;	// 0 -> x
1435 	/**
1436 	 * Obtains input from a file and pushes
1437 	 * input line and status code onto the stack.
1438 	 * The input is partitioned into records based on the RS variable
1439 	 * assignment as a regular expression.
1440 	 * <p>
1441 	 * Upon initial execution, the file is opened and the handle
1442 	 * is maintained until it is explicitly closed, or until
1443 	 * the VM exits. Subsequent calls will obtain subsequent
1444 	 * lines (records) of input until no more records are available.
1445 	 *
1446 	 * <p>
1447 	 * If there is input available, the input string and a return code
1448 	 * of 1 is pushed. If EOF is reached, a blank (null) string ("")
1449 	 * is pushed along with a 0 return code. Upon an IO error,
1450 	 * a blank string and a -1 is pushed onto the operand stack.
1451 	 *
1452 	 * <p>
1453 	 * Stack before: filename ...<br/>
1454 	 * Stack after: input-string return-code ...
1455 	 *
1456 	 */
1457 	public static final int _USE_AS_FILE_INPUT_ = 346;	// x1 -> x2
1458 	/**
1459 	 * Obtains input from a command (process) and pushes
1460 	 * input line and status code onto the stack.
1461 	 * The input is partitioned into records based on the RS variable
1462 	 * assignment as a regular expression.
1463 	 * <p>
1464 	 * Upon initial execution, the a process is spawned to execute
1465 	 * the specified command and the process reference
1466 	 * is maintained until it is explicitly closed, or until
1467 	 * the VM exits. Subsequent calls will obtain subsequent
1468 	 * lines (records) of input until no more records are available.
1469 	 *
1470 	 * <p>
1471 	 * If there is input available, the input string and a return code
1472 	 * of 1 is pushed. If EOF is reached, a blank (null) string ("")
1473 	 * is pushed along with a 0 return code. Upon an IO error,
1474 	 * a blank string and a -1 is pushed onto the operand stack.
1475 	 *
1476 	 * <p>
1477 	 * Stack before: command-line ...<br/>
1478 	 * Stack after: input-string return-code ...
1479 	 *
1480 	 */
1481 	public static final int _USE_AS_COMMAND_INPUT_ = 347;	// x1 -> x2
1483 	// variable housekeeping
1484 	/**
1485 	 * Assign the NF variable offset. This is important for the
1486 	 * AVM to set the variables as new input lines are processed.
1487 	 * <p>
1488 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1489 	 *
1490 	 */
1491 	public static final int _NF_OFFSET_ = 348;	// 0 -> 0
1492 	/**
1493 	 * Assign the NR variable offset. This is important for the
1494 	 * AVM to increase the record number as new input lines received.
1495 	 * <p>
1496 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1497 	 *
1498 	 */
1499 	public static final int _NR_OFFSET_ = 349;	// 0 -> 0
1500 	/**
1501 	 * Assign the FNR variable offset. This is important for the
1502 	 * AVM to increase the "file" record number as new input lines are received.
1503 	 * <p>
1504 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1505 	 *
1506 	 */
1507 	public static final int _FNR_OFFSET_ = 350;	// 0 -> 0
1508 	/**
1509 	 * Assign the FS variable offset. This is important for the
1510 	 * AVM to know how to split fields upon incoming records of input.
1511 	 * <p>
1512 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1513 	 *
1514 	 */
1515 	public static final int _FS_OFFSET_ = 351;	// 0 -> 0
1516 	/**
1517 	 * Assign the RS variable offset. This is important for the
1518 	 * AVM to know how to create records from the stream(s) of input.
1519 	 * <p>
1520 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1521 	 *
1522 	 */
1523 	public static final int _RS_OFFSET_ = 352;	// 0 -> 0
1524 	/**
1525 	 * Assign the OFS variable offset. This is important for the
1526 	 * AVM to use when outputting expressions via PRINT.
1527 	 * <p>
1528 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1529 	 *
1530 	 */
1531 	public static final int _OFS_OFFSET_ = 353;	// 0 -> 0
1532 	/**
1533 	 * Assign the RSTART variable offset. The AVM sets this variable while
1534 	 * executing the match() builtin function.
1535 	 * <p>
1536 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1537 	 *
1538 	 */
1539 	public static final int _RSTART_OFFSET_ = 354;	// 0 -> 0
1540 	/**
1541 	 * Assign the RLENGTH variable offset. The AVM sets this variable while
1542 	 * executing the match() builtin function.
1543 	 * <p>
1544 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1545 	 *
1546 	 */
1547 	public static final int _RLENGTH_OFFSET_ = 355;	// 0 -> 0
1548 	/**
1549 	 * Assign the FILENAME variable offset. The AVM sets this variable while
1550 	 * processing files from the command-line for input.
1551 	 * <p>
1552 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1553 	 *
1554 	 */
1555 	public static final int _FILENAME_OFFSET_ = 356;	// 0 -> 0
1556 	/**
1557 	 * Assign the SUBSEP variable offset. The AVM uses this variable while
1558 	 * building an index of a multi-dimensional array.
1559 	 * <p>
1560 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1561 	 *
1562 	 */
1563 	public static final int _SUBSEP_OFFSET_ = 357;	// 0 -> 0
1564 	/**
1565 	 * Assign the CONVFMT variable offset. The AVM uses this variable while
1566 	 * converting numbers to strings.
1567 	 * <p>
1568 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1569 	 *
1570 	 */
1571 	public static final int _CONVFMT_OFFSET_ = 358;	// 0 -> 0
1572 	/**
1573 	 * Assign the OFMT variable offset. The AVM uses this variable while
1574 	 * converting numbers to strings for printing.
1575 	 * <p>
1576 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1577 	 *
1578 	 */
1579 	public static final int _OFMT_OFFSET_ = 359;	// 0 -> 0
1580 	/**
1581 	 * Assign the ENVIRON variable offset. The AVM provides environment
1582 	 * variables through this array.
1583 	 * <p>
1584 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1585 	 *
1586 	 */
1587 	public static final int _ENVIRON_OFFSET_ = 360;	// 0 -> 0
1588 	/**
1589 	 * Assign the ARGC variable offset. The AVM provides the number of
1590 	 * arguments via this variable.
1591 	 * <p>
1592 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1593 	 *
1594 	 */
1595 	public static final int _ARGC_OFFSET_ = 361;	// 0 -> 0
1596 	/**
1597 	 * Assign the ARGV variable offset. The AVM provides command-line
1598 	 * arguments via this variable.
1599 	 * <p>
1600 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1601 	 *
1602 	 */
1603 	public static final int _ARGV_OFFSET_ = 362;	// 0 -> 0
1605 	/**
1606 	 * Apply the RS variable by notifying the partitioning reader that
1607 	 * there is a new regular expression to use when partitioning input
1608 	 * records.
1609 	 * <p>
1610 	 * The stack remains unaffected.
1611 	 *
1612 	 */
1613 	public static final int _APPLY_RS_ = 363;	// 0 -> 0
1615 	/**
1616 	 * Call a user function.
