CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.55.0.


File Line
org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESEngine.java 494
org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESEngine.java 504
r0 = T0[C0&255] ^ shift(T0[(C1>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(T0[(C2>>16)&255],16) ^ shift(T0[(C3>>24)&255],8) ^ KW[r][0];
            r1 = T0[C1&255] ^ shift(T0[(C2>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(T0[(C3>>16)&255], 16) ^ shift(T0[(C0>>24)&255], 8) ^ KW[r][1];
            r2 = T0[C2&255] ^ shift(T0[(C3>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(T0[(C0>>16)&255], 16) ^ shift(T0[(C1>>24)&255], 8) ^ KW[r][2];
            r3 = T0[C3&255] ^ shift(T0[(C0>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(T0[(C1>>16)&255], 16) ^ shift(T0[(C2>>24)&255], 8) ^ KW[r++][3];
            C0 = T0[r0&255] ^ shift(T0[(r1>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(T0[(r2>>16)&255], 16) ^ shift(T0[(r3>>24)&255], 8) ^ KW[r][0];
File Line
org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESEngine.java 528
org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESEngine.java 538
r0 = Tinv0[C0&255] ^ shift(Tinv0[(C3>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(Tinv0[(C2>>16)&255], 16) ^ shift(Tinv0[(C1>>24)&255], 8) ^ KW[r][0];
            r1 = Tinv0[C1&255] ^ shift(Tinv0[(C0>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(Tinv0[(C3>>16)&255], 16) ^ shift(Tinv0[(C2>>24)&255], 8) ^ KW[r][1];
            r2 = Tinv0[C2&255] ^ shift(Tinv0[(C1>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(Tinv0[(C0>>16)&255], 16) ^ shift(Tinv0[(C3>>24)&255], 8) ^ KW[r][2];
            r3 = Tinv0[C3&255] ^ shift(Tinv0[(C2>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(Tinv0[(C1>>16)&255], 16) ^ shift(Tinv0[(C0>>24)&255], 8) ^ KW[r--][3];
            C0 = Tinv0[r0&255] ^ shift(Tinv0[(r3>>8)&255], 24) ^ shift(Tinv0[(r2>>16)&255], 16) ^ shift(Tinv0[(r1>>24)&255], 8) ^ KW[r][0];
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextPool.java 273
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Pool.java 463
res = context.removePdu(requestId);
    return res;

 * Encodes a PDU packet. 
public byte[] encodePacket(byte msg_type, int rId, int errstat, 
      int errind, Enumeration ve, Object obj) 
      throws java.io.IOException, EncodingException
    byte[] res = null;
    if (context != null)
        res = context.encodePacket(msg_type, rId, errstat, errind, ve,
    return res;

public void sendPacket(byte[] packet)
    if (context != null)

 * Releases the resources held by this context. This method will
 * decrement the reference counter. When the reference counter reaches
 * zero the actual context is removed from the pool and destroyed.
public void destroy()
        if (context != null)
            String hashKey = context.getHashKey();

            int count = 0;
            SnmpContextPoolItem item = (SnmpContextPoolItem) contextPool.get(hashKey);
            if (item != null)
                count = item.getCounter();

            if (count <= 0)
            context = null;

 * Destroys all the contexts (v1 and v2c) in the pool and empties the pool. 
 * The underlying implementation uses the same hashtable for both the v1
 * and the v2c contexts.
 * @see #destroy()
 * @since 4_14
public void destroyPool()
    Hashtable copyOfPool = null;

            copyOfPool = (Hashtable) contextPool.clone();
    context = null;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/MultiResponsePdu.java 247
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/Pdu.java 870
+ " to request " + getReqId());

        // fillin(null) can be called in case of a Decoding exception
        if (seq != null)
            if (seq.isCorrect == true)
                int n = -1;
                    // Fill in the request id 
                    this.req_id = seq.getReqId();

                    // The varbinds from the response/report are set in a
                    // new Vector.
                    AsnSequence varBind = seq.getVarBind();
                    int size = varBind.getObjCount();
                    respVarbinds = new Vector(size, 1);
                    for (n=0; n<size; n++)
                        Object obj = varBind.getObj(n);
                        if (obj instanceof AsnSequence)
                            AsnSequence varSeq = (AsnSequence) obj;
                                varbind vb = new varbind(varSeq);
                                new_value(n, vb);
                            catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) { }

                    // At this point, I don't know whether I received a
                    // response and should fill in only the respVarbind or
                    // whether I received a request (via ListeningContext)
                    // and I should fill in the reqVarbinds.
                    // So when reqVarbinds is empty, I clone the
                    // respVarbinds.
                    if (reqVarbinds.isEmpty())
                        reqVarbinds = (Vector) respVarbinds.clone();
                catch (Exception e)
                    // it happens that an agent does not encode the varbind
                    // list properly. Since we try do decode as much as
                    // possible there may be wrong elements in this list.

                    DecodingException exc = new DecodingException(
                            "Incorrect varbind list, element " + n);
                    setErrorStatus(AsnObject.SNMP_ERR_DECODINGASN_EXC, exc);
                // we couldn't read the whole message
                // see AsnObject.AsnReadHeader, isCorrect

                DecodingException exc = new DecodingException(
                        "Incorrect packet. No of bytes received less than packet length.");
                setErrorStatus(AsnObject.SNMP_ERR_DECODINGPKTLNGTH_EXC, exc);

        // always do 'setChanged', even if there are no varbinds.
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnInteger.java 120
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger.java 140
public int getValue()
        return value;

     * Returns the string representation of the AsnInteger.
     * @return The string of the AsnInteger
    public String toString()
        return (String.valueOf(value));

     * Returns the number of bytes the integer occupies.
    int size() 
        int  count, empty = 0x00, sign = 0x00;

        if (value < 0)
            empty = 0xFF;
            sign  = 0x80;

        // 32-bit integer.. change to 56 to write 64-bit long
        // loop through bytes in value while it is 'empty'
        for(count=24; count>0; count-=8)
            if ( ((value >> count) & 0xFF) != empty) break;
        // Check sign bit.. make sure negative's MSB bit is 1,
        // positives is 0
        // (0x00000080 = 0x00 0x80) 0xFFFFFF01 => 0xFF 0x01
        // (0x0000007F = 0x7F)      0xFFFFFF80 => 0x80
        if (((value >> count) & 0x80) != sign) count += 8;
        return (count>>3)+1;

