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apply(W, R, S, T) - Method in interface
Share the remote directory on the host.
AutoCloseableReadWriteLock - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi
Auto-closeable version of ReentrantReadWriteLock
AutoCloseableReadWriteLock() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.AutoCloseableReadWriteLock
Constructs a new AutoCloseableReadWriteLock.
AutoCloseableReadWriteLock.AutoCloseableReadLock - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi
Auto-closeable version of ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock
AutoCloseableReadWriteLock.AutoCloseableWriteLock - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi
Auto-closeable version of ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock


buildNewOutputFileName() - Static method in class
Builds a new output file name, with 99.9999999% chances of being unique on the remote system


checkArgumentNotZeroOrNegative(long, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Check if the required argument is not negative or zero.
checkConnectedFirst() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares.WinTempShare
Check if it's connected.
checkNonBlank(String, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Check if the required argument is not blank (null or empty).
checkNonNull(T, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Check if the required argument is not null.
checkNonNullField(T, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Check if the required field is not null.
close() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.AutoCloseableReadWriteLock.AutoCloseableReadLock
close() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.AutoCloseableReadWriteLock.AutoCloseableWriteLock
close() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares.WinTempShare
close() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
Release the WBEM services, disconnect and remove from the cache
CoAuthIdentity - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem
CoAuthIdentity(String, char[]) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.CoAuthIdentity
Creates a new COAUTHIDENTITY struct from the specified username and password
comInvokerInvokeNativeObject(Pointer, int, Object[], Class<?>) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiComHelper
Same function than in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMInvoker._invokeNativeInt
convert(Object) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WmiStringConverter
Convert the specified value/object to a string: OffsetDateTime: to number of seconds since Epoch, or standard English date/time Array: items separated with specified arraySeparator null: empty string Boolean: True or False Anything else: using String.valueOf()
convertCimDateTime(String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Convert a String holding a CIM_DATETIME (i.e.
copyLocalFilesToShare(String, List<String>, String, String) - Static method in class
Copy the local files to the share and update the command with their path as seen in the remote system.
CoSetProxyBlanket(Pointer, int, int, WTypes.LPOLESTR, int, int, CoAuthIdentity, int) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.Ole32Enhanced
Sets the authentication information that will be used to make calls on the specified proxy.
createNetworkResource(String, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WmiHelper
The "network resource" is either just the namespace (for localhost), or \\hostname\\namespace.
createRemoteDirectory(WindowsRemoteExecutor, String, long) - Static method in class
Create the remote directory.


DEFAULT_ARRAY_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Default separator for array values
DEFAULT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WmiHelper
domain - Variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.CoAuthIdentity
domainLength - Variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.CoAuthIdentity


EMPTY - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
execute(String, String, String, char[], String, long, List<String>, boolean) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand.WinRemoteCommandExecutor
Execute a command on a remote Windows system and return an object with the output of the command.
executeCommand(String, String, String, char[], String, long) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand.RemoteProcess
Execute the command on the remote
executeCommand(String, String, Charset, long) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
executeCommand(String, String, Charset, long) - Method in interface
Execute the command on the remote
executeMethod(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
Executes the specified method of the specified class on the specified object.
executeWql(String, long) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
Execute a WQL query and process its result.
executeWql(String, long) - Method in interface
Execute a WQL query and process its result.
executeWql(WqlQuery, long) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
Execute a WQL query and process its result.
extractPropertiesFromResult(List<Map<String, Object>>, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WmiHelper
Extract the exact name of the properties from a WMI result.
extractPropertiesFromResult(List<Map<String, Object>>, WqlQuery) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WmiHelper
Extract the exact name of the properties from a WMI result.


flags - Variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.CoAuthIdentity


getAuthIdent() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
getCleanWql() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WqlQuery
getComputerName() - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
getContext() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
getCurrentTimeMillis() - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Get the current time in Milliseconds.
getExecutionTime() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand.WinRemoteCommandExecutor
Get the execution time of the command in seconds.
getExecutionTime() - Method in class
Get the execution time of the command in seconds.
getHostname() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
getHostname() - Method in interface
Get the hostname.
getInstance(String, String, char[]) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
Get a WmiWbemServices instance for the specified networkResource.
getInstance(String, String, char[], long) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares.WinTempShare
Create or get a cached instance of a shared temporary directory on the specified host.
getNetworkResource() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
getObject(String) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
Invoke the IWbemServices::GetObject method.
getOrCreateShare(WindowsRemoteExecutor, long, ShareRemoteDirectoryConsumer<WindowsRemoteExecutor, String, String, Long>) - Static method in class
Get the existing share on the host or create it if absent.
getPassword() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
getPassword() - Method in interface
Get the password.
getPropertyValue(Wbemcli.IWbemClassObject, Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiCimTypeHandler
Get the value of the specified property from the specified WbemClassObject
getRemainingTime(long, long, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.TimeoutHelper
Get the remaining time before timeout.
getRemotePath() - Method in class
Get the remote path
getSelectedProperties() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WqlQuery
getShareName() - Method in class
Get the share name
getStatusCode() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand.WinRemoteCommandExecutor
Get the return status code of the command
getStatusCode() - Method in class
Get the return status code of the command
getStderr() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand.WinRemoteCommandExecutor
Get the stderr of the command.
getStderr() - Method in class
Get the stderr of the command.
getStdout() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand.WinRemoteCommandExecutor
Get the stdout of the command.
getStdout() - Method in class
Get the stdout of the command.
getSubPropertiesMap() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WqlQuery
getUncSharePath() - Method in class
Get the UNC path of the share
getUsername() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
getUsername() - Method in interface
Get the username.
getWbemLocator() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
getWbemServices() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
getWindowsDirectory(WindowsRemoteExecutor, long) - Static method in class
Get the Windows directory.
getWindowsEncodingCharset(WindowsRemoteExecutor, long) - Static method in class
Get the CharSet from the Win32_OperatingSystem CodeSet.
getWindowsRemoteExecutor() - Method in class
Get the WindowsRemoteExecutor instance


