Internal DB Query Source

The Internal DB Query source enables the execution of SQL queries using MetricsHub's internal database engine, powered by H2. This source is particularly useful for accessing and manipulating data within MetricsHub's internal database to facilitate custom monitoring jobs.

  # ...
beforeAll: # <object>
  <sourceKey>: # <source-object>

  <monitorType>: # <object>
    <job>: # <object>
      sources: # <object>
          type: interalDbQuery
          tables: <interaldb-query-object-array>
          - source: <string>
            alias: <string>
            columns: <sqlcolumn-object-array>
            - name: <string>
              number: <integer>
              type: <string>
          query: <string>
          computes: <compute-object-array>
No results.