     * Output integer.
    void write(OutputStream out, int pos) throws IOException
        int  count, empty = 0x00, sign = 0x00;

        if (value < 0)
            empty = 0xFF;
            sign  = 0x80;

        // Get count
        for(count=24; count>0; count-=8)
            if ( ((value >> count) & 0xFF) != empty) break;
        if (((value >> count) & 0x80) != sign) count += 8;

        // Build header and write value
        AsnBuildHeader(out, ASN_INTEGER, (count>>3)+1);
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/net/StandardSocket.java 116
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/net/TCPSocket.java 132
soc = new DatagramSocket(isa);
    catch (SocketException exc)
        String str = "Socket problem: host=" + host + ", port=" + port 
            + ", bindAddr=" + bindAddr + " " + exc.getMessage();
        throw (new IOException(str));
    catch (UnknownHostException exc)
        String str = "Cannot find host " + host + " " + exc.getMessage();
        throw (new IOException(str));

public String getReceivedFromHostAddress()
    String res = null;
    if (receiveFromHostAddr != null)
        res = receiveFromHostAddr.getHostAddress();
    return res;

public String getSendToHostAddress()
    String res = null;
    if (sendToHostAddr != null)
        res = sendToHostAddr.getHostAddress();
    return res;

public String getLocalSocketAddress()
    String res = null;
    if (soc != null)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 241
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 244
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 236
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)

 * This method is called when the Pdu response is received. When all
 * answers are received it will fire the property change event.
 * The answers are stored in a hashtable, this is done because the speed
 * can only be calculated with the previous answer.
 * @see SNMPBean#addPropertyChangeListener
public void update(Observable obs, Object ov)
    varbind var;
    String hashKey;
    String oid, index, name;

    pdu = (GetNextPdu) obs;
    if (pdu.getErrorStatus() == AsnObject.SNMP_ERR_NOERROR)
        var = (varbind) ov;
        oid = var.getOid().toString();
        if (oid.startsWith(svSvcName))
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Basis.java 1116
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Pool.java 678

    return buffer.toString();

 * Returns a string representation of the object.
 * @return The string
public String toString()
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 424
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 417
Enumeration e = modemHash.elements();
        while (e.hasMoreElements() && !found)
            TreeNode n = (TreeNode) e.nextElement();
            found = (n == node); 
    return ret;

 * Returns the parent <code>TreeNode</code> of the receiver.
public TreeNode getParent()
    return parent;

 * Returns true if the receiver allows children.
public boolean getAllowsChildren()
    return true;

 * Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.
public boolean isLeaf()
    return false;
 * This method starts the action of the bean. It will initialises 
 * all variables before starting.
public void action()
    if (isHostPortReachable())
        lastUpdateDate = new Date();
        isGetNextInFlight = false;

 * Implements the running of the bean.
 * It will send the Pdu, if the previous one is not still in flight.
 * @see SNMPRunBean#isRunning()
public void run()
    while (context != null && isRunning())
        if (isGetNextInFlight == false)
            // start the GetNext loop again
            isGetNextInFlight = true;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/ListeningContextPool.java 230
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextPool.java 316
Item item = (Item) contextPool.get(hashKey);

            if (item != null)
                count = item.getCounter();

            if (count <=0)
            context = null;

 * Destroys all the contexts in the pool and empties the pool. 
 * <p>
 * Note that by calling this method the whole stack will stop listening
 * for any packets! The listeners added via the 
 * SnmpContext classes are affected as well.
 * </p>
 * @see #destroy()
public void destroyPool()
    Hashtable copyOfPool = null;

            copyOfPool = (Hashtable) contextPool.clone();
    context = null;

    Enumeration keys = copyOfPool.keys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements())
        String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 297
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 298
printHash.put(name, index);

            // perform the GetNext on the just received answer
            pdu = new GetNextPdu(context);
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());
            // the GetNext loop has ended
            lastUpdateDate = new Date();
            isGetNextInFlight = false;
            firePropertyChange("resourceNames", null, null);
        // the GetNext loop has ended
        lastUpdateDate = new Date();
        isGetNextInFlight = false;
        firePropertyChange("resourceNames", null, null);

File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 239
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 241
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 244
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 236
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)

 * This method is called when the Pdu response is received. When all
 * answers are received it will fire the property change event.
 * The answers are stored in a hashtable, this is done because the speed
 * can only be calculated with the previous answer.
 * @see SNMPBean#addPropertyChangeListener
public void update(Observable obs, Object ov)
    varbind var;
    String hashKey;
    String oid, index, name;

    pdu = (GetNextPdu) obs;
    if (pdu.getErrorStatus() == AsnObject.SNMP_ERR_NOERROR)
        var = (varbind) ov;
        oid = "";
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 240
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 253
pdu.addOid(svPrintQNumJobs + "." + ind);
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)

 * The update method according to the Observer interface, it will be
 * called when the Pdu response is received.
 * The property change event is fired.
 * @see SNMPBean#addPropertyChangeListener
public void update(Observable obs, Object ov)
    pdu = (GetPdu_vec) obs;
    varbind [] varbinds = (varbind []) ov;

    if (pdu.getErrorStatus() == AsnObject.SNMP_ERR_NOERROR)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger.java 209
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger64.java 192
System.out.println("\tAsnUnsInteger(): value = " + value
                + ", pos = " + pos);

        for(; count>=0; count-=8)
            out.write((byte)((value >> count) & 0xFF));

     * Changes an array of bytes into a long.
     * Thanks to Julien Conan (jconan@protego.net) for improving 
     * this method.
     * @param data the array of bytes
     * @return the int representation of the array
    protected long bytesToLong(byte[] data) throws IOException
        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(
              new ByteArrayInputStream(data));

        long val = 0;
        int size = data.length;

        for (int n=0; n<size; n++)
            val = (val << 8) + dis.readUnsignedByte();

        return val;