1617 	 * <p>
1618 	 * Stack before: x1, x2, ..., xn <br>
1619 	 * Stack after: f(x1, x2, ..., xn)
1620 	 */
1621 	public static final int _CALL_FUNCTION_ = 364;	// x1,x2,...,xn -> x
1623 	/**
1624 	 * Define a user function.
1625 	 * <p>
1626 	 * Stack remains unchanged
1627 	 */
1628 	public static final int _FUNCTION_ = 365;	// 0 -> 0
1630 	/**
1631 	 * Sets the return value of a user function.
1632 	 * <p>
1633 	 * Stack before: x <br>
1634 	 * Stack after: ...
1635 	 */
1636 	public static final int _SET_RETURN_RESULT_ = 366;	// x -> 0
1638 	/**
1639 	 * Get the return value of the user function that was called
1640 	 * <p>
1641 	 * Stack before: ... <br>
1642 	 * Stack after: x
1643 	 */
1644 	public static final int _RETURN_FROM_FUNCTION_ = 367;	// 0 -> x
1646 	/**
1647 	 * Internal: sets the number of global variables
1648 	 */
1649 	public static final int _SET_NUM_GLOBALS_ = 368;	// 0 -> 0
1651 	/**
1652 	 * Close the specified file.
1653 	 * <p>
1654 	 * Stack before: file name <br>
1655 	 * Stack after: result of the close operation
1656 	 */
1657 	public static final int _CLOSE_ = 369;	// x -> x
1659 	/**
1660 	 * Convert a list of array indices to a concatenated string with SUBSEP.
1661 	 * This is used for multidimensional arrays.
1662 	 * <p>
1663 	 * Stack before: i1, i2, ..., in <br>
1664 	 * Stack after: ""
1665 	 */
1666 	public static final int _APPLY_SUBSEP_ = 370;	// x -> 0
1668 	/**
1669 	 * Deletes an entry in an array.
1670 	 * <p>
1671 	 * Stack before: i <br>
1672 	 * Stack after: ...
1673 	 */
1674 	public static final int _DELETE_ARRAY_ELEMENT_ = 371;	// 0 -> 0
1676 	/**
1677 	 * Internal.
1678 	 * <p>
1679 	 * Stack remains unchanged.
1680 	 */
1681 	public static final int _SET_EXIT_ADDRESS_ = 372;	// 0 -> 0
1683 	/**
1684 	 * Internal.
1685 	 * <p>
1686 	 * Stack remains unchanged.
1687 	 */
1688 	public static final int _SET_WITHIN_END_BLOCKS_ = 373;	// 0 -> 0
1690 	/**
1691 	 * Terminates execution and returns specified exit code.
1692 	 * <p>
1693 	 * Stack before: integer <br>
1694 	 * Stack after: N/A
1695 	 */
1696 	public static final int _EXIT_WITH_CODE_ = 374;	// 0 -> 0
1698 	/**
1699 	 * Returns a regex pattern.
1700 	 * <p>
1701 	 * Stack before: ... <br>
1702 	 * Stack after: the regex pattern object
1703 	 */
1704 	public static final int _REGEXP_ = 375;		// 0 -> x
1706 	/**
1707 	 * Returns a pair of regex patterns.
1708 	 * <p>
1709 	 * Stack before: pattern1, pattern2 <br>
1710 	 * Stack after: regex pair object
1711 	 */
1712 	public static final int _CONDITION_PAIR_ = 376;		// x, y -> x
1714 	/**
1715 	 * Returns whether the specified key is in the array.
1716 	 * <p>
1717 	 * Stack before: key, array <br>
1718 	 * Stack after: true|false
1719 	 */
1720 	public static final int _IS_IN_ = 377;		// x,y -> x
1722 	/**
1723 	 * Cast to integer
1724 	 * <p>
1725 	 * Stack before: object <br>
1726 	 * Stack after: integer
1727 	 */
1728 	public static final int _CAST_INT_ = 378;		// x -> (int)x
1730 	/**
1731 	 * Cast to double
1732 	 * <p>
1733 	 * Stack before: object <br>
1734 	 * Stack after: double
1735 	 */
1736 	public static final int _CAST_DOUBLE_ = 379;		// x -> (double)x
1738 	/**
1739 	 * Cast to string
1740 	 * <p>
1741 	 * Stack before: object <br>
1742 	 * Stack after: string
1743 	 */
1744 	public static final int _CAST_STRING_ = 380;		// x -> (string)x
1746 	/**
1747 	 * Deprecated.
1748 	 */
1749 	public static final int _THIS_ = 381;		// 0 -> (this)
1751 	/**
1752 	 * Call a function from an extension
1753 	 * <p>
1754 	 * Stack before: x1, x2, ..., xn <br>
1755 	 * Stack after: f(x1, x2, ..., xn)
1756 	 */
1757 	public static final int _EXTENSION_ = 382;		// x1,x2,...,xn -> x
1759 	/**
1760 	 * Execute the specified AWK code
1761 	 * <p>
1762 	 * Stack before: script <br>
1763 	 * Stack after: exit code of the script, or zero when successful, -1 when failed
1764 	 */
1765 	public static final int _EXEC_ = 383;		// x1,x2,...,xn -> x
1767 	/**
1768 	 * Delete the specified array.
1769 	 * <p>
1770 	 * Stack remains unchanged.
1771 	 */
1772 	public static final int _DELETE_ARRAY_ = 384;	// 0 -> 0
1774 	/**
1775 	 * Converts the top stack element to a number;
1776 	 * pushes the result onto the stack.
1777 	 * <p>
1778 	 * Stack before: x ...<br/>
1779 	 * Stack after: x ... (as a number)
1780 	 *
1781 	 */
1782 	public static final int _UNARY_PLUS_ = 385;	// x -> -x
1784 	/**
1785 	 * Terminates execution without specifying an exit code.
1786 	 * <p>
1787 	 * Stack before: N/A <br>
1788 	 * Stack after: N/A
1789 	 */
1790 	public static final int _EXIT_WITHOUT_CODE_ = 386;	// 0 -> 0
1792 	/**
1793 	 * Assign the ORS variable offset. This is important for the
1794 	 * AVM to use when outputting expressions via PRINT.
1795 	 * <p>
1796 	 * The operand stack is unaffected.
1797 	 *
1798 	 */
1799 	public static final int _ORS_OFFSET_ = 387;	// 0 -> 0
1801 	/**
1802 	 * Increases the variable reference by one; pushes the original value
1803 	 * onto the stack.
1804 	 * <p>
1805 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
1806 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
1807 	 *
1808 	 * <p>
1809 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
1810 	 * Stack after: x ... or 0 if uninitialized
1811 	 *
1812 	 */
1813 	public static final int _POSTINC_ = 388;	// 0 -> x
1815 	/**
1816 	 * Decreases the variable reference by one; pushes the original value
1817 	 * onto the stack.