initializeComLibrary() - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiComHelper
Initializes COM library and sets security to impersonate the local userName.
INSTANCE - Static variable in interface org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.Ole32Enhanced
isBlank(String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
isClosed() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
isComInitialized() - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiComHelper
isConnected() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares.WinTempShare
isEmpty(String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
isLocalNetworkResource(String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WmiHelper
isNotBlank(String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
isValidWql(String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WmiHelper
Check if the WQL Query respect the simple syntax in the form of Select * from (where) or Select a,b,c from (where) is valid.


mapNetworkDrive(String, String, Boolean, String, String) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares.WindowsScriptHostNetworkInterface
Add a shared network drive mapping.


NEW_LINE - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
newInstance(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WqlQuery
Parses the specified WQL query and returns a new instance of WqlQuery


objectPut(Pointer, String, Variant.VARIANT) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
Invoke the IWbemClassObject::Put method.
Ole32Enhanced - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem
Enhanced version of the Ole32 interface, with a proper CoSetProxyBlanket() method that manages to set authentication properly, including for a remote system.
org.sentrysoftware.wmi - package org.sentrysoftware.wmi
org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions - package org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions
org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand - package org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand
org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares - package org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares
org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem - package org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem - package - package


password - Variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.CoAuthIdentity
passwordLength - Variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.CoAuthIdentity
ProcessNotFoundException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions
ProcessNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.ProcessNotFoundException
ProcessNotFoundException(int) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.ProcessNotFoundException


read() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.AutoCloseableReadWriteLock
Locks the "read lock" of the ReentrantReadWriteLock.
readText(Path, Charset) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Read the content of the specified file.
RemoteProcess - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand
Class for the Win32 related methods.
removeNetworkDrive(String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in interface org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares.WindowsScriptHostNetworkInterface
Remove a shared network drive mapping.
RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.Ole32Enhanced
Default authentication settings (automatic)
RPC_C_AUTHZ_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.Ole32Enhanced
Default authorization settings (automatic)


ShareRemoteDirectoryConsumer<W extends WindowsRemoteExecutor,R,S,T> - Interface in
sleep(long) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Wrapper for Thread.sleep(millis)
spawnInstance(Pointer) - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiWbemServices
Invoke the IWbemClassObject::SpawnInstance method.
stagedSleep(long, long, String) - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.TimeoutHelper
Sub to make the thread sleep in a stepped delay.
STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
STATUS_SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils


TimeoutHelper - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi
for stagged timeout handling.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WqlQuery


unInitializeCom() - Static method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.WmiComHelper
UnInitialize the COM library.
user - Variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.CoAuthIdentity
userLength - Variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem.CoAuthIdentity
Utils - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi
Utility Class (static), to be used anywhere in Matsya, including in standalone JARs (in CLI mode)


WBEM_CIM_DATETIME_FORMATTER - Static variable in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.Utils
Formatter/Parser of the first part of CIM_DATETIME
WindowsRemoteCommandResult - Class in
WindowsRemoteCommandResult(String, String, float, int) - Constructor for class
Command Result constructor
WindowsRemoteException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions
WindowsRemoteException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WindowsRemoteException
WindowsRemoteException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WindowsRemoteException
WindowsRemoteException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WindowsRemoteException
WindowsRemoteException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WindowsRemoteException
WindowsRemoteException(Throwable, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WindowsRemoteException
WindowsRemoteExecutor - Interface in
WindowsRemoteProcessUtils - Class in
WindowsScriptHostNetworkInterface - Interface in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares
Interface of Windows Script Host Network Object.
WindowsTempShare - Class in
WindowsTempShare(WindowsRemoteExecutor, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor of WindowsTempShare
WinRemoteCommandExecutor - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.remotecommand
WinTempShare - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.shares
Class representing a connection to a Windows share
WmiCimTypeHandler - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem
WmiComException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions
Exception to wrap WMI COM exception (as it's a RuntimeException).
WmiComException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WmiComException
WmiComException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WmiComException
WmiComException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WmiComException
WmiComException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WmiComException
WmiComHelper - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem
Class with various static methods to help with COM interaction.
WmiHelper - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi
WmiStringConverter - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi
WmiStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WmiStringConverter
Create a new converter with the default characteristics: pipe to separate values in arrays convert date/time values to seconds to Epoch Use this class to convert values in the returned list of map in WmiWbemServicesHanlde#executeWQLQuery.
WmiStringConverter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.WmiStringConverter
Create a new converter with the specified characteristics.
WmiWbemServices - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.wbem
Class for WBEM Services handling.
WqlQuery - Class in org.sentrysoftware.wmi
WqlQuerySyntaxException - Exception in org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions
Exception for a syntax error in the WQL Query parameter.
WqlQuerySyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WqlQuerySyntaxException
WqlQuerySyntaxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sentrysoftware.wmi.exceptions.WqlQuerySyntaxException
write() - Method in class org.sentrysoftware.wmi.AutoCloseableReadWriteLock
Locks the "write lock" of the ReentrantReadWriteLock.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form