     * Compares this object to the specified object.  The result is
     * <code>true</code> if and only if the argument is not
     * <code>null</code> and is an <code>AsnUnsInteger</code> object that
     * contains the same <code>long</code> value as this object.
     * @param   obj   the object to compare with.
     * @return  <code>true</code> if the objects are the same;
     *          <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) 
        if (obj instanceof AsnUnsInteger)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContext.java 216
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv2c.java 169
if (pduSeq != null)
            // got a message
            Integer rid = new Integer(pduSeq.getReqId());
            Pdu answ = getPdu(rid);
            if (answ != null)
                if (AsnObject.debug > 3)
                    System.out.println(getClass().getName() + ".processIncomingResponse(): No Pdu with reqid " + rid.intValue());
            if (AsnObject.debug > 3)
                System.out.println(getClass().getName() + ".processIncomingResponse(): Error - missing seq input");
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 191
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 257
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 203

 * Returns the date of the moment when this bean was last updated.
 * This might be null when the first time the update was not finished.
 * @return the last update date
public Date getLastUpdateDate()
    return lastUpdateDate;

 * This method starts sending the SNMP request. All properties should be
 * set before this method is called.
 * The actual sending will take place in the run method.
 * It makes a new snmp context and initialises all variables before
 * starting.
public void action() 
    if (isHostPortReachable())
        lastUpdateDate = new Date();
        isPduInFlight = false;

 * The run method according to the Runnable interface.
 * This method will send the Pdu request, if the previous one is not
 * still in flight.
 * @see SNMPRunBean#isRunning()
public void run()
    while (context != null && isRunning())
        String ind = getIndex();
        if (isPduInFlight == false && ind != null && ind.length() > 0)
            isPduInFlight = true;
            pdu = new GetPdu_vec(context, NR_OID);
            pdu.addOid(svPrintQName + "." + ind);
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContext.java 362
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv2c.java 291
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("SnmpContext[");
    buffer.append(", port=").append(hostPort);
    buffer.append(", bindAddress=").append(bindAddr);
    buffer.append(", socketType=").append(typeSocket);
    buffer.append(", community=").append(community);
    buffer.append(", #trapListeners=").append(trapSupport.getListenerCount());
    buffer.append(", #pduListeners=").append(pduSupport.getListenerCount());
    return buffer.toString();

File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextPool.java 357
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Pool.java 543
Enumeration keys = copyOfPool.keys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements())
        String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
        SnmpContextPoolItem item = (SnmpContextPoolItem) copyOfPool.get(key);
        if (item != null)
            SnmpContextBasisFace cntxt = (SnmpContextBasisFace) item.getContext();

public boolean isDestroyed()
    boolean isDestroyed = true;
    if (context != null)
        isDestroyed = context.isDestroyed();
    return isDestroyed;

 * Returns a context from the pool. 
 * The pre-existing context (if there is any) is destroyed.
 * This methods checks for an existing context that matches all our
 * properties. If such a context does not exist, a new one is created and
 * added to the pool. 
 * @return A context from the pool 
 * @see #getHashKey
protected SnmpContext getMatchingContext() throws java.io.IOException
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 758
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 982
int newL = plaintext.length;
    int bcount = newL / 16;
    byte[] result = new byte[newL];
    byte [] in = new byte[16];
    byte [] out = new byte[16];
    int posIn = 0;
    int posResult = 0;
    // initial input is the iv
    System.arraycopy(iv, 0, in, 0, 16);
    for (int b=0; b<bcount; b++)
        aes.processBlock(in, 0, out, 0);
        for (int i=0;i < 16;i++)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 740
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 684
return ""+portIndex + " " + portName + " " + sig_state[sigStatus];

 * Returns the children of the reciever as an Enumeration.
public Enumeration children()
    return null;

 * Returns the number of children <code>TreeNode</code>s the receiver
 * contains.
public int getChildCount()
    return 0;

 * Returns the child <code>TreeNode</code> at index 
 * <code>childIndex</code>.
public TreeNode getChildAt(int childIndex)
    return null;

 * Returns the index of <code>node</code> in the receivers children.
 * If the receiver does not contain <code>node</code>, -1 will be
 * returned.
public int getIndex(TreeNode node)
    return -1;

 * Returns the parent <code>TreeNode</code> of the receiver.
public TreeNode getParent()
    return parent;

 * Returns true if the receiver allows children.
public boolean getAllowsChildren()
    return true;

 * Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.
public boolean isLeaf()
    return true;

} // end class PortInfo

class TreeUpdate implements Runnable
    public void run()
        firePropertyChange("modems", null, null);

File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/ListeningContextPool.java 230
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Pool.java 504
Item item = (Item) contextPool.get(hashKey);

            if (item != null)
                count = item.getCounter();

            if (count <=0)
            context = null;

 * Destroys all the contexts in the pool and empties the pool. 
 * <p>
 * Note that by calling this method the whole stack will stop listening
 * for any packets! The listeners added via the 
 * SnmpContext classes are affected as well.
 * </p>
 * @see #destroy()
public void destroyPool()
    Hashtable copyOfPool = null;

            copyOfPool = (Hashtable) contextPool.clone();
    context = null;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextPool.java 194
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Pool.java 188

public String getHost()
    return hostname;

public int getPort()
    return hostPort;

public String getBindAddress()
    return bindAddr;

public String getTypeSocket()
    return socketType;

public String getSendToHostAddress()
    String res = null;
    if (context != null)
        res = context.getSendToHostAddress();
    return res;

public String getReceivedFromHostAddress()
    String res = null;
    if (context != null)
        res = context.getReceivedFromHostAddress();
    return res;

public String getCommunity()
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 298
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 325
MD5Digest mdc = new MD5Digest();

    byte [] beid = toBytes(engineId);
    if ((beid != null) && (passwKey != null))
        // see page 169 of 0-13-021453-1 A Practical Guide to SNMP
        mdc.update(passwKey, 0, passwKey.length);
        mdc.update(beid, 0, beid.length);
        mdc.update(passwKey, 0, passwKey.length);
        ret = new byte[mdc.getDigestSize()];
        mdc.doFinal(ret, 0);
    return ret;