1818 	 * <p>
1819 	 * Argument 1: offset of the particular variable into the variable manager<br/>
1820 	 * Argument 2: whether the variable is global or local
1821 	 *
1822 	 * <p>
1823 	 * Stack before: ...<br/>
1824 	 * Stack after: x ... or 0 if uninitialized
1825 	 *
1826 	 */
1827 	public static final int _POSTDEC_ = 389;	// 0 -> x
1829 	/**
1830 	 * Override add() to populate the line number for each tuple,
1831 	 * rather than polluting all the constructors with this assignment.
1832 	 */
1833 	private java.util.List<Tuple> queue = new ArrayList<Tuple>(100) {
1835 		private static final long serialVersionUID = -6334362156408598578L;
1837 		@Override
1838 		public boolean add(Tuple t) {
1839 			t.setLineNumber(lineno_stack.peek());
1840 			return super.add(t);
1841 		}
1842 	};
1844 	/** Unresolved addresses */
1845 	private Set<Address> unresolved_addresses = new HashSet<Address>();
1847 	/** Needed only for dumping intermediate code to text such that address labels are provided. */
1848 	private Map<Integer, Address> address_indexes = new HashMap<Integer, Address>();
1849 	/** Needed only for dumping intermediate code to text such that address labels are provided. */
1850 	private Map<String, Integer> address_label_counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
1852 	/**
1853 	 * <p>toOpcodeString.</p>
1854 	 *
1855 	 * @param opcode a int
1856 	 * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object
1857 	 */
1858 	public static String toOpcodeString(int opcode) {
1859 		Class<?> c = AwkTuples.class;
1860 		Field[] fields = c.getDeclaredFields();
1861 		try {
1862 			for (Field field : fields) {
1863 				if ((field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) > 0 && field.getType() == Long.TYPE && field.getLong(null) == opcode) {
1864 					return field.getName();
1865 				}
1866 			}
1867 		} catch (IllegalAccessException iac) {
1868 			LOG.error("Failed to create OP-Code string", iac);
1869 			return "[" + opcode + ": " + iac + "]";
1870 		}
1871 		return "{" + opcode + "}";
1872 	}
1874 	/**
1875 	 * <p>pop.</p>
1876 	 */
1877 	public void pop() {
1878 		queue.add(new Tuple(_POP_));
1879 	}
1881 	/**
1882 	 * <p>push.</p>
1883 	 *
1884 	 * @param o a {@link java.lang.Object} object
1885 	 */
1886 	public void push(Object o) {
1887 		assert (o instanceof String) || (o instanceof Long) || (o instanceof Integer) || (o instanceof Double); //  || (o instanceof Pattern);
1888 		if (o instanceof String) {
1889 			queue.add(new Tuple(_PUSH_, o.toString()));
1890 		} else if (o instanceof Integer) {
1891 			queue.add(new Tuple(_PUSH_, (Integer) o));
1892 		} else if (o instanceof Long) {
1893 			queue.add(new Tuple(_PUSH_, (Long) o));
1894 		} else if (o instanceof Double) {
1895 			queue.add(new Tuple(_PUSH_, (Double) o));
1896 		} else {
1897 			assert false : "Invalid type for " + o + ", "+o.getClass();
1898 		}
1899 	}
1901 	/**
1902 	 * <p>ifFalse.</p>
1903 	 *
1904 	 * @param address a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address} object
1905 	 */
1906 	public void ifFalse(Address address) {
1907 		queue.add(new Tuple(_IFFALSE_, address));
1908 	}
1910 	/**
1911 	 * <p>toNumber.</p>
1912 	 */
1913 	public void toNumber() {
1914 		queue.add(new Tuple(_TO_NUMBER_));
1915 	}
1917 	/**
1918 	 * <p>ifTrue.</p>
1919 	 *
1920 	 * @param address a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address} object
1921 	 */
1922 	public void ifTrue(Address address) {
1923 		queue.add(new Tuple(_IFTRUE_, address));
1924 	}
1926 	/**
1927 	 * <p>gotoAddress.</p>
1928 	 *
1929 	 * @param address a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address} object
1930 	 */
1931 	public void gotoAddress(Address address) {
1932 		queue.add(new Tuple(_GOTO_, address));
1933 	}
1935 	/**
1936 	 * <p>createAddress.</p>
1937 	 *
1938 	 * @param label a {@link java.lang.String} object
1939 	 * @return a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address} object
1940 	 */
1941 	public Address createAddress(String label) {
1942 		Integer I = address_label_counts.get(label);
1943 		if (I == null) {
1944 			I = 0;
1945 		} else {
1946 			//I = new Integer(I.intValue()+1);
1947 			I = I + 1;
1948 		}
1949 		address_label_counts.put(label, I);
1950 		Address address = new AddressImpl(label + "_" + I);
1951 		unresolved_addresses.add(address);
1952 		return address;
1953 	}
1955 	/**
1956 	 * <p>address.</p>
1957 	 *
1958 	 * @param address a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address} object
1959 	 * @return a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.AwkTuples} object
1960 	 */
1961 	public AwkTuples address(Address address) {
1962 		if (unresolved_addresses.contains(address)) {
1963 			unresolved_addresses.remove(address);
1964 			address.assignIndex(queue.size());
1965 			address_indexes.put(queue.size(), address);
1966 			return this;
1967 		}
1968 		throw new Error(address.toString() + " is already resolved, or unresolved from another scope.");
1969 	}
1971 	/**
1972 	 * <p>nop.</p>
1973 	 */
1974 	public void nop() {
1975 		queue.add(new Tuple(_NOP_));
1976 	}
1978 	/**
1979 	 * <p>print.</p>
1980 	 *
1981 	 * @param num_exprs a int
1982 	 */
1983 	public void print(int num_exprs) {
1984 		queue.add(new Tuple(_PRINT_, num_exprs));
1985 	}
1987 	/**
1988 	 * <p>printToFile.</p>
1989 	 *
1990 	 * @param num_exprs a int
1991 	 * @param append a boolean
1992 	 */
1993 	public void printToFile(int num_exprs, boolean append) {
1994 		queue.add(new Tuple(_PRINT_TO_FILE_, num_exprs, append));
1995 	}
1997 	/**
1998 	 * <p>printToPipe.</p>
1999 	 *
2000 	 * @param num_exprs a int
2001 	 */
2002 	public void printToPipe(int num_exprs) {
2003 		queue.add(new Tuple(_PRINT_TO_PIPE_, num_exprs));
2004 	}
2006 	/**
2007 	 * <p>printf.</p>
2008 	 *
2009 	 * @param num_exprs a int
2010 	 */
2011 	public void printf(int num_exprs) {
2012 		queue.add(new Tuple(_PRINTF_, num_exprs));
2013 	}
2015 	/**
2016 	 * <p>printfToFile.</p>
2017 	 *
2018 	 * @param num_exprs a int
2019 	 * @param append a boolean
2020 	 */
2021 	public void printfToFile(int num_exprs, boolean append) {
2022 		queue.add(new Tuple(_PRINTF_TO_FILE_, num_exprs, append));
2023 	}
2025 	/**
2026 	 * <p>printfToPipe.</p>
2027 	 *
2028 	 * @param num_exprs a int
2029 	 */
2030 	public void printfToPipe(int num_exprs) {
2031 		queue.add(new Tuple(_PRINTF_TO_PIPE_, num_exprs));
2032 	}
2034 	/**
2035 	 * <p>sprintf.</p>
2036 	 *
2037 	 * @param num_exprs a int
