- Project Documentation Project Information 9
Project Summary
Project Information
Field | Value |
Name | MetricsHub Connector Maven Plugin |
Description | The MetricsHub Connector Maven Plugin is a Maven report plugin that helps generate documentation for MetricsHub connectors. It is invoked during the Maven site generation process, and it takes the source code of the connectors as input. The plugin then generates a reference guide that describes the connectors in detail. |
Homepage | https://sentrysoftware.github.io/metricshub-connector-maven-plugin |
Project Organization
Field | Value |
Name | Sentry Software |
URL | https://sentrysoftware.com |
Build Information
Field | Value |
GroupId | org.sentrysoftware.maven |
ArtifactId | metricshub-connector-maven-plugin |
Version | 1.0.08 |
Type | maven-plugin |
Java Version | - |
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