 * Converts the user's password and the SNMP Engine Id to the localized key
 * using the SHA protocol.
 * @param passwKey The printable user password
 * @param engineId The SNMP engine Id
 * @see SnmpContextv3#setUserAuthenticationPassword(String)
public static byte [] getLocalizedKeySHA1(byte[] passwKey, String engineId)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnInteger.java 150
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger.java 170
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger64.java 153
for(count=24; count>0; count-=8)
            if ( ((value >> count) & 0xFF) != empty) break;
        // Check sign bit.. make sure negative's MSB bit is 1,
        // positives is 0
        // (0x00000080 = 0x00 0x80) 0xFFFFFF01 => 0xFF 0x01
        // (0x0000007F = 0x7F)      0xFFFFFF80 => 0x80
        if (((value >> count) & 0x80) != sign) count += 8;
        return (count>>3)+1;

     * Output integer.
    void write(OutputStream out, int pos) throws IOException
        int  count, empty = 0x00, sign = 0x00;

        if (value < 0)
            empty = 0xFF;
            sign  = 0x80;

        // Get count
        for(count=24; count>0; count-=8)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/net/StandardSocket.java 91
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/net/TCPSocket.java 108
soc = new DatagramSocket(sendToHostPort, locBindAddr);
    catch (SocketException exc)
        String str = "Socket problem: port=" + port + ", bindAddr=" 
            + bindAddr + " " + exc.getMessage();
        throw (new IOException(str));

public void create(String host, int port, String bindAddr) throws IOException
    sendToHostPort = port;
    receiveFromHostPort = sendToHostPort; // initialise (once!)
        sendToHostAddr = InetAddress.getByName(host);
        receiveFromHostAddr = sendToHostAddr; // initialise (once!)
        locBindAddr = null;
        if (bindAddr != null)
            locBindAddr = InetAddress.getByName(bindAddr);
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 297
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 295
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 298
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 290
printHash.put(name, index);

            // perform the GetNext on the just received answer
            pdu = new GetNextPdu(context);
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());
            // the GetNext loop has ended
            lastUpdateDate = new Date();
            isGetNextInFlight = false;
            firePropertyChange("resourceNames", null, null);
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 356
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 424
sha = new SHA1Digest();
    byte [] passwordBuf = new byte[64];
    int pl =  password.length();
    byte [] pass = new byte[pl];

    // copy to byte array - stripping off top byte
    for (int i=0;i<pl; i++)
        pass[i] = (byte) (0xFF & password.charAt(i));

    int count=0;
    int passwordIndex = 0;
    Date then = (AsnObject.debug > 1) ? new Date() : null ;

    synchronized (sha)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 240
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 309
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 253
pdu.addOid(svPrintQNumJobs + "." + ind);
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)

 * The update method according to the Observer interface, it will be
 * called when the Pdu response is received.
 * The property change event is fired.
 * @see SNMPBean#addPropertyChangeListener
public void update(Observable obs, Object ov)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AscendActiveSessionBean.java 313
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 309
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)

 * This method is called when the Pdu response is received. When all
 * answers are received it will fire the property change event.
 * The answers are stored in a hashtable, this is done because the speed
 * can only be calculated with the previous answer.
 * @see SNMPBean#addPropertyChangeListener
public void update(Observable obs, Object ov)
    int service;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AscendActiveSessionBean.java 313
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 487
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/InterfaceIndexesBean.java 215
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 239
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 241
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 244
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 236
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 240
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 309
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 253
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)

 * This method is called when the Pdu response is received. When all
 * answers are received it will fire the property change event.
 * The answers are stored in a hashtable, this is done because the speed
 * can only be calculated with the previous answer.
 * @see SNMPBean#addPropertyChangeListener
public void update(Observable obs, Object ov)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 1088
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 1102
ret[j++] = (byte)((v >>> 24) & 0xFF);
    ret[j++] = (byte)((v >>> 16) & 0xFF);
    ret[j++] = (byte)((v >>>  8) & 0xFF);
    ret[j++] = (byte)((v >>>  0) & 0xFF);
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 495
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 490
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)

 * This method is called when the Pdu response is received. When all
 * answers are received it will fire the property change event.
public void update(Observable obs, Object ov)
    boolean loopHasEnded = false;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AscendActiveSessionBean.java 316
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 490
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/InterfaceIndexesBean.java 218
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 242
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 244
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 247
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 239
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneInterfaceBean.java 240
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 243
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 312
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 256
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)

 * This method is called when the Pdu response is received. When all
 * answers are received it will fire the property change event.
 * The answers are stored in a hashtable, this is done because the speed
 * can only be calculated with the previous answer.
 * @see SNMPBean#addPropertyChangeListener
public void update(Observable obs, Object ov)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NcdPerfDataBean.java 720
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NcdPerfDataBean.java 791
int i   = ((AsnInteger) vars[0].getValue()).getValue();
                String n = ((AsnOctets) vars[1].getValue()).getValue();
                String v = "";
                if (vars[2].getValue() instanceof AsnOctets)
                    v = ((AsnOctets) vars[2].getValue()).getValue();
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/pdu/OneGetNextPdu.java 115
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/pdu/OneGetPdu.java 113
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/pdu/OneInformPdu.java 123
public OneGetNextPdu(SnmpContextBasisFace con, String oid, Observer o) 
    throws PduException, java.io.IOException
        if (o != null) 

     * The value of the request is set. This will be called by
     * Pdu.fillin().
     * @param n the index of the value
     * @param a_var the value
     * @see Pdu#new_value 
    protected void new_value(int n, varbind a_var) 
        if (n == 0) 
            var = a_var;

     * This method notifies all observers. 
     * This will be called by Pdu.fillin().
     * <p>
     * Unless an exception occurred the Object to the update() method of the
     * Observer will be a varbind, so any AsnObject type can be returned.
     * In the case of an exception, that exception will be passed.
     * </p>
    protected void tell_them()  

File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 495
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AscendActiveSessionBean.java 316
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/InterfaceIndexesBean.java 218
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 242
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 244
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 247
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 239
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneInterfaceBean.java 240
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 243
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 312
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 256
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)