2038 	 */
2039 	public void sprintf(int num_exprs) {
2040 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SPRINTF_, num_exprs));
2041 	}
2043 	/**
2044 	 * <p>length.</p>
2045 	 *
2046 	 * @param num_exprs a int
2047 	 */
2048 	public void length(int num_exprs) {
2049 		queue.add(new Tuple(_LENGTH_, num_exprs));
2050 	}
2052 	/**
2053 	 * <p>concat.</p>
2054 	 */
2055 	public void concat() {
2056 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CONCAT_));
2057 	}
2059 	/**
2060 	 * <p>assign.</p>
2061 	 *
2062 	 * @param offset a int
2063 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2064 	 */
2065 	public void assign(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2066 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ASSIGN_, offset, is_global));
2067 	}
2069 	/**
2070 	 * <p>assignArray.</p>
2071 	 *
2072 	 * @param offset a int
2073 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2074 	 */
2075 	public void assignArray(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2076 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ASSIGN_ARRAY_, offset, is_global));
2077 	}
2079 	/**
2080 	 * <p>assignAsInput.</p>
2081 	 */
2082 	public void assignAsInput() {
2083 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ASSIGN_AS_INPUT_));
2084 	}
2086 	/**
2087 	 * <p>assignAsInputField.</p>
2088 	 */
2089 	public void assignAsInputField() {
2090 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ASSIGN_AS_INPUT_FIELD_));
2091 	}
2093 	/**
2094 	 * <p>dereference.</p>
2095 	 *
2096 	 * @param offset a int
2097 	 * @param is_array a boolean
2098 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2099 	 */
2100 	public void dereference(int offset, boolean is_array, boolean is_global) {
2101 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DEREFERENCE_, offset, is_array, is_global));
2102 	}
2104 	/**
2105 	 * <p>plusEq.</p>
2106 	 *
2107 	 * @param offset a int
2108 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2109 	 */
2110 	public void plusEq(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2111 		queue.add(new Tuple(_PLUS_EQ_, offset, is_global));
2112 	}
2114 	/**
2115 	 * <p>minusEq.</p>
2116 	 *
2117 	 * @param offset a int
2118 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2119 	 */
2120 	public void minusEq(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2121 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MINUS_EQ_, offset, is_global));
2122 	}
2124 	/**
2125 	 * <p>multEq.</p>
2126 	 *
2127 	 * @param offset a int
2128 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2129 	 */
2130 	public void multEq(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2131 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MULT_EQ_, offset, is_global));
2132 	}
2134 	/**
2135 	 * <p>divEq.</p>
2136 	 *
2137 	 * @param offset a int
2138 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2139 	 */
2140 	public void divEq(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2141 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DIV_EQ_, offset, is_global));
2142 	}
2144 	/**
2145 	 * <p>modEq.</p>
2146 	 *
2147 	 * @param offset a int
2148 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2149 	 */
2150 	public void modEq(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2151 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MOD_EQ_, offset, is_global));
2152 	}
2154 	/**
2155 	 * <p>powEq.</p>
2156 	 *
2157 	 * @param offset a int
2158 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2159 	 */
2160 	public void powEq(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2161 		queue.add(new Tuple(_POW_EQ_, offset, is_global));
2162 	}
2164 	/**
2165 	 * <p>plusEqArray.</p>
2166 	 *
2167 	 * @param offset a int
2168 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2169 	 */
2170 	public void plusEqArray(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2171 		queue.add(new Tuple(_PLUS_EQ_ARRAY_, offset, is_global));
2172 	}
2174 	/**
2175 	 * <p>minusEqArray.</p>
2176 	 *
2177 	 * @param offset a int
2178 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2179 	 */
2180 	public void minusEqArray(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2181 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MINUS_EQ_ARRAY_, offset, is_global));
2182 	}
2184 	/**
2185 	 * <p>multEqArray.</p>
2186 	 *
2187 	 * @param offset a int
2188 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2189 	 */
2190 	public void multEqArray(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2191 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MULT_EQ_ARRAY_, offset, is_global));
2192 	}
2194 	/**
2195 	 * <p>divEqArray.</p>
2196 	 *
2197 	 * @param offset a int
2198 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2199 	 */
2200 	public void divEqArray(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2201 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DIV_EQ_ARRAY_, offset, is_global));
2202 	}
2204 	/**
2205 	 * <p>modEqArray.</p>
2206 	 *
2207 	 * @param offset a int
2208 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2209 	 */
2210 	public void modEqArray(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2211 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MOD_EQ_ARRAY_, offset, is_global));
2212 	}
2214 	/**
2215 	 * <p>powEqArray.</p>
2216 	 *
2217 	 * @param offset a int
2218 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2219 	 */
2220 	public void powEqArray(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2221 		queue.add(new Tuple(_POW_EQ_ARRAY_, offset, is_global));
2222 	}
2224 	/**
2225 	 * <p>plusEqInputField.</p>
2226 	 */
2227 	public void plusEqInputField() {
2228 		queue.add(new Tuple(_PLUS_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_));
2229 	}
2231 	/**
2232 	 * <p>minusEqInputField.</p>
2233 	 */
2234 	public void minusEqInputField() {
2235 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MINUS_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_));
2236 	}
2238 	/**
2239 	 * <p>multEqInputField.</p>
2240 	 */
2241 	public void multEqInputField() {
2242 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MULT_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_));
2243 	}
2245 	/**
2246 	 * <p>divEqInputField.</p>
2247 	 */
2248 	public void divEqInputField() {
2249 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DIV_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_));
2250 	}
2252 	/**
2253 	 * <p>modEqInputField.</p>
