All Classes and Interfaces

Auto-closeable version of ReentrantReadWriteLock
Auto-closeable version of ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock
Auto-closeable version of ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock
Enhanced version of the Ole32 interface, with a proper CoSetProxyBlanket() method that manages to set authentication properly, including for a remote system.
Class for the Win32 related methods.
for stagged timeout handling.
Utility Class (static), to be used anywhere in Matsya, including in standalone JARs (in CLI mode)
Interface of Windows Script Host Network Object.
Class representing a connection to a Windows share
Exception to wrap WMI COM exception (as it's a RuntimeException).
Class with various static methods to help with COM interaction.
Class for WBEM Services handling.
Exception for a syntax error in the WQL Query parameter.