 * This method is called when the Pdu response is received. When all
 * answers are received it will fire the property change event.
public void update(Observable obs, Object ov)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextPool.java 428
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Pool.java 640
System.out.println(title + " " + contextPool.size() + " context(s)");
    Enumeration keys = contextPool.keys();
    int i=0;
    while (keys.hasMoreElements())
        String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
        SnmpContextPoolItem item = (SnmpContextPoolItem) contextPool.get(key);
        if (item != null)
            int count = item.getCounter();
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 371
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 438
synchronized (sha)
        while (count < ONEMEG)
            int cp = 0;
            int i=0;
            while (i<64)
                int pim = passwordIndex % pl;
                int len = 64 - cp ;
                int pr = pl - pim;
                if (len > pr)
                    len = pr;
                System.arraycopy(pass, pim, passwordBuf, cp, len);
                i+= len;
                passwordIndex += len;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AscendActiveSessionBean.java 276
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 450

 * This method starts the action of the bean. It will initialises 
 * all variables before starting.
public void action()
    if (isHostPortReachable())
        lastUpdateDate = new Date();
        isGetNextInFlight = false;

 * Implements the running of the bean.
 * It will send the Pdu, if the previous one is not still in flight.
 * @see SNMPRunBean#isRunning()
public void run()
    while (context != null && isRunning())
        if (isGetNextInFlight == false)
            // start the GetNext loop again
            isGetNextInFlight = true;
            pdu = new GetNextPdu_vec(context, NR_OID);

File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 176
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 145
public OneNTServiceBean(String h, int p, String b) 

 * Sets the index of the NT network service that will be requested.
 * @param ind the index
 * @see #getIndex()
 * @see NTServiceNamesBean#getIndex(String)
public void setIndex(String ind)
    if (ind != null && ind.length() > 0)
        index = ind;

 * Returns the index of the NT network service.
 * @return the index
 * @see #setIndex(String)
public String getIndex()
    return index;

 * Returns the name of the NT network service.
 * @return the name
public String getName()
    return name;

 * Returns the installation status of the NT network service.
 * @return the installation status
 * @see #msg_inst_state
public String getInstalledState()
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 142
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 176
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 145
public OneNTPrintQBean(String h, int p, String b) 

 * Sets the index of the NT print queue that will be requested.
 * @param ind the index
 * @see #getIndex()
 * @see NTPrintQBean#getIndex(String)
public void setIndex(String ind)
    if (ind != null && ind.length() > 0)
        index = ind;

 * Returns the index of the NT print queue.
 * @return the index
 * @see #setIndex(String)
public String getIndex()
    return index;

 * Returns the name of the NT print queue.
 * @return the name
public String getName()
    return name;

 * Returns the number of jobs currently in this NT print queue.
 * @return the number of jobs
public int getNumJobs()
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnInteger.java 139
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnInteger.java 167
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger.java 159
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger.java 188
        int  count, empty = 0x00, sign = 0x00;

        if (value < 0)
            empty = 0xFF;
            sign  = 0x80;

        // 32-bit integer.. change to 56 to write 64-bit long
        // loop through bytes in value while it is 'empty'
        for(count=24; count>0; count-=8)
            if ( ((value >> count) & 0xFF) != empty) break;
        // Check sign bit.. make sure negative's MSB bit is 1,
        // positives is 0
        // (0x00000080 = 0x00 0x80) 0xFFFFFF01 => 0xFF 0x01
        // (0x0000007F = 0x7F)      0xFFFFFF80 => 0x80
        if (((value >> count) & 0x80) != sign) count += 8;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger64.java 142
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger64.java 172
        int  count, empty = 0x00, sign = 0x00;

        if (value < 0)
            empty = 0xFF;
            sign  = 0x80;

        // 64-bit integer.. change to 24 to write 32-bit long
        // loop through bytes in value while it is 'empty'
        for(count=56; count>0; count-=8)
            if ( ((value >> count) & 0xFF) != empty) break;

        // Check sign bit.. make sure negative's MSB bit is 1,
        // positives is 0
        // (0x00000080 = 0x00 0x80) 0xFFFFFF01 => 0xFF 0x01
        // (0x0000007F = 0x7F)      0xFFFFFF80 => 0x80
        if (((value >> count) & 0x80) != sign) count += 8;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 658
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 607
if (loopHasEnded)
        lastUpdateDate = new Date();
        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new TreeUpdate());
        isGetNextInFlight = false;


 * Sets the parent for this TreeNode. If the parent is not set, this
 * class should be the root of the TreeModel.
public void setParent (TreeNode p)
    parent = p;

 * Sets the DefaultTreeModel for this TreeNode. The tree model is used
 * for notifying when any of the nodes were added, removed or changed.
public void setDefaultTreeModel (DefaultTreeModel model)
    treeModel = model;

 * Fire the property event.
 * @see
 * DefaultTreeModel#nodeStructureChanged
protected void fireTreeModelChanged()
    if (treeModel != null)

class PortInfo extends Object implements TreeNode
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NcdPerfDataBean.java 192
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/SNMPRunBean.java 113

 * Returns the update interval. This is the interval that the
 * bean will sleep between 2 requests.
 * @return the update interval in msec
 * @see #setUpdateInterval(int)
 * @see #setUpdateInterval(String)
public int getUpdateInterval()
    return interval;

 * Sets the update interval. This is the interval that the
 * bean will sleep between 2 requests.
 * The default will be <em>3000</em> (= 3 sec).
 * @param i the interval in msec
 * @see #getUpdateInterval
 * @see #setUpdateInterval(String)
public void setUpdateInterval(int i)
    if (interval != i)
        interval = i;

 * Sets the update interval as String. 
 * @param i the interval in msec as String
 * @see #getUpdateInterval
 * @see #setUpdateInterval(int)
public void setUpdateInterval(String i)
    int iNo;
        iNo = Integer.valueOf(i.trim()).intValue();
    catch (NumberFormatException exp)

 * Returns the date of the moment when this bean was last updated.
 * This might be null when the first time the update was not finished.
 * @return the last update date
public Date getLastUpdateDate()
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/pdu/BlockPdu.java 111
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/Pdu.java 333
public void addOid(String oid)
    varbind vb = new varbind(oid);

 * Adds an OID to the PDU and the value that has to be set. 
 * This is only useful for the SET type.
 * @param oid The oid 
 * @see SetPdu#addOid(String, AsnObject)
 * @see #SET
public void addOid(String oid, AsnObject val)
    varbind vb = new varbind(oid, val);

