All Classes and Interfaces

Base class of various extensions.
A pointer to a tuple within the list of tuples.
A stack implemented with an ArrayList.
An AWK associative array.
The Jawk interpreter.
Entry point into the parsing, analysis, and execution of a Jawk script.
Interpret a Jawk script within this JVM.
Utility class to handle SLF4J logging and prevent any stupid behavior, like logging its own initialization, which we don't want in most cases.
Manages the command-line parameters accepted by Jawk.
Converts the AWK script into a syntax tree, which is useful the backend that either compiles or interprets the script.
A runtime exception thrown by Jawk.
A simple container for the parameters of a single AWK invocation.
A Jawk abstract syntax tree node.
AwkTuples class.
Manages multiple blocking code segments simultaneously such that unblocking one block condition releases the block of all other block code segments.
An item which blocks until something useful can be done with the object.
Similar to StringTokenizer, except that tokens are characters in the input string themselves.
Tracks whether we are within a range defined by a pair of condition: startCondition endCondition
Extensions which make developing in Jawk and interfacing other extensions with Jawk much easier.
Relay data from an input stream to an output stream.
Load classes from a particular directory, disregarding the environmental class-path setting.
Thrown when exit() is called within a Jawk script.
With this Exception, any part of the code may request a System.exit(code) call with a specific code.
A placeholder for an object which has a reference to a function address, but which may not be realized yet.
Differentiate from IllegalArgumentException to assist in programmatic distinction between Jawk and other argument exception issues.
A Jawk Extension.
The Jawk runtime coordinator.
A list of keys into an associative array.
Implement the KeyList interface with an ArrayList.
A simple delegate to a LinkedList.
Entry point into the parsing, analysis, and execution/compilation of a Jawk script.
A stack-like interface.
A placeholder for blocks of code which are not implemented.
A reader which consumes one record at a time from an underlying input reader.
Marks a position within the tuple list (queue).
An interface to a tuple position for compilation.
An interface to a tuple position for interpretation.
Similar to StringTokenizer, except that tokens are delimited by a regular expression.
Represents one AWK-script file content source.
Represents one AWK-script content source.
Similar to StringTokenizer, except that tokens are delimited by a single character.
Enable stdin processing in Jawk, to be used in conjunction with the -ni parameter.
UninitializedObject class.
The AWK Variable Manager.