2254 	 */
2255 	public void modEqInputField() {
2256 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MOD_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_));
2257 	}
2259 	/**
2260 	 * <p>powEqInputField.</p>
2261 	 */
2262 	public void powEqInputField() {
2263 		queue.add(new Tuple(_POW_EQ_INPUT_FIELD_));
2264 	}
2266 	/**
2267 	 * <p>srand.</p>
2268 	 *
2269 	 * @param num a int
2270 	 */
2271 	public void srand(int num) {
2272 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SRAND_, num));
2273 	}
2275 	/**
2276 	 * <p>rand.</p>
2277 	 */
2278 	public void rand() {
2279 		queue.add(new Tuple(_RAND_));
2280 	}
2282 	/**
2283 	 * <p>intFunc.</p>
2284 	 */
2285 	public void intFunc() {
2286 		queue.add(new Tuple(_INTFUNC_));
2287 	}
2289 	/**
2290 	 * <p>sqrt.</p>
2291 	 */
2292 	public void sqrt() {
2293 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SQRT_));
2294 	}
2296 	/**
2297 	 * <p>log.</p>
2298 	 */
2299 	public void log() {
2300 		queue.add(new Tuple(_LOG_));
2301 	}
2303 	/**
2304 	 * <p>exp.</p>
2305 	 */
2306 	public void exp() {
2307 		queue.add(new Tuple(_EXP_));
2308 	}
2310 	/**
2311 	 * <p>sin.</p>
2312 	 */
2313 	public void sin() {
2314 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SIN_));
2315 	}
2317 	/**
2318 	 * <p>cos.</p>
2319 	 */
2320 	public void cos() {
2321 		queue.add(new Tuple(_COS_));
2322 	}
2324 	/**
2325 	 * <p>atan2.</p>
2326 	 */
2327 	public void atan2() {
2328 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ATAN2_));
2329 	}
2331 	/**
2332 	 * <p>match.</p>
2333 	 */
2334 	public void match() {
2335 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MATCH_));
2336 	}
2338 	/**
2339 	 * <p>index.</p>
2340 	 */
2341 	public void index() {
2342 		queue.add(new Tuple(_INDEX_));
2343 	}
2345 	/**
2346 	 * <p>subForDollar0.</p>
2347 	 *
2348 	 * @param is_gsub a boolean
2349 	 */
2350 	public void subForDollar0(boolean is_gsub) {
2351 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SUB_FOR_DOLLAR_0_, is_gsub));
2352 	}
2354 	/**
2355 	 * <p>subForDollarReference.</p>
2356 	 *
2357 	 * @param is_gsub a boolean
2358 	 */
2359 	public void subForDollarReference(boolean is_gsub) {
2360 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SUB_FOR_DOLLAR_REFERENCE_, is_gsub));
2361 	}
2363 	/**
2364 	 * <p>subForVariable.</p>
2365 	 *
2366 	 * @param offset a int
2367 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2368 	 * @param is_gsub a boolean
2369 	 */
2370 	public void subForVariable(int offset, boolean is_global, boolean is_gsub) {
2371 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SUB_FOR_VARIABLE_, offset, is_global, is_gsub));
2372 	}
2374 	/**
2375 	 * <p>subForArrayReference.</p>
2376 	 *
2377 	 * @param offset a int
2378 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2379 	 * @param is_gsub a boolean
2380 	 */
2381 	public void subForArrayReference(int offset, boolean is_global, boolean is_gsub) {
2382 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SUB_FOR_ARRAY_REFERENCE_, offset, is_global, is_gsub));
2383 	}
2385 	/**
2386 	 * <p>split.</p>
2387 	 *
2388 	 * @param numargs a int
2389 	 */
2390 	public void split(int numargs) {
2391 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SPLIT_, numargs));
2392 	}
2394 	/**
2395 	 * <p>substr.</p>
2396 	 *
2397 	 * @param numargs a int
2398 	 */
2399 	public void substr(int numargs) {
2400 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SUBSTR_, numargs));
2401 	}
2403 	/**
2404 	 * <p>tolower.</p>
2405 	 */
2406 	public void tolower() {
2407 		queue.add(new Tuple(_TOLOWER_));
2408 	}
2410 	/**
2411 	 * <p>toupper.</p>
2412 	 */
2413 	public void toupper() {
2414 		queue.add(new Tuple(_TOUPPER_));
2415 	}
2417 	/**
2418 	 * <p>system.</p>
2419 	 */
2420 	public void system() {
2421 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SYSTEM_));
2422 	}
2424 	/**
2425 	 * <p>exec.</p>
2426 	 */
2427 	public void exec() {
2428 		queue.add(new Tuple(_EXEC_));
2429 	}
2431 	/**
2432 	 * <p>swap.</p>
2433 	 */
2434 	public void swap() {
2435 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SWAP_));
2436 	}
2438 	/**
2439 	 * <p>add.</p>
2440 	 */
2441 	public void add() {
2442 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ADD_));
2443 	}
2445 	/**
2446 	 * <p>subtract.</p>
2447 	 */
2448 	public void subtract() {
2449 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SUBTRACT_));
2450 	}
2452 	/**
2453 	 * <p>multiply.</p>
2454 	 */
2455 	public void multiply() {
2456 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MULTIPLY_));
2457 	}
2459 	/**
2460 	 * <p>divide.</p>
2461 	 */
2462 	public void divide() {
2463 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DIVIDE_));
2464 	}
2466 	/**
2467 	 * <p>mod.</p>
2468 	 */
2469 	public void mod() {
2470 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MOD_));
2471 	}
2473 	/**
2474 	 * <p>pow.</p>
2475 	 */
2476 	public void pow() {
2477 		queue.add(new Tuple(_POW_));
2478 	}
2480 	/**
2481 	 * <p>inc.</p>
2482 	 *
2483 	 * @param offset a int
2484 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2485 	 */
2486 	public void inc(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2487 		queue.add(new Tuple(_INC_, offset, is_global));
2488 	}
2490 	/**
2491 	 * <p>dec.</p>
2492 	 *
2493 	 * @param offset a int
2494 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2495 	 */
2496 	public void dec(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2497 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DEC_, offset, is_global));
2498 	}
2500 	/**
2501 	 * <p>postInc.</p>
2502 	 *
2503 	 * @param offset a int
2504 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2505 	 */
2506 	public void postInc(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2507 		queue.add(new Tuple(_POSTINC_, offset, is_global));
2508 	}
2510 	/**
2511 	 * <p>postDec.</p>
2512 	 *
2513 	 * @param offset a int
2514 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2515 	 */
2516 	public void postDec(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2517 		queue.add(new Tuple(_POSTDEC_, offset, is_global));
2518 	}
2520 	/**
2521 	 * <p>incArrayRef.</p>
2522 	 *
2523 	 * @param offset a int
2524 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2525 	 */
2526 	public void incArrayRef(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2527 		queue.add(new Tuple(_INC_ARRAY_REF_, offset, is_global));
2528 	}
2530 	/**
2531 	 * <p>decArrayRef.</p>