 * Adds an OID (object identifier) to the PDU and the value that has
 * to be set. 
 * This is only useful for the SET type.
 * @param oid The oid 
 * @param val The value 
 * @see Pdu#addOid(AsnObjectId, AsnObject)
 * @see varbind
 * @since 4_12
public void addOid(AsnObjectId oid, AsnObject val) 
    varbind vb = new varbind(oid, val);

 * Adds an OID (object identifier) to the PDU. The OID indicates which
 * MIB variable we request or which MIB variable should be set.
 * @param oid The oid 
 * @see Pdu#addOid(AsnObjectId)
 * @see varbind
 * @since 4_12
public void addOid(AsnObjectId oid)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnEncoderBase.java 98
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnEncoderv1.java 135
asnPduObject.add(new AsnInteger(errind));       // errindex

    // Create VarbindList sequence
    AsnObject asnVBLObject = asnPduObject.add(new AsnSequence());

    // Add variable bindings
    while (ve.hasMoreElements())
        asnVBObject = asnVBLObject.add(new AsnSequence());
        varbind vb = (varbind) ve.nextElement();

    return asnPduObject;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/InterfaceIndexesBean.java 271
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 302
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 300
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 303
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 295
        catch (PduException exc)
            System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
        catch (IOException exc)
            System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());
        // the GetNext loop has ended
        lastUpdateDate = new Date();
        isGetNextInFlight = false;
        firePropertyChange("InterfaceIndexes", null, null);
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 495
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AscendActiveSessionBean.java 316
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 490
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/InterfaceIndexesBean.java 218
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 242
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 244
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 247
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 239
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NcdPerfDataBean.java 396
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneInterfaceBean.java 240
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 243
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 312
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 256
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());

        catch (InterruptedException ix)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 216
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 218
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 220
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 213
        lastUpdateDate = new Date();
        isGetNextInFlight = false;

 * Implements the running of the bean.
 * It will send the Pdu, if the previous one is not still in flight.
 * @see SNMPRunBean#isRunning()
public void run()
    while (context != null && isRunning())
        if (isGetNextInFlight == false)
            // start the GetNext loop again
            isGetNextInFlight = true;
            pdu = new GetNextPdu(context);
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/event/RawPduReceivedSupport.java 77
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/event/RequestPduReceivedSupport.java 77
public RawPduReceivedSupport(Object src)
    source = src;

 * Removes all the listeners.
public synchronized void empty()
    if (pduListeners != null)

 * Returns the number of listeners.
 * @return The number of listeners.
public synchronized int getListenerCount()
    int c=0;
    if (pduListeners != null)
        c = pduListeners.size();
    return c;

 * Adds the specified pdu listener to receive pdus. 
public synchronized void addRawPduListener(RawPduListener listener)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnEncoderv1.java 165
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnEncoderv2c.java 95
asnTopSeq.add(new AsnInteger(AsnObject.SNMP_VERSION_1));
    asnTopSeq.add(new AsnOctets(context.getCommunity()));  // community

    // Create PDU sequence.
    AsnObject asnPduObject = EncodePdu(msg_type, pduId, errstat, errind, ve);

    if (AsnObject.debug > 10)
        System.out.println("\n" + getClass().getName() + ".EncodeSNMP(): ");
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/ReportPdu.java 125
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/ResponsePdu.java 136
public void getErrorIndex(int errorIndex)
    errind = errorIndex;

 * The Report PDU does not get a response back. So it should be sent once.
void transmit() 

 * Returns the string representation of this object.
 * @return The string of the PDU
public String toString()
    return super.toString(true);

 * Has no meaning, since there is not response.
protected void new_value(int n, varbind res){}

 * Has no meaning, since there is not response.
protected void tell_them(){}

 * Returns that this type of PDU is <em>not</em> expecting a response.
 * This method is used in AbstractSnmpContext to help determine whether
 * or not to start a thread that listens for a response when sending this
 * PDU.
 * The default is <em>false</em>.
 * @return true if a response is expected, false if not.
protected boolean isExpectingResponse()
    return false;

File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextPool.java 438
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Pool.java 650
SnmpContext cntxt = (SnmpContext) item.getContext();

            if (cntxt == context)
                System.out.println("\tcurrent context: ");
            System.out.println("\tcontext " + i + ": " + key + ", count: " + count
                + ", " + cntxt.toString() + "\n"
                + ", " + cntxt.getDebugString());
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/pdu/GetNextPdu_vec.java 111
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/pdu/GetPdu_vec.java 110
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/pdu/InformPdu_vec.java 103
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/pdu/SetPdu_vec.java 97
public GetNextPdu_vec(SnmpContextBasisFace con, int count) 
        value = new varbind[count];

     * The value of the request is set. This will be called by
     * Pdu.fillin().
     * @param n the index of the value
     * @param var the value
     * @see Pdu#new_value 
    protected void new_value(int n, varbind var) 
        if (n <value.length) 
            value[n] = var;

     * This method notifies all observers. 
     * This will be called by Pdu.fillin().
     * <p>
     * If no exception occurred whilst receiving the response, the Object to the 
     * update() method of the Observer will be an array of
     * varbinds, so they may contains any AsnObject type.
     * If an exception occurred, that exception will be passed as the Object
     * to the update() method.
     * </p>
    protected void tell_them()  
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger.java 133
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger64.java 116

     * Returns the value representation of the AsnUnsInteger.
     * @return The value of the AsnUnsInteger
    public long getValue()
        return value;

     * Returns the string representation of the AsnUnsInteger.
     * @return The string of the AsnUnsInteger
    public String toString()
        return (String.valueOf(value));

     * Returns the number of bytes the integer occupies.
    int size()
        int  count, empty = 0x00, sign = 0x00;

        if (value < 0)
            empty = 0xFF;
            sign  = 0x80;

        // 32-bit integer.. change to 56 to write 64-bit long
        // loop through bytes in value while it is 'empty'
        for(count=24; count>0; count-=8)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContext.java 269
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv2c.java 203
if (pduSeq != null)
            byte type = pduSeq.getRespType();
            switch (type)
                case SnmpConstants.GET_REQ_MSG:
                    pdu = new GetPdu(this);
                case SnmpConstants.GETNEXT_REQ_MSG:
                    pdu = new GetNextPdu(this);
                case SnmpConstants.SET_REQ_MSG:
                    pdu = new SetPdu(this);
File Line
org/bouncycastle/crypto/digests/MD5Digest.java 107
org/bouncycastle/crypto/digests/SHA1Digest.java 111
out[outOff + 3] = (byte)(word >>> 24);

    public int doFinal(
        byte[]  out,
        int     outOff)

        unpackWord(H1, out, outOff);
        unpackWord(H2, out, outOff + 4);
        unpackWord(H3, out, outOff + 8);
        unpackWord(H4, out, outOff + 12);
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 457
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AscendActiveSessionBean.java 276
 * This method starts the action of the bean. It will initialises 
 * all variables before starting.
public void action()
    if (isHostPortReachable())
        lastUpdateDate = new Date();
        isGetNextInFlight = false;

 * Implements the running of the bean.
 * It will send the Pdu, if the previous one is not still in flight.
 * @see SNMPRunBean#isRunning()
public void run()
    while (context != null && isRunning())
        if (isGetNextInFlight == false)
            // start the GetNext loop again
            isGetNextInFlight = true;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnInteger.java 120
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnUnsInteger64.java 123
public int getValue()
        return value;

     * Returns the string representation of the AsnInteger.
     * @return The string of the AsnInteger
    public String toString()
        return (String.valueOf(value));

     * Returns the number of bytes the integer occupies.
    int size() 
        int  count, empty = 0x00, sign = 0x00;

        if (value < 0)
            empty = 0xFF;
            sign  = 0x80;

        // 32-bit integer.. change to 56 to write 64-bit long
        // loop through bytes in value while it is 'empty'
        for(count=24; count>0; count-=8)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContext.java 281
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv2c.java 230
pdu = new SetPdu(this);
                //case SnmpConstants.GET_RSP_MSG:
                //  A longly response should never be received here.
                //  They should come in via the processIncomingResponse
                //  route.
                //case SnmpConstants.GETBULK_REQ_MSG:
                //  not in v1
                //case SnmpConstants.INFORM_REQ_MSG:
                //  not in v1
                //case SnmpConstants.GET_RPRT_MSG:
                //  not in v1
                //case SnmpConstants.TRPV2_REQ_MSG:
                //  not in v1
                    if (AsnObject.debug > 3)
                            + ".ProcessIncomingPdu(): PDU received with type " 
                            + pduSeq.getRespTypeString()
                            + ". Ignoring it.");

            if (pdu != null)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneInterfaceBean.java 189
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 191
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 257
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 203

 * Returns the date of the moment when this bean was last updated.
 * This might be null when the first time the update was not finished.
 * @return the last update date
public Date getLastUpdateDate()
    return lastUpdateDate;

 * This method starts sending the SNMP request. All properties should be
 * set before this method is called.
 * The actual sending will take place in the run method.
 * It makes a new snmp context and initialises all variables before
 * starting.
public void action() 
    if (isHostPortReachable())
        lastUpdateDate = new Date();
        isPduInFlight = false;

 * The run method according to the Runnable interface.
 * This method will send the Pdu request, if the previous one is not
 * still in flight.
 * @see SNMPRunBean#isRunning()
public void run()
    while (context != null && isRunning())
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 398
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 463
sha.doFinal(ret, 0);

    if (AsnObject.debug > 1)
        Date now = new Date();
        long diff = now.getTime() - then.getTime();
        System.out.println("(Complex) pass to key takes " + diff/1000.0);

    return ret;
 * Converts the user's password to an authentication key using the MD5
 * protocol. Note, this is not the same as generating the localized key
 * as is
 * described in <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3414.txt">SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB</a>.
 * @param password The printable user password
 * @see SnmpContextv3#setUserAuthenticationPassword(String)
 * @see #getLocalizedKeyMD5
public static byte [] passwordToKeyMD5(String password)
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 576
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/InterfaceIndexesBean.java 271
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 302
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 300
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 303
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 295
                catch (PduException exc)
                    System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
                catch (IOException exc)
                    System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/ReportPdu.java 128
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/ResponsePdu.java 139
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/TrapPduv2.java 106

 * The Report PDU does not get a response back. So it should be sent once.
void transmit() 

 * Returns the string representation of this object.
 * @return The string of the PDU
public String toString()
    return super.toString(true);

 * Has no meaning, since there is not response.
protected void new_value(int n, varbind res){}

 * Has no meaning, since there is not response.
protected void tell_them(){}

 * Returns that this type of PDU is <em>not</em> expecting a response.
 * This method is used in AbstractSnmpContext to help determine whether
 * or not to start a thread that listens for a response when sending this
 * PDU.
 * The default is <em>false</em>.
 * @return true if a response is expected, false if not.
protected boolean isExpectingResponse()
    return false;

File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContext.java 170
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv2c.java 147
ByteArrayOutputStream bay = enc.EncodeSNMP(this, msg_type, rId, errstat,
              errind, ve);

        int sz = bay.size();
        if (sz > maxRecvSize)
            throw new EncodingException("Packet size ("+ sz 
                + ") is > maximum size (" + maxRecvSize +")");
        packet = bay.toByteArray();
    return packet;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextPool.java 261
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Pool.java 439
if (context == null)
        context = getMatchingContext();
    return context.addPdu(pdu);

public boolean removePdu(int requestId)
    boolean res = false;
    if (context != null)
        res = context.removePdu(requestId);
    return res;

 * Encodes a PDU packet. 
public byte[] encodePacket(byte msg_type, int rId, int errstat,
File Line
org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/DESEngine.java 459
org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/DESEngine.java 471
work ^= wKey[round * 4 + 0];
            fval  = SP7[ work      & 0x3f];
            fval |= SP5[(work >>>  8) & 0x3f];
            fval |= SP3[(work >>> 16) & 0x3f];
            fval |= SP1[(work >>> 24) & 0x3f];
            work  = right ^ wKey[round * 4 + 1];
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/UsmBeingDiscoveredBean.java 231
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/UsmBeingDiscoveredBean.java 276
+ "IOException: " + iexc.getMessage());
    catch (PduException pexc)
        if (AsnObject.debug > 4)
            System.out.println(getClass().getName() + ".sendEngineIdReport(): "
                + "PduException: " + pexc.getMessage());
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnObjectId.java 640
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnOctets.java 939
long v2[] = anotherOid.value;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            while (n-- != 0) 
                if (v1[i++] != v2[j++])
                    return false;
            return true;
    return false;