2532 	 *
2533 	 * @param offset a int
2534 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2535 	 */
2536 	public void decArrayRef(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2537 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DEC_ARRAY_REF_, offset, is_global));
2538 	}
2540 	/**
2541 	 * <p>incDollarRef.</p>
2542 	 */
2543 	public void incDollarRef() {
2544 		queue.add(new Tuple(_INC_DOLLAR_REF_));
2545 	}
2547 	/**
2548 	 * <p>decDollarRef.</p>
2549 	 */
2550 	public void decDollarRef() {
2551 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DEC_DOLLAR_REF_));
2552 	}
2554 	/**
2555 	 * <p>dup.</p>
2556 	 */
2557 	public void dup() {
2558 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DUP_));
2559 	}
2561 	/**
2562 	 * <p>not.</p>
2563 	 */
2564 	public void not() {
2565 		queue.add(new Tuple(_NOT_));
2566 	}
2568 	/**
2569 	 * <p>negate.</p>
2570 	 */
2571 	public void negate() {
2572 		queue.add(new Tuple(_NEGATE_));
2573 	}
2575 	/**
2576 	 * <p>unary plus.</p>
2577 	 */
2578 	public void unaryPlus() {
2579 		queue.add(new Tuple(_UNARY_PLUS_));
2580 	}
2582 	/**
2583 	 * <p>cmpEq.</p>
2584 	 */
2585 	public void cmpEq() {
2586 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CMP_EQ_));
2587 	}
2589 	/**
2590 	 * <p>cmpLt.</p>
2591 	 */
2592 	public void cmpLt() {
2593 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CMP_LT_));
2594 	}
2596 	/**
2597 	 * <p>cmpGt.</p>
2598 	 */
2599 	public void cmpGt() {
2600 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CMP_GT_));
2601 	}
2603 	/**
2604 	 * <p>matches.</p>
2605 	 */
2606 	public void matches() {
2607 		queue.add(new Tuple(_MATCHES_));
2608 	}
2610 	/**
2611 	 * <p>sleep.</p>
2612 	 *
2613 	 * @param num_args a int
2614 	 */
2615 	public void sleep(int num_args) {
2616 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SLEEP_, num_args));
2617 	}
2619 	/**
2620 	 * <p>dump.</p>
2621 	 *
2622 	 * @param num_args a int
2623 	 */
2624 	public void dump(int num_args) {
2625 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DUMP_, num_args));
2626 	}
2628 	/**
2629 	 * <p>dereferenceArray.</p>
2630 	 */
2631 	public void dereferenceArray() {
2632 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DEREF_ARRAY_));
2633 	}
2635 	/**
2636 	 * <p>keylist.</p>
2637 	 */
2638 	public void keylist() {
2639 		queue.add(new Tuple(_KEYLIST_));
2640 	}
2642 	/**
2643 	 * <p>isEmptyList.</p>
2644 	 *
2645 	 * @param address a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address} object
2646 	 */
2647 	public void isEmptyList(Address address) {
2648 		queue.add(new Tuple(_IS_EMPTY_KEYLIST_, address));
2649 	}
2651 	/**
2652 	 * <p>getFirstAndRemoveFromList.</p>
2653 	 */
2654 	public void getFirstAndRemoveFromList() {
2655 		queue.add(new Tuple(_GET_FIRST_AND_REMOVE_FROM_KEYLIST_));
2656 	}
2658 	/**
2659 	 * <p>checkClass.</p>
2660 	 *
2661 	 * @param cls a {@link java.lang.Class} object
2662 	 * @return a boolean
2663 	 */
2664 	public boolean checkClass(Class<?> cls) {
2665 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CHECK_CLASS_, cls));
2666 		return true;
2667 	}
2669 	/**
2670 	 * <p>getInputField.</p>
2671 	 */
2672 	public void getInputField() {
2673 		queue.add(new Tuple(_GET_INPUT_FIELD_));
2674 	}
2676 	/**
2677 	 * <p>consumeInput.</p>
2678 	 *
2679 	 * @param address a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address} object
2680 	 */
2681 	public void consumeInput(Address address) {
2682 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CONSUME_INPUT_, address));
2683 	}
2685 	/**
2686 	 * <p>getlineInput.</p>
2687 	 */
2688 	public void getlineInput() {
2689 		queue.add(new Tuple(_GETLINE_INPUT_));
2690 	}
2692 	/**
2693 	 * <p>useAsFileInput.</p>
2694 	 */
2695 	public void useAsFileInput() {
2696 		queue.add(new Tuple(_USE_AS_FILE_INPUT_));
2697 	}
2699 	/**
2700 	 * <p>useAsCommandInput.</p>
2701 	 */
2702 	public void useAsCommandInput() {
2703 		queue.add(new Tuple(_USE_AS_COMMAND_INPUT_));
2704 	}
2706 	/**
2707 	 * <p>nfOffset.</p>
2708 	 *
2709 	 * @param offset a int
2710 	 */
2711 	public void nfOffset(int offset) {
2712 		queue.add(new Tuple(_NF_OFFSET_, offset));
2713 	}
2715 	/**
2716 	 * <p>nrOffset.</p>
2717 	 *
2718 	 * @param offset a int
2719 	 */
2720 	public void nrOffset(int offset) {
2721 		queue.add(new Tuple(_NR_OFFSET_, offset));
2722 	}
2724 	/**
2725 	 * <p>fnrOffset.</p>
2726 	 *
2727 	 * @param offset a int
2728 	 */
2729 	public void fnrOffset(int offset) {
2730 		queue.add(new Tuple(_FNR_OFFSET_, offset));
2731 	}
2733 	/**
2734 	 * <p>fsOffset.</p>
2735 	 *
2736 	 * @param offset a int
2737 	 */
2738 	public void fsOffset(int offset) {
2739 		queue.add(new Tuple(_FS_OFFSET_, offset));
2740 	}
2742 	/**
2743 	 * <p>rsOffset.</p>
2744 	 *
2745 	 * @param offset a int
2746 	 */
2747 	public void rsOffset(int offset) {
2748 		queue.add(new Tuple(_RS_OFFSET_, offset));
2749 	}
2751 	/**
2752 	 * <p>ofsOffset.</p>
2753 	 *
2754 	 * @param offset a int
2755 	 */
2756 	public void ofsOffset(int offset) {
2757 		queue.add(new Tuple(_OFS_OFFSET_, offset));
2758 	}
2760 	/**
2761 	 * <p>orsOffset.</p>
2762 	 *
2763 	 * @param offset a int
2764 	 */
2765 	public void orsOffset(int offset) {
2766 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ORS_OFFSET_, offset));
2767 	}
2769 	/**
2770 	 * <p>rstartOffset.</p>
2771 	 *
2772 	 * @param offset a int
2773 	 */
2774 	public void rstartOffset(int offset) {
2775 		queue.add(new Tuple(_RSTART_OFFSET_, offset));
2776 	}
2778 	/**
2779 	 * <p>rlengthOffset.</p>
2780 	 *
2781 	 * @param offset a int
2782 	 */
2783 	public void rlengthOffset(int offset) {
2784 		queue.add(new Tuple(_RLENGTH_OFFSET_, offset));
2785 	}
2787 	/**
2788 	 * <p>filenameOffset.</p>
2789 	 *
2790 	 * @param offset a int
2791 	 */
2792 	public void filenameOffset(int offset) {
2793 		queue.add(new Tuple(_FILENAME_OFFSET_, offset));
2794 	}
2796 	/**
2797 	 * <p>subsepOffset.</p>
2798 	 *
2799 	 * @param offset a int
2800 	 */
2801 	public void subsepOffset(int offset) {
2802 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SUBSEP_OFFSET_, offset));
2803 	}
2805 	/**
2806 	 * <p>convfmtOffset.</p>
2807 	 *
2808 	 * @param offset a int
2809 	 */
2810 	public void convfmtOffset(int offset) {
2811 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CONVFMT_OFFSET_, offset));
2812 	}
2814 	/**
2815 	 * <p>ofmtOffset.</p>
2816 	 *
2817 	 * @param offset a int
2818 	 */
2819 	public void ofmtOffset(int offset) {
2820 		queue.add(new Tuple(_OFMT_OFFSET_, offset));
2821 	}
2823 	/**
2824 	 * <p>environOffset.</p>
2825 	 *
2826 	 * @param offset a int
2827 	 */
2828 	public void environOffset(int offset) {
2829 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ENVIRON_OFFSET_, offset));
2830 	}
2832 	/**
2833 	 * <p>argcOffset.</p>
2834 	 *
2835 	 * @param offset a int
2836 	 */
2837 	public void argcOffset(int offset) {
2838 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ARGC_OFFSET_, offset));
2839 	}
2841 	/**
2842 	 * <p>argvOffset.</p>
2843 	 *
2844 	 * @param offset a int
2845 	 */
2846 	public void argvOffset(int offset) {
2847 		queue.add(new Tuple(_ARGV_OFFSET_, offset));
2848 	}
2850 	/**
2851 	 * <p>applyRS.</p>
2852 	 */
2853 	public void applyRS() {
2854 		queue.add(new Tuple(_APPLY_RS_));
2855 	}
2857 	/**
2858 	 * <p>function.</p>
2859 	 *
2860 	 * @param func_name a {@link java.lang.String} object
2861 	 * @param num_formal_params a int
2862 	 */
2863 	public void function(String func_name, int num_formal_params) {
2864 		queue.add(new Tuple(_FUNCTION_, func_name, num_formal_params));
2865 	}
2866 	//public void callFunction(Address addr, String func_name, int num_formal_params, int num_actual_params) { queue.add(new Tuple(_CALL_FUNCTION_, addr, func_name, num_formal_params, num_actual_params)); }
2868 	/**
2869 	 * <p>callFunction.</p>
2870 	 *
2871 	 * @param has_func_addr a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.HasFunctionAddress} object
2872 	 * @param func_name a {@link java.lang.String} object
2873 	 * @param num_formal_params a int
2874 	 * @param num_actual_params a int
2875 	 */
2876 	public void callFunction(HasFunctionAddress has_func_addr, String func_name, int num_formal_params, int num_actual_params) {
2877 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CALL_FUNCTION_, has_func_addr, func_name, num_formal_params, num_actual_params));
2878 	}
2880 	/**
2881 	 * <p>setReturnResult.</p>
2882 	 */
2883 	public void setReturnResult() {
2884 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SET_RETURN_RESULT_));
2885 	}
2887 	/**
2888 	 * <p>returnFromFunction.</p>
2889 	 */
2890 	public void returnFromFunction() {
2891 		queue.add(new Tuple(_RETURN_FROM_FUNCTION_));
2892 	}
2894 	/**
2895 	 * <p>setNumGlobals.</p>
2896 	 *
2897 	 * @param num_globals a int
2898 	 */
2899 	public void setNumGlobals(int num_globals) {
2900 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SET_NUM_GLOBALS_, num_globals));
2901 	}
2903 	/**
2904 	 * <p>close.</p>
2905 	 */
2906 	public void close() {
2907 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CLOSE_));
2908 	}
2910 	/**
2911 	 * <p>applySubsep.</p>
2912 	 *
2913 	 * @param count a int
2914 	 */
2915 	public void applySubsep(int count) {
2916 		queue.add(new Tuple(_APPLY_SUBSEP_, count));
2917 	}
2919 	/**
2920 	 * <p>deleteArrayElement.</p>
2921 	 *
2922 	 * @param offset a int
2923 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2924 	 */
2925 	public void deleteArrayElement(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2926 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DELETE_ARRAY_ELEMENT_, offset, is_global));
2927 	}
2929 	/**
2930 	 * <p>deleteArray.</p>
2931 	 *
2932 	 * @param offset a int
2933 	 * @param is_global a boolean
2934 	 */
2935 	public void deleteArray(int offset, boolean is_global) {
2936 		queue.add(new Tuple(_DELETE_ARRAY_, offset, is_global));
2937 	}
2939 	/**
2940 	 * <p>setExitAddress.</p>
2941 	 *
2942 	 * @param addr a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Address} object
2943 	 */
2944 	public void setExitAddress(Address addr) {
2945 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SET_EXIT_ADDRESS_, addr));
2946 	}
2948 	/**
2949 	 * <p>setWithinEndBlocks.</p>
2950 	 *
2951 	 * @param b a boolean
2952 	 */
2953 	public void setWithinEndBlocks(boolean b) {
2954 		queue.add(new Tuple(_SET_WITHIN_END_BLOCKS_, b));
2955 	}
2957 	/**
2958 	 * <p>exitWithCode.</p>
2959 	 */
2960 	public void exitWithCode() {
2961 		queue.add(new Tuple(_EXIT_WITH_CODE_));
2962 	}
2964 	/**
2965 	 * <p>exitWithCode.</p>
2966 	 */
2967 	public void exitWithoutCode() {
2968 		queue.add(new Tuple(_EXIT_WITHOUT_CODE_));
2969 	}
2971 	/**
2972 	 * <p>regexp.</p>
2973 	 *
2974 	 * @param regexp_str a {@link java.lang.String} object
2975 	 */
2976 	public void regexp(String regexp_str) {
2977 		queue.add(new Tuple(_REGEXP_, regexp_str));
2978 	}
2980 	/**
2981 	 * <p>regexpPair.</p>
2982 	 */
2983 	public void conditionPair() {
2984 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CONDITION_PAIR_));
2985 	}
2987 	/**
2988 	 * <p>isIn.</p>
2989 	 */
2990 	public void isIn() {
2991 		queue.add(new Tuple(_IS_IN_));
2992 	}
2994 	/**
2995 	 * <p>castInt.</p>
2996 	 */
2997 	public void castInt() {
2998 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CAST_INT_));
2999 	}
3001 	/**
3002 	 * <p>castDouble.</p>
3003 	 */
3004 	public void castDouble() {
3005 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CAST_DOUBLE_));
3006 	}
3008 	/**
3009 	 * <p>castString.</p>
3010 	 */
3011 	public void castString() {
3012 		queue.add(new Tuple(_CAST_STRING_));
3013 	}
3015 	/**
3016 	 * <p>scriptThis.</p>
3017 	 */
3018 	public void scriptThis() {
3019 		queue.add(new Tuple(_THIS_));
3020 	}
3022 	/**
3023 	 * <p>extension.</p>
3024 	 *
3025 	 * @param extension_keyword a {@link java.lang.String} object
3026 	 * @param param_count a int
3027 	 * @param is_initial a boolean
3028 	 */
3029 	public void extension(String extension_keyword, int param_count, boolean is_initial) {
3030 		queue.add(new Tuple(_EXTENSION_, extension_keyword, param_count, is_initial));
3031 	}
3033 	/**
3034 	 * <p>dump.</p>
3035 	 *
3036 	 * @param ps a {@link} object
3037 	 */
3038 	public void dump(PrintStream ps) {
3039 		ps.println("(" + version_manager + ")");
3040 		ps.println();
3041 		for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) {
3042 			Address address = address_indexes.get(i);
3043 			if (address == null) {
3044 				ps.println(i + " : " + queue.get(i));
3045 			} else {
3046 				ps.println(i + " : [" + address + "] : " + queue.get(i));
3047 			}
3048 		}
3049 	}
3051 	/**
3052 	 * <p>top.</p>
3053 	 *
3054 	 * @return a {@link org.sentrysoftware.jawk.intermediate.Position} object
3055 	 */
3056 	public Position top() {
3057 		return new PositionImpl();
3058 	}
3060 	/**
3061 	 * Executed after all tuples are entered in the queue.