 * Returns a hash code for this OID. 
 * The hash value of the empty OID is zero.
 * @return  a hash code value for this object.
public int hashCode() 
    int h = 0;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 492
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 595
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AscendActiveSessionBean.java 313
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 487
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 576
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/InterfaceIndexesBean.java 215
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/InterfaceIndexesBean.java 271
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 239
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 302
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 241
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 300
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 244
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 303
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 236
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 295
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTPrintQBean.java 240
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTServiceBean.java 309
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/OneNTSharedResBean.java 253
            catch (PduException exc)
                System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
            catch (IOException exc)
                System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnEncoderv1.java 101
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AsnEncoderv1.java 169
IpAddress, generic_trap, specific_trap, timeTicks, ve);


    if (AsnObject.debug > 10)
        System.out.println("\n" + getClass().getName() + ".EncodeSNMP(): ");
    // Write SNMP object
    bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    return bout;
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContext.java 156
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv2c.java 132

public byte[] encodePacket(byte msg_type, int rId, int errstat, 
      int errind, Enumeration ve, Object obj) 
      throws IOException, EncodingException
    byte [] packet = null;
    if (isDestroyed == true)
        throw new EncodingException("Context can no longer be used, since it is already destroyed");
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 773
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/util/SnmpUtilities.java 998
    // and the leftovers.
    if (posIn < newL)
        aes.processBlock(in, 0, out, 0);
        for (int i =0;posIn < newL; i++)
            result[posResult] = (byte) (out[i] ^ plaintext[posIn]);
File Line
org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/DESEngine.java 464
org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/DESEngine.java 476
work  = right ^ wKey[round * 4 + 1];
            fval |= SP8[ work      & 0x3f];
            fval |= SP6[(work >>>  8) & 0x3f];
            fval |= SP4[(work >>> 16) & 0x3f];
            fval |= SP2[(work >>> 24) & 0x3f];
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NcdPerfDataBean.java 541
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NcdPerfDataBean.java 746
                    catch (PduException exc)
                        System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
                    catch (IOException exc)
                        System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Basis.java 1101
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/SnmpContextv3Pool.java 663

 * Returns the hash key. This key is built out of all properties. It
 * serves as key for a hashtable of (v3) contexts.
 * @since 4_14
 * @return The hash key
public String getHashKey()
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 570
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/AnnexModemStatusBean.java 598
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/DialogChannelStatusBean.java 579
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/InterfaceIndexesBean.java 274
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTPrintQBean.java 305
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTServiceNamesBean.java 303
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTSharedResBean.java 306
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/beans/NTUserNamesBean.java 298
                        catch (PduException exc)
                            System.out.println("PduException " + exc.getMessage());
                        catch (IOException exc)
                            System.out.println("IOException " + exc.getMessage());
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/AbstractSnmpContext.java 335
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/ListeningContext.java 204

public int getPort()
    return hostPort;

public String getBindAddress()
    return bindAddr;

public String getTypeSocket()
    return typeSocket;

 * Returns the maximum number of bytes this context will read from the
 * socket. By default this will be set to <code>MSS</code> (i.e. 1300).
 * @since 4_12
 * @see SnmpContextBasisFace#MSS
 * @see #setMaxRecvSize(int)
 * @return The number
public int getMaxRecvSize()
    return maxRecvSize;

 * Sets the maximum number of bytes this context will read from the
 * socket. By default this will be set to <code>MSS</code> (i.e. 1300).
 * The default size seems a reasonable size. The problem usually occurs
 * when sending Bulk requests.
 * <p>
 * If a packet arrives that is bigger than the maximum size of received
 * bytes, the stack will try to decode it nevertheless. The usual
 * error that will occur is:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * Error message: "Incorrect packet. No of bytes received less than packet length."
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * Although UDP datagrams can be fragmented (fragmentation is part of
 * the network layer (IP), not the transport layer (UDP/TCP)), some
 * firewalls reject incoming fragments. Therefor it is best not to set
 * maxRecvSize higher than the largest packet size you can get through
 * your network topology.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Thanks to Pete Kazmier (pete@kazmier.com) for the suggestion.
 * </p>
 * <em style="color:red;">
 * Note, this property is NOT supported in any of the SNMPContextXXPool
 * classes.
 * </em>
 * @since 4_12
 * @see SnmpContextBasisFace#MSS
 * @see #getMaxRecvSize()
 * @param no The new number
public void setMaxRecvSize(int no)
    maxRecvSize = no;

 * Returns the thread usage of the AbstractSnmpContext.
 * It returns a String in the form of <code>=PO=QR--------------0</code>.
 * <p>
 * The String represents the array of transmitters.
 * Each character represents a transmitter slot.
 * The transmitters form a thread pool of a maximum size, MAXPDU.
 * Each transmitter is used to wait for one PDU response at a given
 * moment in time.
 * When the response is received the transmitter will stop running, but
 * is not destroyed. It will be reused.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Meaning of each character:
 * </p>
 * <ul>
 * <li><code>-</code> a transmitter slot has not yet been allocated a thread</li>
 * <li><code>=</code> there is a thread but it is idle</li>
 * <li><code>A->Z</code> the thread is transmitting a Pdu</li>
 * <li>
 * The last character represents the context's recv thread:
 *   <ul>
 *   <li><code>0</code> there isn't one</li>
 *   <li><code>1</code> it exists but isn't running </li>
 *   <li><code>2</code> it exists and is alive.</li>
 *   </ul>
 * </li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 4_12
 * @return The thread usage of the AbstractSnmpContext
public String getDebugString()
File Line
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/ListeningContextPool.java 274
uk/co/westhawk/snmp/stack/ListeningContextPool.java 408
Enumeration keys = copyOfPool.keys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements())
        String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
        Item item = (Item) copyOfPool.get(key);
        if (item != null)
            ListeningContext cntxt = (ListeningContext) item.getContext();
No results.