3062 	 * Its main functions are:
3063 	 * <ul>
3064 	 * <li>Assign to the next element in the queue.
3065 	 * <li>Calls touch(...) per Tuple so that addresses can be normalized/assigned/allocated
3066 	 * properly.
3067 	 * </ul>
3068 	 */
3069 	public void postProcess() {
3070 		assert queue.isEmpty() || !queue.get(0).hasNext() : "postProcess() already executed";
3071 		// allocate nexts
3072 		for (int i = 0; i < queue.size() - 1; i++) {
3073 			queue.get(i).setNext(queue.get(i + 1));
3074 		}
3075 		// touch per element
3076 		for (Tuple tuple : queue) {
3077 			tuple.touch(queue);
3078 		}
3079 	}
3081 	/** Map of global variables offsets */
3082 	private Map<String, Integer> global_var_offset_map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
3084 	/** Map of global arrays */
3085 	private Map<String, Boolean> global_var_aarray_map = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
3087 	/** List of user function names */
3088 	private Set<String> function_names = null;
3090 	/**
3091 	 * Accept a {variable_name -&gt; offset} mapping such that global variables can be
3092 	 * assigned while processing name=value and filename command-line arguments.
3093 	 *
3094 	 * @param varname Name of the global variable
3095 	 * @param offset What offset to use for the variable
3096 	 * @param is_array Whether the variable is actually an array
3097 	 */
3098 	public void addGlobalVariableNameToOffsetMapping(String varname, int offset, boolean is_array) {
3099 		if (global_var_offset_map.get(varname) != null) {
3100 			assert global_var_aarray_map.get(varname) != null;
3101 			return;
3102 		}
3103 		global_var_offset_map.put(varname, offset);
3104 		global_var_aarray_map.put(varname, is_array);
3105 	}
3107 	/**
3108 	 * Accept a set of function names from the parser. This is
3109 	 * useful for invalidating name=value assignments from the
3110 	 * command line parameters, either via -v arguments or
3111 	 * passed into ARGV.
3112 	 *
3113 	 * @param function_names A set of function name strings.
3114 	 */
3115 	public void setFunctionNameSet(Set<String> function_names) {
3116 		// setFunctionNameSet is called with a keySet from
3117 		// a HashMap as a parameter, which is NOT
3118 		// Serializable. Creating a new HashSet around
3119 		// the parameter resolves the issue.
3120 		// Otherwise, attempting to serialize this
3121 		// object results in a NotSerializableEexception
3122 		// being thrown because of function_names field
3123 		// being a keyset from a HashMap.
3124 		this.function_names = new HashSet<String>(function_names);
3125 	}
3127 	/**
3128 	 * <p>getGlobalVariableOffsetMap.</p>
3129 	 *
3130 	 * @return a {@link java.util.Map} object
3131 	 */
3132 	public Map<String, Integer> getGlobalVariableOffsetMap() {
3133 		return global_var_offset_map;
3134 	}
3136 	/**
3137 	 * <p>getGlobalVariableAarrayMap.</p>
3138 	 *
3139 	 * @return a {@link java.util.Map} object
3140 	 */
3141 	public Map<String, Boolean> getGlobalVariableAarrayMap() {
3142 		return global_var_aarray_map;
3143 	}
3145 	/**
3146 	 * <p>getFunctionNameSet.</p>
3147 	 *
3148 	 * @return a {@link java.util.Set} object
3149 	 */
3150 	public Set<String> getFunctionNameSet() {
3151 		assert function_names != null;
3152 		return function_names;
3153 	}
3155 	/** linenumber stack ... */
3156 	private MyStack<Integer> lineno_stack = new LinkedListStackImpl<Integer>();
3158 	/**
3159 	 * Push the current line number onto the line number stack.
3160 	 * This is called by the parser to keep track of the
3161 	 * current source line number. Keeping track of line
3162 	 * numbers this way allows the runtime to report
3163 	 * more meaningful errors by providing source line numbers
3164 	 * within error reports.
3165 	 *
3166 	 * @param lineno The current source line number.
3167 	 */
3168 	public void pushSourceLineNumber(int lineno) {
3169 		lineno_stack.push(lineno);
3170 	}
3172 	/**
3173 	 * <p>popSourceLineNumber.</p>
3174 	 *
3175 	 * @param lineno a int
3176 	 */
3177 	public void popSourceLineNumber(int lineno) {
3178 		int tos = lineno_stack.pop();
3179 		assert (lineno == tos);
3180 	}
3183 	/**
3184 	 * Intermediate file version manager. Ensures the AwkTuples
3185 	 * class version matches the version supported by the interpreter/compiler.
3186 	 */
3187 	private static class VersionManager implements Serializable {
3189 		private static final long serialVersionUID = -2015316238483923915L;
3191 		/**
3192 		 * Class version number.
3193 		 * This number is modified by the developer.
3194 		 * It should be modified only if modifications
3195 		 * to pre-existing tuple arguments are modified,
3196 		 * or if instruction codes are removed.
3197 		 * <p>
3198 		 * <ul>
3199 		 * <li> Version 1 - Initial release.
3200 		 * <li> Version 2 - Changes to support compilation to JVM.
3201 		 * </ul>
3202 		 *
3203 		 */
3204 		private static final int CLASS_VERSION = 2;
3206 		/**
3207 		 * Instance version number.
3208 		 * The only way it could be different from the
3209 		 * class version is only during deserialization.
3210 		 */
3213 		/**
3214 		 * Upon deserialization, ensures the instance
3215 		 * version matches the class version.
3216 		 * @throws IOException upon an IO error
3217 		 * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class
3218 		 *	that is deserialized cannot be found
3219 		 * @throws InvalidClassException if the
3220 		 *	instance version does not match
3221 		 *	the class version
3222 		 */
3223 		private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
3224 				throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
3225 		{
3226 			INSTANCE_VERSION = ois.readInt();
3228 				throw new InvalidClassException("Invalid intermeidate file format (instance version " + INSTANCE_VERSION + " != class version " + CLASS_VERSION + ")");
3229 			}
3230 		}
3232 		private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos)
3233 				throws IOException
3234 		{
3235 			oos.writeInt(INSTANCE_VERSION);
3236 		}
3238 		@Override
3239 		public String toString() {
3240 			return "intermediate file format version = " + INSTANCE_VERSION;
3241 		}
3242 	}
3243 }